Chapter 1616 Wild Speculations

Name:Affinity: Chaos Author:
Chapter 1616 Wild Speculations

Grey was busy with testing out his theory, and from time to time, a random guard from the Palace would disappear. Time went by in a flash, and before they knew it, they'd been in the Palace for almost two weeks. Alll latest novels at

Grey didn't think they'd stay here this long, and the ominous feeling was only getting stronger as the day went by.

The bunnies had gathered enough information on the top families in the Gnome world, and the ones who had a say in some of the decisions of the Emperor, and he wanted to plant a mole in each of these families. For that, he needs to increase his mental energy, and since he was in the Gnome world, a place that has more mental energy compared to elemental essence, he figured this was the best place for him to increase his mental energy which is already stronger than that of a normal genius Gnome.

He needs a large amount of mental energy treasures, and from his little investigation with the bunnies, he's found one that was within the Palace grounds, of course, getting it is harder than locating it.

He tried to use the Second Prince to get close to it, but he noticed even the Second Prince wasn't allowed into the place where it was kept. Grey found this odd since this wasn't the Palace's treasury.

Grey quickly understood there were a few old guys that were close to the Peak of the Sovereign Plane in the Palace. When he realized this, his heart paused for a few seconds, unsure of what his plan should be now. With these people present, he became even more cautious. These were people who could spy on him without him even noticing it.

Now he understood why he was getting a strange feeling since he came to the Palace. When he came the first time, he didn't get this feeling, even though they were the topic of conversation around the Palace at the time. These people stayed hidden, but with the death of two Princes, they came out of the shadows, and Grey is lucky he hasn't been found out yet.

He told the others about this and they stayed even more secretive. Luckily, since the Seventh Prince has mainly been indoors as well, no one saw anything wrong with this.

"I can't say, but it's been two weeks since we returned, and there's still no trace of the people who did this. It's either they're with us, or they've disappeared." The First Prince took a pause before continuing, "We both know there's no way for them to disappear without a trace, which means the person is close."

"If that's the case, then which families do you think did it?" The Second Prince asked, he was a bit skeptical about this. The top families all know that if the Emperor were to find out about them killing his sons, he would wipe their entire bloodline and anything affiliated to them out, it was too much of a risk.

"That's why I'm telling you. You're the one who has proven to be a good problem solver, this is for you." The First Prince didn't deny his younger brother's ability, hence the reason he was telling him this.

The Second Prince thought about it and said, "If it's one of the big families, then it isn't as easy as we thought it is."

"Why do you say so?"

"Father ordered all top experts from each family to go with him into the God's tomb, and only some experts from the Royal family were left behind to protect us. If any of them leaves one expert close to the Peak, that would mean they have a plan." The Second Prince wore a serious expression as he said, "And this plan wouldn't be just killing off the Princes."

"They want the throne?" The First Prince raised brow.

The Second Prince nodded, "Most likely, instill someone they can control."

"Doesn't that mean those two were approached and didn't agree to work with them?"

"Maybe, maybe not."