Xu Chenghao didn't respond immediately, instead he slumped in the office chair, tapping his fingers lazily on the armrest of the chair, falling into deep thought.

He was not surprised by Mr. Jiang's behavior. After all, the face in the shopping mall was too worthless. Ruan Chenxuan could be able to bend and stretch, and choose to cooperate with him in times of crisis; the old Jianghu like Mr. Jiang naturally understood this truth better.

What he was thinking about was how the male protagonist pressed the price so that Mr. Jiang would be dispatched in person.

But what is certain is that the harder the price is, the better it is for Xu Chenghao. After all, his second contract with the male protagonist is still there, and the male protagonist can profit by lowering the price at the same time. Of course, Xu Chenghao would not destroy this kind of thing that can make both the male protagonist and the Jiang family bleed.

... He had to think of a suitable excuse to block Old Master Jiang back.

During the time of contemplation, Mr. Jiang on the other end of the phone thought his trick would work, and asked again, "What does Xu always think?"

Xu Chenghao returned to his senses and pretended to ponder: "Grandpa Jiang, as an elder, came forward in person, so naturally I would not embarrass Grandpa Jiang. After all, I also hope to complete the cooperation with the Jiang Group."

"But..." Xu Chenghao suddenly changed the conversation: "Grandpa Jiang can't see that our Xu family is bullying and deliberately ask us to clean up the mess, right? At least for this project, it is not worthwhile to cooperate at the previous price, do you think so? ?"

There was silence on the phone for a moment, and Mr. Jiang's old voice became a little more solemn: "This is indeed because we have not considered it carefully. If President Xu thinks it is not suitable, our Jiang Group can give up six points. What does President Xu think?"

Xu Chenghao said with emotion: "It seems that Grandpa Jiang is still reluctant to bear it."

Mr. Jiang's voice suddenly became a little colder: "Oh? If Mr. Xu is not satisfied, why not ask Mr. Xu to tell me how many projects are suitable now?"

Xu Chenghao chuckled lightly: "Not much, not much, how did the Jiang family raise the price before, how do you press me down, what do you think?"

The old man Jiang laughed in anger: "The Xu family's ability to take advantage of the fire is really better from one generation to the next. It really opened my eyes to this old man, it's amazing! It's amazing!"

Xu Chenghao said calmly: "It's not as good as Chang Ming, who Grandpa Jiang taught himself, each other, each other."

I thought that being ridiculed like this, Mr. Jiang would definitely hang up the phone angrily, but the other party was silent for a while, but then said again: "The Jiang family did something wrong before and should give in. But our Jiang family also has its own bottom line, and I believe the Xu family also has its own. It's better for us to compromise, so President Xu is satisfied, right?"

It seems that the male protagonist presses harder than the compromise... Xu Chenghao smiled and obtained the clues, and said in a hurry: "I'm sorry, Grandpa Jiang, our Xu family's consideration is how to raise the price and how to press it back. Otherwise, everyone will give it back in the future. We have come to draw from the bottom of the pot, so will our Xu family still do business?"

Mr. Jiang sneered: "Since Mr. Xu also knows the way of doing business, he naturally understands the truth that one can't eat a fat man in one breath. Sometimes, don't be too extreme in doing things, leave a path for yourself and always go farther than making enemies! "

"Is it like the Jiang family?" Xu Chenghao shot back: "Thank you Grandpa Jiang for his guidance, I will definitely cite, take, act, and abstain from!"

Talking about this, Xu Chenghao's attitude has made everything clear - either he doesn't cooperate, or he can raise the price and lower the price if he cooperates. It is useless to talk about it, even if you are an elder, it is impossible to give you face.

After Mr. Jiang found out about this situation, he stopped bothering and hung up the phone quickly.

——After all, the more people who use this trick, the more they can understand when this method works and when it doesn’t, and where it works best!

Xu Chenghao thought for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed Xu's father directly.

After Xu's father abdicated and let Xian Xian start his old-age life, he either raised flowers or walked the dog at home every day. He lived a leisurely and comfortable life. When Xu Chenghao called, he was enjoying lunch with Xu's mother.

Xu's mother spreads a lot of motherly love to her son who hasn't come home for several days - for example, replacing the phone with a video call, showing her son the dessert she is sitting on!

Xu Chenghao's face collapsed on the spot: "No wonder you guys insist on making videos, is it really good to treat your son like this?"

Xu's mother said proudly: "Who told you not to come back, I have been researching food recently. If you don't come back, it will be cheaper for your father to eat. You see, I have made your father fat."

Xu Chenghao said, "I'm busy. I've been in a lot of trouble lately... By the way, I just wanted to tell you about the recent Jiang family on the phone."

Xu Chenghao briefly explained a series of events caused by the project, and then said seriously: "I just hung up with Grandpa Jiang, and it was very unpleasant anyway. Telling you now is an early warning. I hope Grandpa Jiang will not be misled when he is looking for you. And don't promise to intervene in this matter..."

"And Dad, you should know the connections that Mr. Jiang has. You can help if you can prevent it. Also, my grandfather is so old that he has been raising his body abroad, so you don't need to let him know."

Xu Chenghao explained all the things he could think of, and after making sure that there were no omissions, he concluded, "That's all for now... If there is anything, I will notify you again."

Dad Xu nodded and said, "Don't worry, this matter was originally handled by the Jiang family, and Mr. Jiang was willing to put his face down and come forward. I have nothing to worry about. As long as he dares to come and see that I don't tell him for the last three days. For three nights, make a good judgment."

Xu Chenghao snapped his finger and said, "This is what I want! That's fine, you can handle it at home, and I'll handle it at the company."

Dad Xu praised: "Stinky boy has grown a lot."

No one will ever sympathize with the weak in the battles in the mall, they will only befriend the victorious side. Just like what happened in this project, Jiang Changming was crushed by Xu Chenghao not long after he took office. No one would sympathize with Jiang Changming, but would instead praise Xu Chenghao for his excellent skills and ability.

Presumably it won't be long before everyone will praise him everywhere he goes, and everyone should envy the Xu family for having such a capable heir. As long as he thinks of such a scene, Dad Xu feels relieved, proudly and proudly praised: "Good job!"

Xu Chenghao smiled, thinking that this is all the struggle between the male protagonist and the villain, and it has nothing to do with him.

As soon as the idea in his head came out, Xu Chenghao suddenly caught a glimpse of a half handsome face of someone in the small frame of the video call belonging to him, and was looking at the phone with a frown.

Xu Chenghao turned his head sharply, and saw that Jing Yicheng didn't know when he reached behind him, leaning over to look at his phone with one hand on the back of the chair.

Xu Chenghao was stunned: "What are you doing?"

In the video, Xu's father and Xu's mother were also a little surprised.

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He froze unexpectedly.

"I thought you were calling, sorry."

When he was sitting in his seat, he couldn't hear what Xu Chenghao was saying, and he could only roughly see that the other party was talking to the mobile phone. Before he came over, he thought that the other party was on the phone, but when he got closer, he realized that it was actually a video call! Still talking to parents!

Jing Yicheng was a little embarrassed, so he quickly exited the shooting screen and said sorry again.

Xu Chenghao looked at his ears that were starting to turn red in surprise, and was speechless and wanted to laugh: "It's okay, what are you doing here?"

Jing Yicheng said it was okay, then turned around and returned to his position, bowed his head and started work seriously.

Xu Chenghao didn't laugh out loud to save face, but his eyes were already bent into crescent shapes. It was hard to stop the laughter, and when he turned back to look at the phone with a light cough, he saw his parents leaning in front of the phone with gossip faces, looking at them happily--really, they had the exact same gossip face as Li Nian!

……Oh my God.

Looking at this expression, it can't be a misunderstanding, right? ? ?

Xu Chenghao changed his face in seconds and said solemnly, "I was just my partner, Jing Yicheng, and I'm currently a colleague." So please don't show this kind of gossip expression, okay?

Dad Xu was still restrained, nodding his head in praise with a serious look on his face, and saying, "One talent, one talent."

When Xu's mother heard the words, not to be outdone, she praised: "He's a handsome guy, very good, well."

Xu Chenghao twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that something was not quite right now, and quickly said, "Well, I'm quite busy here, you can eat first, then hang up."

After speaking, without waiting for the Xu family's parents to say anything else, Xu Chenghao quickly hung up the video call, made a few more emojis, and then put down the phone and looked up at Jing Yicheng.

In the end, he didn't expect that the other party was also looking in his direction, and the sight of this coming and going suddenly looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised and embarrassed. All kinds of emotions were mixed together into an indescribable taste. Neither of the two had time to investigate, so they hurriedly retracted their gazes, lowered their heads and pretended to be busy.

Xu Chenghao was still thinking about it, but after opening the folder and forcibly reading three lines of text, he gradually forgot the episode and began to work seriously - after all, he had too many things to do, and he didn't have time to think about other things. of.

On the other hand, Jing Yicheng, who was sitting in the office area at the other end, thought a lot... From the embarrassment he had just accidentally shown in front of the other's parents, to his embarrassed and inexplicably warm reaction now. And the atmosphere in the air with purple bubbles in his eyes now...

Purple bubbles?

Jing Yicheng snapped back to his senses, and after looking at the quiet office for a while, he couldn't find anything that could relate him to the purple bubble.

His brows furrowed suddenly, quite puzzled as to where the illusion he had just now came from.

Just when he felt that he was about to give up thinking, Jing Yicheng suddenly saw a little purple in the corner of his eyes. He turned around suddenly and found that the purple direction he had just aimed at was actually Xu Chenghao?

How... why is he purple?

The author has something to say: System: The halo of the **** king, whether you have it, whether you are a bisexual or a homosexual, will fall under your suit pants! Not 998, only 188, only 188! Don't miss out on this rare opportunity! ! 【Vibration】

Xu Chenghao: @#¥%&%¥#@