Chapter 1452 Nothing Can Go Wrong Now

Name:Affinity: Chaos Author:
Chapter 1452 Nothing Can Go Wrong Now

"You... what are you doing here? They said you were training." The seventh Prince felt chills run down his spine when he saw Grey's evil smile.

He was seriously afraid of encountering Grey. When he had the higher cultivation strength he couldn't beat Grey, now that Grey was the one with a higher cultivation level, it is easy to predict who would win if they fought.

"Nothing, I'm strolling and thought I should come say hi to you." Grey replied calmly, he looked at the duo who were standing there without making any movements.

"Kill him!" The Seventh Prince ordered the two of them, pointing at Grey.

"Hehe, how did you think you got into this situation?" Grey asked with a smile.

The Seventh Prince wore a confused expression on his face, Gnomes would never betray their race for a lowly human, this is something he was well aware of. But from what he was seeing, it was as if these two had pledged allegiance to Grey.

He was about to speak when Robert walked out from the side.

"I told you it would be easy." He commented as he flew to Grey's side.

"You traitor!" The Seventh Prince yelled.

"Stop being dramatic, I promised you the opportunity to capture him. Well, here he is." Robert shrugged, not bothered with the Seventh Prince's enraged look.

The Seventh Prince felt like wiping Robert of the face of the world for that statement. if he had the strength to kill Grey did Robert think they would be in such situations now?

He had encountered Grey on a few occasions and had failed miserably in all attempts to end Grey's life. Even during their last encounter, Grey didn't even look at him which although shameful, he felt relieved Grey didn't try to fight with him. There was no way he could match up with Grey.

As if seeing through the thoughts of the Seventh Prince, Grey said, "You see, I do want you to receive me, but under my terms and my control."

With that statement, Grey moved closer to the Seventh Prince and sealed his cultivation.

"Don't struggle, it will be over soon." Grey said as he sealed the cultivation of the Seventh Prince.

"What are you doing?" The Seventh Prince yelled, scared for his life.

"Don't worry, no harm will come to you." Robert stepped forward and said, before placing one hand on the Seventh Prince's head and another on the stomach.

The Seventh Prince was suspended in that manner and soon lost consciousness after Robert started the entire process.

Grey looked at the Seventh Prince and shook his head. He never thought he would be able to do something like this, but being able to encounter Robert meant that he could think bigger than what he originally wanted.

He had always wanted to visit the Gnome world, but he didn't know how to enter and what awaits him there if he ventured there without sufficient knowledge of the place, but with Robert things would be different. He would not only have someone there, but he would have someone that would be able to gain access to most of the important information of the Gnome world.

"Nothing can go wrong now."

Just as Grey made that statement, Robert spoke up.

"There's an array in his consciousness, I can't break it."

"Fuck me!"