The assistant endured the desire to vomit blood and tried to undo the mistake just now: "And the strength of our research institute is very famous. If Mr. Xu needs anything, he can say it directly. I think we should all be able to do it."

Jing Yicheng nodded with great satisfaction, then turned to look at Xu Chenghao: "How about it? As long as you choose the security system, I can prevent a flies from entering your base."

Xu Chenghao twitched the corner of his mouth. He was very afraid that one of his pepper bases would be set up with rocket launchers, so he politely refused: "I don't need it for now, let's take a look at the central management system first."

Jing Yicheng frowned, still disagreeing with his point of view. How can something as important as Little Pepper not be strictly protected and handed over to others? !

Xu Chenghao insisted on his own opinion and changed the subject: "Let's talk about this later. I am more concerned about the issue of automatic machinery. I hope you can give me a sample as soon as possible."

Jing Yicheng could only continue to chat with the topic, "Within a week."

Xu Chenghao pretended to be surprised: "Seven days? Didn't you have a sample paper before?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly: "We all take orders and complete them according to the buyer's request, so the previous sample paper is not available to you."

Xu Chenghao half-smiled: "You guys sound pretty good."

Jing Yicheng: "Well, we are the High-end Agricultural Machinery Research Institute."

Xu Chenghao almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and he coughed twice before saying, "That's alright, we'll go back to the company to sign the contract later, and we'll be happy to cooperate."

"Pleasant to work with."

The two celebrated with wine and tea. After returning to the company after dinner, they completed the last step of signing the contract, and the cooperation was officially established.

Jing Yicheng reminded: "It's all recorded in the contract, I can pick peppers that are not during the experiment."

Xu Chenghao: "Yes, but I also added it in the contract. As long as I don't agree, you can't pick it up... Because only I know when the experimental period starts and ends, so you have to listen to me."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay."

Xu Chenghao was very satisfied with his cooperating attitude. He glanced at the already blooming pepper seedlings on the desk and said, "This one will probably bear fruit after get off work. You can pick it yourself when the time comes."

Jing Yicheng also glanced at the Little Yellow Duck Tuzui flowerpot, his eyes brightened: "Okay."

There was still a lot of work to do in the afternoon. After the two shook hands, Xu Chenghao sat down and started busy, while Jing Yicheng took the contract and took his assistant back to his office area to discuss the cooperation.

The assistant almost didn't cry: "Boss, how can you say that our research institute is agricultural machinery! Let's go there and get him these things!"

Jing Yicheng said calmly: "Military and civilians are not separated, you can completely develop automatic machinery, I believe in you."

Assistant: "...We don't believe in ourselves."

Jing Yicheng glanced at him lightly: "You don't even know how to use such a simple automatic machine, and you still want to study more sophisticated things?"

The assistant had nothing to say and could only continue: "What about the central management system?"

Jing Yicheng: "I'll do it."


Okay, boss, just be happy!

On the other hand, Li Nian was also chatting with Xu Chenghao, and he was talking about this cooperation.

Li Nian hesitated: "I always feel that something is wrong with the assistants during meals. It's very strange... Do you think they are hiding something? For example, they are not the Agricultural Machinery Research Institute at all?"

Xu Chenghao smiled and said nothing.

Li Nian: "You know?"

Xu Chenghao: "It doesn't matter whether you know or not, as long as you know that we won't suffer!"

Li Nian frowned: "I always have a feeling that you all know that I am a fool."

Xu Chenghao laughed: "I didn't expect you to position yourself quite accurately hahahaha."

Li Nian: "..."

Today is another day when I want to strangle my boss.

The topic was forcibly stopped because of personal attacks, and Xu Chenghao, who drove Li Nian angrily away, continued to work with a smile.

The work of the project began to increase gradually as the progress progressed. The Chili Base was still under preparation, and there was still a role for the Jiang family to perform. No, the Jiang family needs to discuss cooperation, so they need to follow Ruan Chenxuan to raise the price, and stop when it is almost time.

After another busy day, Jing Yicheng came to Xu Chenghao's desk on time to look at the little yellow duck when it was time to get off work: "In the end, I picked it!"

Xu Chenghao put down his pen and looked at him: "Pick it."

Jing Yicheng was quiet for three seconds, and tentatively stretched out his hand to pick off the little pepper under Xu Chenghao's eyes.

Xu Chenghao blinked: "What's wrong?"

Jing Yicheng: "...a bit not used to it." He even had the illusion that the other party would jump up at any time and fight him desperately.

Xu Chenghao snorted lightly: "It's not your own fault? So if you want to listen to me, if I say you can pick it up, you can pick it up. If I say no, it won't work. If I say it can't be done, can you still pick it up and I won't get angry? "

Jing Yicheng was silent, feeling that the sins of the three peppers had completely enveloped him, and it was difficult to clean up.

"That's right." Xu Chenghao said while putting on his coat, "I won't be able to pick peppers tomorrow. The second test has already started."

"So soon?" Jing Yicheng frowned.

"Yeah, who made him the only experimenter." Xu Chenghao picked up the little yellow duck and waved: "I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

Jing Yicheng turned the pepper in his hand and said helplessly, "See you tomorrow."

He got a chili pepper just after signing the contract, and he was ordered not to pick it again if he wasn't happy yet... He always had the feeling that he had fallen into a pit, and it was a classic slap in the face with a candy.


With the cooling time left, Xu Chenghao was completely at ease. He drove home very excitedly.

In order to hold back the excitement in his heart, Xu Chenghao followed the cooling down and counted down, but he didn't know when he fell asleep until late at night, when Xu Chenghao slept in a daze and suddenly smelled a familiar and slightly choking smell. The smell of chili peppers caused people to sit up in shock from a dying illness, and hurriedly cheered up.

[Ding - The feedback is successful, and the Little Pepper mission is automatically updated to version 2.0. Mission requirements: The trigger must plant 10 peppers within one month of the mission, and it cannot be harvested over time. [With a pack of low-grade pepper seeds, enjoy a 20% result rate]]

[Ding-Little Pepper reminds you that the 20% result rate of pepper planting means that you have a 50% chance of failure and a 30% chance of getting deformed. Only There is a twenty percent chance of the outcome. 】

[Ding - please start your mission. 】

After listening to this broadcast with his head propped up, Xu Chenghao looked at the small bag of chili seeds that appeared in front of him, and suddenly felt a little worried... Ten chili peppers, only one chili pepper will be given to the end of the first task, ten chili peppers How difficult is it to think about peppers!

I hope that the 20% result rate can give some power!

Xu Chenghao got out of bed and found the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot, and planted the new 20% result rate pepper. I ran to the balcony and planted some in a large flower pot, ready to see if the chili seeds that had increased to 20% of the fruiting rate could succeed without contacting the plot characters.

And he felt that in the next few days, it would be better for him to continue to stay away from the villain, after all, convulsions are the most unavoidable thing!

After making up his mind, Xu Chenghao took the little yellow duck to work the next day, keeping in mind that he had to stay away from the villain, but only after he arrived did he hear that the other party would not come this morning.

The assistant thoughtfully said: "Well...that is because our boss pays great attention to the cooperation with President Xu, so I went to the research institute to convey your requirements in person, and I want to strive to achieve the best... agricultural and agricultural machinery results in your mind."

Probably because he was not used to the title of the Agricultural Machinery Research Institute, the assistant would stutter unconsciously every time he spoke, and then fooled it with a dry smile.

After Xu Chenghao gave his acting a 50% score, he didn't embarrass him: "Okay, I know, go get busy."

The assistant nodded and immediately turned to leave, feeling a little bit of an escape.

Xu Chenghao shook his head with a smirk and put the little yellow duck on his desk. For a while, he didn't know whether he should be happy that the villain was very far away from the little yellow duck this morning, or whether he should suffer from having all the work this morning become his own.

Hey, one is scared to death and the other is busy, he still chooses to be busy himself.

It would be better if the villain didn't come all day.


In the research institute, Jing Yicheng also announced this order in the research institute.

The technicians in white coats listened to the agricultural machinery, automatic watering, and planting machines with dull eyes, and deeply felt that they might not have woken up.

How could one of their national ordnance institutes suddenly receive such an order! And the price is so cheap! This is no longer a nonsense, this is a mentally retarded attempt to provoke it!

The technician was angry: "Boss, is someone embarrassing you? Is it embarrassing you on purpose? Is this order deliberately stepping on our face?"

Jing Yicheng showed a stern face from behind the A4 paper, and said rather displeased, "What did you say?"

The technician said: "Everyone knows that our research institute is a state-listed institution. He dares to place an order for us to make agricultural machinery to deliberately satirize us!"

Jing Yicheng sneered: "I'm sorry, this order is taken by me personally, do you have any opinion?"

Technical staff:"???"

Jing Yicheng said in a cold voice, "Look at your impetuous appearance! Don't you understand the principle that the military and civilians are not separated? Do these things still aggrieve you and insult you?!"

The technician suddenly murmured: "No, no. It's just that the special status of our research institute is regarded as a thorn in the side. I thought it was intentional for someone to come here suddenly."

Jing Yicheng: "You don't need to think about these things. If there is anything I can solve, you should study and rest, do you hear?!"

Technician: "I heard!"

Jing Yicheng's words changed: "So I believe that you can test even precise data. This little machine can't be difficult for you. Can you achieve the finished product within seven days and one month?!"

The technician's voice instantly weakened: "...Yes."

Jing Yicheng was reluctantly satisfied: "This month we will not be accepting orders, mainly agricultural machinery, speed!"

Technical staff:"……"

Jing Yicheng: "By the way, the place where the icon should be left should always be replaced by the little yellow duck, which one with big eyes and pouting mouth!"

Technical staff:"…………"

They all thought the boss might be crazy!