Chapter 1625 Objectives II

Name:Affinity: Chaos Author:
Chapter 1625 Objectives II

"Lucas, if you wanted the battleground to be here, why didn't you say it from the start?" An Old man glared coldly at Lucas Dawson. "Which one of you old hermits will willingly come here with the thought of probably dying?" Lucas asked the man calmly. "Mind your words, boy." The Old man stood up, clearly angered by Lucas's words. "Am I wrong?" Lucas looked at the Old man, not feeling any fear even when facing someone that's well over ten thousand years older, "During the great war, we all know that there are some who didn't fight because they were afraid to die, and then there are the ones who joined the Gnomes to wipe us out, because they too were afraid to die." The faces of some of the Old men in the place turned cold, and the experts on their level could sense the pressure in the air due to the auras of multiple Half-God experts almost exploding out. "Lucas, what is the reason you brought us all here?" An Old man asked calmly. Lucas shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've said it before, so the Aurora continent will not be the battleground for this war."

"Lucas..." The Old man squinted his eyes.

Lucas threw a glance at him and just as he was about to speak, another expert stepped forward. He looked as young as Lucas, but he was hundreds of years older than he is.

"Grey is a thorn on the side of the Gnomes because he can do something that makes them see him as a threat to their success." "What is that?" The middle-aged man asked curiously, looking at Lucas curiously. ....

While Lucas was under pressure from the multiple top experts of the Aurora continent for tricking them into the fake God's tomb. Grey and his friends were still in the Gnome world, doing what they could to help out. Grey was slowly getting a good foothold there, he was even been given a large mansion by the First and Second Princes due to his amazing work with apprehending a few people that were against them. Grey's mansion was close to the Palace, so he had the option of staying in the Palace, or his own place. "How are things with the First Prince?" Klaus asked while eating one of the amazing berry-like fruits he has in his possession. This place was a treasure vault for these rare fruits. In the Aurora continent, finding one of these fruits was extremely difficult, but in the Gnome world, it was practically accessible to most people due to its abundance. "He'll be dead within the next seven to ten days." Grey replied. "Isn't there another shakedown we can do? I'm starting to get bored." Klaus picked up another fruit, played with it before placing it in his mouth. "The damage from our last fight was too much, so it's understandable that the Princes want us to lie low for now." Grey didn't see anything wrong with them not doing anything. He has all the time in the world to improve his cultivation since he has nothing to do here. Since he came to the Gnome world, he has focused generally on his mental energy training, and the results have been magnificent. Training his mental energy wasn't something he had thought of doing, but being in a place like this, he felt genuinely blessed to have such an opportunity. "If you say so." Klaus replied. "Also, we really do need to lay low. The Second Prince is starting to be suspicious of the fact that we have never used our puppets. It's understandable that we're strong, but from all the battles we've had, even though we've tried to keep most of it under wraps, for some reason, he knows that we haven't really used our puppets since arrival." Grey added. "He's catching on?" Klaus didn't expect the Second Prince to be so sharp.

Grey nodded, "So it's best we calm down and make the most of this. Why don't you continue cultivating, you should push for the Third stage." "What about you?" "If I want to break through to the Third stage, I'll be there by now. I'm focused on training my mental energy." Klaus shrugged and went back to his previous state of just eating his fruits while not worrying about anything else. Grey accessed his body and his expression turned serious. 'My physical body is growing slower and slower now. It's almost impossible to improve it using normal means. I wonder if there's a place with powerful flames or water.' He thought to himself. Since he got to the Sovereign Plane, although he's still very strong physically, he noticed increasing his physical strength was getting harder and harder. It was almost as if his body was about to reach the limit, so there's no way for it to improve. Grey stood up and walked out of the mansion, heading in the direction of the Palace. This was a chance to train his body, and seeing how things were, he knew a normal training method wouldn't help improve his physical strength, so he wanted to try an extreme method. There are two choices, one of them is to train under a waterfall while the force of the water crashes heavily into his body, or he will jump into a volcano and refine his body with the flames. The Second Prince will know where the best waterfalls or volcanoes will be located, so he went in search of him. ....

The Palace. The moment Grey walked in, the eyes of the Second Prince sparkled as he said, "Right on time, you're just the man I was searching for."