While taking off his tie, Xu Chenghao took out his mobile phone to check the time, and found that the travel time he set had not yet arrived, so he was relieved, and slowly put the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot on the table in the living room, and drank half a glass by himself. Water Pour half a glass of water for the little yellow duck.

After pretending to be indifferent for a few minutes, when the alarm clock on the mobile phone rang, Xu Chenghao picked up the bench and sat down in front of the balcony flowerpot with lightning speed!

No wonder you don't care! Now he can't wait to bury his face in the flowerpot and watch them wither one by one and produce the desired peppers!

-A dozen chili seedlings, 30 chili flowers, whatever you say, you have to leave 10% of your thoughts!

If nothing else, Xu Chenghao can only admit that he is a non-chief with black hands and black face all over his body!

When the time came, the pretty white pepper flowers in the flowerpot withered immediately, Xu Chenghao widened his eyes nervously, and leaned closer and closer to the flowerpot.

After a minute...

five minutes later…

ten minutes later…

Xu Chenghao looked blankly at the pepper seedlings withering into mud, hehe.

Sure enough, it's ups and downs...mmp!

Next time he expects that he will be a dog!

Just after taking the oath in his heart, Xu Chenghao turned his face and saw through the glass door of the balcony that in the living room, the pepper seedlings in the flowerpot of the little yellow duck tootzui carefully placed on the table were blooming.

Xu Chenghao: …

Wang Wang!

It is impossible not to expect, after all, it is a major event that can make oneself go back. Xu Chenghao sighed, got up and turned to find out the pepper seeds given by the system and replanted them in a large flower pot.

While digging the soil to fill the seeds, he also complained: "Such a big flower pot is not mature at all, even if the little yellow duck is small, they left me half a deformed pepper, what about you? I will feed you white blind. So much water! It's not as good as the little yellow duck! I'm so mad at me!"

After burying the seeds, Xu Chenghao muttered while watering: "I don't expect you to leave anything for me, you can just grow honestly and give me the remaining 90% failure rate, I'll count on it now. The 10% result rate for Little Yellow Duck has been achieved, thank you."

It was probably the second failure. Even though he was still very aggrieved, Xu Chenghao's psychological endurance was much stronger, and he quickly accepted the reality and adjusted his mentality. Life is just like this, and you will get used to it after being hit.

The scary thing is not the second failure, but there are seven more waiting!

In addition to a strong heart, what is left of the African chief?

Must be strong!

After comforting himself in the middle of the night, Xu Chenghao fell back to sleep after washing up, continuing to numb himself.

The next day Xu Chenghao went to work with the little yellow duck flowerpot in his arms. Under the double blow of the big event in his life, the marital problem and the bigger event, the pepper seedlings were not harvested.

Li Nian very much doubted that he was a hero yesterday and regretted it after rejecting An Rouyu, so he continued to console him, "There's nothing you can't think of, just look at how many girls have become more affectionate recently because your reputation has improved. Waiting for your favor."

"Yeah, so I'm worried about how to reject them..." Xu Chenghao's eyes were empty, and his whole brain was still in a knot.

Li Nian: "Don't think about it. You are now not only the prince charming that Cinderella is waiting for, but also the future husband of the eldest ladies. Even if you refuse, it is estimated that some people will rush towards you one after another."

Xu Chenghao continued to let go: "Is there really no way to do it once and for all?"

Li Nian joked, "unless you like men."

Xu Chenghao silently looked sideways at him.

Li Nian: "?"

Li Nian: "…"

"What are you looking at!" Li Nian's eyes were instantly horrified: "Don't scare me, I'm straight!"

Xu Chenghao said solemnly: "Generally, he always emphasizes that he is a straight man, and he is basically a closet."

Li Nian: "...don't talk. I tell you don't make bad moves, even if you like men, there will be men who will rush to your arms one after another. You are the man who wants to sleep, don't struggle. ."

Xu Chenghao: "...I think it's you who should shut up!"

After the two good brothers hurt each other, they stopped the fighting and started work.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the phone in the president's office suddenly rang. Xu Chenghao's signature hand paused, barely sober from the document, and answered the phone: "Hello?"

The other party went straight to the topic: "Brother Chenghao, Auntie asked me to bring you lunch, but the front desk doesn't seem to know me, can you tell me?"

Xu Chenghao looked at the phone display in surprise, and it was indeed the front desk number and Zheng Yunyun's voice. He suddenly felt a headache and said helplessly: "...Okay, you can give her the phone."

Everyone is here, what else can happen.

Xu Chenghao told the front desk to let him go with a blank face, and after hanging up the phone, he was paralyzed in his position, not wanting to move at all.

A lot of things are annoying, a lot of trouble is a headache.

No, he must clearly reject the other party, otherwise it will be even more troublesome if the other party mistakenly thinks that he is the default! After get off work, I have to go to Xu's mother to clarify!

As for the reason... Xu Chenghao silently recalled what Li Nian said just now.

- unless you like men.

Three minutes later, Li Nian knocked on the office door and said loudly, "Mr. Xu, Miss Zheng is here."

Xu Chenghao slowly got up and greeted: "Please come in."

The door was opened with a click by Li Nian, he walked in first, stood by the door, turned around and made a gesture of invitation, and saw Zheng Yunyun walking in curled up, holding a love lunch in her hand: "Brother Chenghao, are you still Haven't eaten yet, aunt asked me to bring you something to eat."

Xu Chenghao smiled, stretched out his hand to take the lunch box, and said, "It's hard work, I'll have a good lunch, Li Nian, take Miss Zheng back."

"Wait." Zheng Yunyun said: "I actually want to talk to you this time... But before that, you should eat first, otherwise the food will be cold."

Xu Chenghao recognized her expression and determined that she really had something to look for, so he brought the lunch box into the lounge to prepare to eat first.

He originally thought that there was a dining table inside, and the height was moderate when eating, which was more comfortable than the coffee table in the office, but when he turned the door handle and listened to the footsteps behind him, he felt that it was too private to be alone.

Xu Chenghao looked back at Li Nian who had not left: "You...

"I have an appointment for lunch." Li Nian responded quickly and interrupted him, walking out as he spoke: "If you let Madam know that I interrupt your relationship, you will definitely be angry, I can't afford it, bye!"

Xu Chenghao: "..." A man without brotherly love! Spicy chicken!

The brothers ran away and Xu Chenghao could only save himself. He thought about it and suddenly said, "Miss Zheng, have you eaten? Let's go to the restaurant."

Zheng Yunyun smiled: "I have eaten."

Xu Chenghao also smiled: "It's okay, have another meal."

Zheng Yunyun: "..."

Originally, the lunch delivery was a pretense, but at the end of the lunch, it was forwarded to Li Nian, and the two went to a nearby restaurant together. Sitting on the right side of the hall, not alone but not too many people disturb, the environment is just right.

After the waiter left after ordering, Xu Chenghao immediately said, "There is plenty of time now. If Miss Zheng has anything, she can speak directly."

Zheng Yunyun looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Does President Xu really hate seeing me so much?"

Xu Chenghao asked without anger: "Oh? What attitude does Miss Zheng think I should treat the person I meet for the second time?"

Zheng Yunyun: "At least the relationship we meet is further than that of ordinary people, isn't it?"

"That's why I have to be more indifferent." Xu Chenghao smiled slightly: "It can avoid misunderstandings."

Having said that, it was already very obvious. The two looked at each other for a moment. In the end, Zheng Yunyun was the first to lose. She said helplessly, "The legendary affectionate prince is really hard to deal with."

Xu Chenghao calmly fired back: "Oh, that's because I have another name called Domineering President."

Zheng Yunyun was speechless, and after the trial failed, she simply showed up: "Mr. Xu now means that he doesn't like me, and he doesn't plan to go further, right?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I don't think about marriage for the time being."

Answering Zheng Yunyun's expectations, she continued: "But sooner or later, you will marry a wife and have children, you will marry another family, and you will assume due responsibilities for your own family...isn't it?"

Xu Chenghao didn't go into the oil and salt: "I don't need to rely on the wedding banquet to support the responsibility, I can carry it on my shoulders."

Zheng Yunyun couldn't help clenching her teeth, and looking at Xu Chenghao's always calm face, she was inexplicably angry: "Now the two families want to marry, do you want to make Xu's mother sad?"

"The marriage between the two families is not an obstacle, and my mother will not disregard my wishes for the so-called family responsibility." Xu Chenghao knocked on the table and calmly accepted: "No matter what the situation is in other families, but in our Xu family, the arranged marriage will not be the same. Not realistic."

Zheng Yunyun: "..." She found that her proud eloquence couldn't convince the other party, and she was blocked by all of them calmly!

She was quiet for a moment, then suddenly lowered her head and said, "Perhaps you can treat my proposal as a deal..."

"I actually knew for a long time that when I got married, I had to find someone of the right family, so I was not very repelled by marriage. What I thought was that since it is all about getting married, I might as well choose someone who has good looks and looks pleasing to the eye, but can look at the whole In addition to Ruan Chenxuan, the circle is you."

"Don't blame me for being arrogant. I, Zheng Yunyun, are one of the best in the world in terms of looks, figure and family background. I think my conditions are good, and marriage is a better choice."

"Look, you just broke off your marriage and lost your love. In recent years, you may not have the heart to talk about emotional matters. I just want to find a husband who is good-looking under the premise of marriage. Don't you think we are very suitable? ?"

Xu Chenghao: "I don't think so."

Zheng Yunyun held back her emotions and continued: "We can completely agree to get married. I won't ask you to share any property in the Xu family. I promise that nothing will happen, and I will reserve space for you or each other. Is this okay?"

"No!" Xu Chenghao said with a smile: "This is your view of love, not mine, so I don't agree and reject it."

Zheng Yunyun was suspicious: "Could it be that you are looking forward to love in a wealthy family? Or are you still waiting for An Rouyu?"

She twisted her brows and said, "It's true that a man's affection is very rewarding, but it's stupid to be so affectionate even when he knows it's impossible, and even hurt himself for it."

Xu Chenghao: "Love is definitely still looking forward to, but An Rouyu has nothing to do with me anymore, I'm not so cheap."

Zheng Yunyun is even more suspicious: "Expecting love without a lover? This is not a good reason for rejection."

Xu Chenghao suddenly sat up straight and said just before the waiter approached, "There is another reason for refusal."

Zheng Yunyun looked at him blankly.

Xu Chenghao: "I like men."

Zheng Yunyun: "..."