The bodyguard behind him immediately handed a bottle of mineral water and whispered, "Mr. Jing, Xu Chenghao dares to treat you like this..."

"No." Jing Yicheng's expression instantly turned cold: "Don't be smart."

The bodyguard bowed his head: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng unscrewed the bottle cap of the mineral water for a long time, but in the end he didn't drink it but closed the cap again: "Ruan Chenxuan hasn't come yet?"

Bodyguard: "I'll be there soon."

Jing Yicheng: "In this case, we don't have to wait anymore, let's go."


So not long after Xu Chenghao's car left, Jing Yicheng also left the hospital in a low-key manner. At the same time, a black ordinary car was parked at the back door of the hospital. Ruan Chenxuan, wearing a black cap, got off the car and rushed to the ward according to the information obtained.


Xu Chenghao galloped home all the way, and replanted the pepper seeds in a hurry, and the anger in his heart couldn't help but rush upwards.

He finally counterattacked the result rate obtained once! The first time he saw the hope of crossing back!

Damn, the more you think about it, the more angry you are!

Jing Yicheng is a bastard, crazy, crazy! There is nothing wrong with the plot description, he just likes to play tricks in his heart, no wonder the heroine hates him so much, he deserves to be single for a lifetime if he can't find a wife! !

The more Xu Chenghao thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more angry he became, the more he wanted to tear up the villain! But thinking that his strength is not as good as others, and his background is not comparable, in the end, he can only comfort himself with the villain being single for a lifetime, and then sadly holds the little yellow duck in a flowerpot and prays.

I hope there will be a miracle next time, so that I can harvest peppers again. bless!

Also, in the future, I will never want to be such a neurotic as Li Jing Ise!

Never again! ! !

the next day.

Probably because of the ups and downs last night, or because Xu Chenghao drove all the way back to blow the wind, he, a strong and healthy young man, fell ill overnight, with a fever of more than 39 degrees.

Xu Chenghao was completely burned out and felt as if he was living in a dream. Everything outside was completely invisible through the heavy fog. The only feeling was that he was wearing a layer of hot armor with needles, which was hot and bulky. There are also dense fine needles stuck in the flesh and it hurts to move.

Xu Chenghao wanted to take off the armor, but as soon as he moved his finger, he was held down, and then another needle was stabbed.

The cool liquid was introduced into the body along the needle in his hand, which seemed to relieve his discomfort to a great extent. Xu Chenghao's frowning brow finally eased, and he fell into sleep again groggy.

What made him fall asleep was the coolness on the back of his hand; what made him wake up suddenly was also from the pain on the back of his hand. He hissed softly and woke up, and saw a man in a white coat standing beside the bed sorting out the water hanging equipment, and there were still a few drops of blood in the thin tube behind the needle.

Xu Chenghao glanced at the needles, and suddenly raised his right wrist with great effort and put it in front of his eyes. Sure enough, he saw a blood-stained hemostatic sticker on the back of his hand—the pain that just woke him up should be the needle.

The doctor noticed his movements and asked in a low voice after confirming that he was awake, "How is Mr. Xu feeling? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Xu Chenghao said weakly: "It's okay, but I don't have the strength."

The doctor said: "Eat something and get some sleep... But although your fever has subsided, you still need to continue taking injections to treat the cold."

Xu Chenghao asked slowly, "Can I take medicine?"

Doctor: "Alright, then I'll prescribe medicine for you, just wait a moment."

Xu Chenghao hummed, and continued to lie on the bed feebly.

After the doctor finished packing, he turned and left the room. Through the door that was not closed, he could vaguely hear who he seemed to be talking to. Then he saw Li Nian walking in with a bowl of porridge and shouting: " Mr. Xu went out in the middle of the night to have a good air, and I came to visit Mr. Xu on behalf of all the employees of the company, and wished Mr. Xu an early victory over the disease and recovery."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Xu Chenghao was instantly irritated: "I'm not terminally ill, what is it to overcome the disease, I just catch a cold, okay?!"

"It's all my blessings, don't worry about it so much." Li Nian mentioned it and asked, "Tell me where did you go to pick up a girl last night? It was so serious that you went out for a drive all night, didn't you?"

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes: "I think you can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth! It's not like you didn't know that I went home yesterday. I got sick because I didn't close the car window on the way back from Xu's house."

Li Nian clicked his tongue in disbelief, "Let's get up and eat first. The white porridge that your aunt stewed is delicious, and it's just right for your patient."

Xu Chenghao: "Are you here to see me or to eat? Did you come to see me as a patient with something?"

Li Nian: "I brought it, I brought a lot of documents."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

What is inadvertent dating? This is inadvertent dating!

After eating, Xu Chenghao continued to lie on the bed and closed his eyes lazily. Li Nian sat by the bed, sorting out the cold medicine left by the doctor, and said: "Do you know what time it is? Can you believe it at four o'clock in the afternoon? No matter what time you went to bed last night, at least ten Six hours, like a pig."

Xu Chenghao opened his eyes: "Four o'clock in the afternoon? So late?!"

"Yes, I came three times and you didn't wake up. You really don't have anyone anymore." Li Nian was very disgusted.

Xu Chenghao twitched the corner of his mouth: "I actually slept for a whole day... Nothing happened today, right? Tell me."

Li Nian: "Nothing happened. I saw that you were not at work this morning, so I called to ask what was going on. It was your aunt who answered the phone. She told me that you had a fever, and it was a very serious fever... Yes Now, you have to thank the aunt, if it wasn't for the aunt who came to work and found you had a fever, you would have been dead at home for a day."

Xu Chenghao: "...Can you say something nice!"

Li Nian: "Okay, okay, anyway, the family doctor has already arrived when I came, I will come to see you during the meal break, and the rest of the time is my aunt taking care of you... Your aunt is very kind to you, and she is very kind to you. Dedication, not giving people a salary increase, I'm sorry for their hearts."

Xu Chenghao overbearing the president's upper body, one word: "Up!"

Li Nian took out his work memorandum and wrote it down, exhorting: "You don't have much energy. You will have more rest and then go to work the day after tomorrow. You didn't work so hard before, but now you're almost a model worker."

After speaking, Li Nian hesitated, his face was full of 'Don't use work to numb yourself'

Xu Chenghao was still stunned for a second when he saw his expression, and it took him a long time to realize that his hard work these days was probably considered by the other party to be frustrated in love and paralyzed by work.

MMP! He is obviously a habit left over from his previous life! Urban life is so stressful, how can anyone not work overtime or work hard? !

——Although the original owner often chases behind An Rouyu to save the beauty, his attendance is indeed very low, and it seems suspicious that the difference is twice that of the current one, but he is really habitually working under pressure, right! It has nothing to do with a certain heroine!

Xu Chenghao was simply tired.

He thought that his backup halo was very powerful, and it was difficult for him to change other people's views; he also knew that the original owner's feelings for the first 20 years were not something he could deny with just a few words. If it wasn't for the villain who was last night suddenly eating his chili peppers, he really wouldn't be at all! on! urgent!

But after going through what happened last night... Xu Chenghao now just wants the loudspeaker that can broadcast the world, and shouts to all the characters in the plot: I really don't like the heroine! From now on I only like chili and little yellow duck! !

He was almost depressed and vomiting blood, but Li Nian was still looking at him with the eyes of "I understand you, I know you are numbing yourself with work", Xu Chenghao was silent for three seconds, suddenly sat up, and decided to hurt each other.

"Li Nian, do you know why I went home yesterday?"

Li Nian casually guessed: "Because you rejected Miss Zheng?"

Xu Chenghao showed a Mona Lisa smile: "Do you know the reason?"

Li Nian guessed based on what he knew about him: "Don't consider personal feelings for the time being?"

Xu Chenghao: "No, I told her I like men!"

Li Nian: "???"

After five seconds, Li Nian finally reacted and stood up abruptly and said, "Fuck you! I just said something bad... Then what do you mean, the family also knows?"

"I've said it, my family knows it." Xu Chenghao leaned on the pillow and watched him jump slowly: "I told my family that I like men, and my feelings towards An Rouyu are all about responsibility and compensation, so you don't need to worry about me. Sad for An Rouyu."

Li Nian: "Fuck, what will you do in the future? Although it's not discrimination, but your lie is too big... and you have pulled me into the water!! You didn't tell anyone that it was my idea!!"

"It's not pulling the water, it's a shield." Xu Chenghao said with a smile: "My dear assistant Li Nian, in the future, someone knows that I like a man and will be inseparable with you, so you can probably guess the reason."

"As for the future... If I meet a lover, I will confess it to you, saying that this is your bad idea!"

Li Nian was about to cry: "Damn, I just said it casually, how can I know that you really told my family, is it too late for me to report you now?"

Xu Chenghao: "Go, go, I'll tell my family that I like you, but you've had enough of my entanglement, so you lied that I don't like men."

Li Nian: "..."

He really wanted to kneel down to this scourge.

"What is calamity coming out of your mouth, this is what calamity comes out of your mouth. What is being careless in making friends, this is being inadvertent in making friends!" Li Nian said sadly as he packed up his things, "I kindly come to see you who are sick. , you actually treat Lao Tzu like this, making Lao Tzu not only innocent but also bear the reputation of a liar... My life is miserable, my life is miserable..."

After finishing speaking, Li Nian floated out like a wandering spirit holding the packed folder and notebook.

Xu Chenghao waved: "No more, goodbye!"

Li Nian immediately put away his acting skills: "Fuck you, you heartless person, just throw me away after you use me up!"

Xu Chenghao said slowly: "Yes, I am a heartless person, so if I say I don't like An Rouyu, I don't like An Rouyu anymore. If I dare to show my previous expression in the future, I will be even more heartless."

"Then what you just said was false, or you lied to me?" Li Nian asked hopefully.

Xu Chenghao: "No."

Li Nian: "..."

"Let's go, don't send it!"

Li Nian walked away without looking back. After he sent a dozen Tucao emojis from WeChat, he blocked it.

Xu Chenghao lay back on the bed with satisfaction, feeling that the feeling of being so aggrieved by Li Nian's eyes that he vomited blood was relieved and much more comfortable.

It's a pity that the villain is still at large... It can't be solved with his current strength.

Oh, what a pity.

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: eager to try on the edge of revenge.