Chapter 1494 Lucas' Deductions

Name:Affinity: Chaos Author:
Boom! Bam!

The sound of an explosion rang out in a forest as a large creature crashed into the trees.

"Impressive, but this is one of the weaker ones."

A voice commented on the side.

The dust from the explosion died down and Grey looked at the large Bull that he struck down. This was a top Magical Beast with amazing defensive abilities. He literally just barged into the Rank Eight Magical Beast's zone, and the first beast he encountered, which was this Bull, attacked him.

He fought back, defeating it after a tough fight. The Bull's skin was very thick and Grey's attacks could barely penetrate it. Luckily, he was able to use brute force to send it flying. The impact of his brutish attacks rocked the innards of the Bull.

Lucas was watching Grey from above, ensuring that any potential danger that lurks around could be prevented. Rank Eight Magical Beasts might be plentiful across the Continent, but they couldn't just go around killing high ranked Magical Beasts. This might cause an uproar in the Magical Beasts' kingdom, and given their superior numbers, humans didn't want to have any sort of war with them.

The Bull stood up and shook its gigantic over three meters tall body. It looked at Grey, its eyes red. It was as if it wanted to kill Grey with his look.

Grey didn't back down from the Bull's gaze. He has never been afraid to fight. This Bull might be powerful, but he knew he would be able to eventually take it down.

The Bull charged at him once again, its horns pointed in Grey's direction. Grey stood in the same spot as the large Bull ran in his direction. To the amazement of Lucas, Grey stretched out both hands and grabbed the horns of the Bull.

The speed and force of the Bull pushed Grey back, but he didn't let go. His legs slid on the ground, drawing a line on the ground. He held on, and with a powerful roar, he used the momentum of the Bull and flipped it into the air.

He had been coming out as they traveled, but he rarely stayed out for long.

Grey attacked the Bull once again, and this time, he noticed the skin of the Bull changed, not just that, but the Bull turned around and retreated. It was smart enough to know it wasn't Grey's match, so the best choice for it was to escape.

"Not under my watch."

Grey's figure blitzed through the forest and caught up with the Bull. He struck out once again, punching the Bull in the head.

The Bull tried to dodge the attack, but it was a little too slow and was caught in the attack.

The Bull staggered back, and its vision blurred. Before it could react, Grey started to rain punches on the body of the Bull. Like a defenseless child, the Bull couldn't even fight back as it was soon hammered to death by Grey's punches.

Lucas was watching from above and was astounded by Grey's immense physical strength. He knew Grey's body contained incredible explosive energy, but he didn't think it was on such a level.

"Is this how a God is as well? Strong all-round?" This was the only question in his head.

It was common knowledge that only Magical Beasts and Barbarians possess such insane physique. Most humans only have amazing elemental strengths. Yes, their bodies grow stronger as they grow stronger, but it isn't to a state they could rival Magical Beasts with just it. Grey could achieve this, which made him different.

'There has never been any teachings about improving one's physique. Or could it be that it was removed?'

So many questions flashed through Lucas' head and he came to an assumption, a God needed to be perfect, and having a weak physique was a weak spot.