At this time, because of sun Xiao's deliberate point out, Zhou ruo'an can no longer, as before, as a matter of course, forget the 1% 10000 possibility.

However, Zhou ruo'an quietly thought for a long time, but in any case, he could not understand Ling Tianwang's failure or deterioration.

She touched her forehead. Under sun Xiao's gaze, she said, "I don't believe there will be such a day, but if there is such a day, I won't stop people from living better."

She is serious. Sun Xiao can hear that.

Because although the other side's tone mixed with some embarrassment, it is still as firm as before.

Gently shook his head, sun Xiao down in the heart of emotion, also finally said his promise.

"He will have a very happy childhood and a memory without haze," Sun Xiao said in a low voice.

In a few words, this problem seems to be solved so easily, but whether the development of the matter is really as they promised, only time will know the final answer.

Although there are still many things pending, but after this silent contest, they are a little exhausted.

Sun Xiao sat on the branch for a while and soon turned over silently. Back to Song Ci.

Sun Xiao dials the branches and leaves in the fire to make the fire brighter. Then he slowly closes his eyes.

He didn't find that Song Ci, who should have been in Heitian's sleep, was beside him.

Recalling the dialogue between Zhou ruo'an and sun Xiao, Song Ci has some confusion in his eyes.

According to song cipingrili's style, it seems that he should immediately sit up and ask, but before he has any action, it seems that there is another person in his body, who strongly stops all his actions.

Instinctively hide their sober things, Song Ci thought for a while in the heart, in the end did not say anything.

"Last time I fell into the water, it was these children and another person who saved me. I came here to thank them." Sun Xiao said with a smile on his face and raised the thing he was holding in his hand.

Although his performance is still out of place, the smile on his face is sincere enough to let the man unconsciously put down his vigilance.