Jing Yicheng closed his eyes again and suddenly felt a little irritable. I can't tell why, but the unnamed fire and annoyance in my heart lingered, and it seemed that the balloon that was suppressed in my heart would explode at any time!

bother! Annoying Ruan Chenxuan, annoying Li Nian, and even more annoying this person who called to make an appointment with a girlfriend!

Now he can't wait to take Xu Chenghao's phone and throw it out. It's best to let the car run over a few times and completely scrap it, so that everyone can get through, so that they can't contact Xu Chenghao!

But he could only think about it. Because he knew that as long as he did this, Xu Chenghao would definitely be angry, just like the original sin of the three chili peppers. He finally cleaned up until now, it is impossible to be stupid and anger Xu Chenghao again.

Besides, if he quarreled with Xu Chenghao, it is estimated that Ruan Chenxuan, Li Nian and this woman would all be waiting in line to grab it! Hehe, he won't give them a chance!

Jing Yicheng gritted his teeth and forcibly suppressed his anger. After waiting for Xu Chenghao to hang up the phone, he calmly said, "Are you going to a dinner party?"

"You haven't slept yet." After Xu Chenghao finished reversing the car into the garage, he took off his Bluetooth headset and said while arranging, "A friend I knew before wanted to invite me to a dinner party, so I still have to give this face."

Jing Yicheng: "When?"

Xu Chenghao: "The day after tomorrow, I just don't go to work on weekends, so I won't delay work."

Jing Yicheng's excuse was choked in his throat, so he could only respond with a muffled sound, open the door and get out of the car.

Xu Chenghao followed and got out of the car, locked the car and walked to the building with him, wondering, "Why don't you feel in a good mood? Have a nightmare?"

Jing Yicheng said quietly: "Yeah, I dreamed that I found a treasure first, but I didn't expect that there were countless people staring at it and trying to take it away, and I woke up scared."

Xu Chenghao found it interesting, smiled and comforted: "Dreams are the opposite. You see that you are so powerful in real life, even if someone robs you, you will definitely not be able to rob you, rest assured."

Jing Yicheng: "Do you think I'm amazing?"

Xu Chenghao: "Yeah, very powerful." He even pointed a gun at someone when we first met!

Jing Yicheng restrained Feiyang's mood and coughed lightly, "Then I will try my best to keep it and try not to disappoint you."

Xu Chenghao: "?"

It's just a dream, what does it mean to not let him down.

Xu Chenghao felt that it was difficult to understand the other party's brain circuit, and after reaching his own floor, he changed the subject and said, "Are you eating?"

Jing Yicheng: "Eat!"

Eating with two people is always more fun than eating alone. Jing Yicheng finally showed a slight smile on his face when he finished eating and left. When he returned to his floor, he saw someone standing in front of the door squatting punctually and his face sank again, and his indifference was restored.

He didn't say hello to the squatting guard, he unlocked the door silently, and the squatting guard didn't say a word, he followed behind and entered the house, turned around and closed the door.

The click from the collision of the lock cylinder was particularly clear in the dark. Jing Yicheng turned on the light, turned and sat on the sofa, looking at each other indifferently, "What do you mean?"

The squatting man sat opposite him, put the briefcase beside him, and said solemnly: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Jing, after I reported your reply last night, they still hope that I will strive for more, and I hope you will lead the research this time. The research results of the team, in this field, we also believe in your talent and ability, and no one is more suitable for the project than you.”

"You can rest assured that the remuneration will never treat you badly, or if you have any needs, we can report it to us for consideration. Everything is negotiable, and I hope Mr. Jing will not reject us directly."

Jing Yicheng said indifferently: "I said I'm not interested, I won't pick it up."

The squatting man opened the briefcase: "You will definitely be interested in this project. I specially took some materials this time... Last night, I didn't think about it and didn't bring it all. You must take a look."

Jing Yicheng flipped it over for the sake of his face. It was indeed a research direction he was very interested in before. If he had come here last night, he might have agreed, but not now.

The list of cooperation with the state like this is all closed research, ranging from a few months to a year or two, completely cutting off all external contacts.

He is now by Xu Chenghao's side, and one or two are as annoying as flies and can't be waved away. He can't imagine what it would be like to be absent for a year, and to cut off contact for a year.

It is estimated that when he returns, An Rouyu's secret situation will reappear last time.

You have already missed it once, do you have to make a mistake and miss it a second time?

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng became more and more resistant to the project, threw the materials on the table, and affirmed: "Sorry, I really don't want to take it."

The squatting guard frowned: "Can you tell me the reason?"

Jing Yicheng said with an expressionless face, "Too busy."

Squatting man: "As far as I know, your research institute has not received orders for a long time, and it has even been researching agricultural machinery recently."

Jing Yicheng: "As long as I am interested, I will study everything, but I am sorry that your order did not arouse my interest."

The squatting guard: "I'm sorry, although it's a little rude, but if you don't promise me, I won't leave like last night."

Jing Yicheng: "...Are you looking for a lottery?"

Squatting and keeping the righteous words: "If you hit me, I won't leave, I want to complete the task!"

Jing Yicheng: "Are you completing the task or boiling the eagle!"

The squatting man said firmly: "If you don't promise me, I won't leave!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Oh shit!

Jing Yicheng got angry, got up, went into the bedroom and slammed the door: "I love you or not!"

The squatting guard looked at the bedroom door calmly, his heart as calm as water. Because he knew that Jing Yicheng seemed to enter the bedroom, but he couldn't sleep at all!

People in the entire military region know that Jing Yicheng has an excellent talent, a high IQ, a good looks, and good skills, but in addition to his bad personality, he also has a problem with being too vigilant. As long as someone is around, he will be deceived because of a lack of security. Tension will not relax.

The highest record was once because of group training, living together for 14 days without sleeping, almost becoming a legend.

Wasn't that the case yesterday... I slammed the door and went back to the bedroom, and then everyone opened their eyes together until dawn.

The squatting guard took a deep breath, thinking that tonight would be no exception.

However, the fact proves that the mountain man has his own plan. After Jing Yicheng returned to the bedroom, he leaned against the window and looked down, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xu Chenghao: "Open your bedroom window."

Xu Chenghao: "???What are you doing?"

Jing Yicheng: "I'm hanging outside."

After sending the message, Jing Yicheng immediately rolled out of the window with one hand on the window sill, stepped on the outdoor unit of his air conditioner and jumped to the outdoor unit downstairs, and then clambered on the window sill to climb up the window.

So when Xu Chenghao came over with his mobile phone, he really saw Jing Yicheng hanging outside his window, still with one hand! And a phone in one hand!

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he opened the window and dragged him by the ear to pull people in: "What are you doing! You ignored what I said last time, didn't you! You don't want your little yellow duck, do you!"

"Shh." Jing Yicheng raised his index finger, entered the window and looked upstairs, making sure there was nothing wrong and closing the window carefully.

Xu Chenghao also became nervous after being tricked: "Is something wrong?"

"Forget it, can I stay at your house tonight?" Jing Yicheng thought about it: "If he doesn't leave, I may need to stay for a long time."

Xu Chenghao was at a loss: "Who?"

Jing Yicheng pointed to the upstairs: "Anyway, he's a nasty person."

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Xu Chenghao automatically thought that it might have something to do with his identity, so he immediately gave up the question and nodded, "Okay, then you stay in the guest room, the second room, and the toiletries are disposable and can be used casually."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay, who's the first guest room?"

Xu Chenghao said casually: "Li Nian's, he has been stationed for a long time."

Jing Yicheng: "...Is this room cleaned?"

Xu Chenghao: "Cleaned up."

Jing Yicheng opened the door of the first room expressionlessly: "It's mine now!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

as long as you are happy.

Although he didn't know what happened, Xu Chenghao still settled Jing Yicheng, closed the window and returned to the bedroom to sleep.

Jing Yicheng was lying in a completely different environment from that in the afternoon, looking at the decorations that were obviously warmer, but even though he was not sleepy, he still quickly fell asleep, and slept until dawn.

Xu Chenghao stretched on the balcony, turned around when he heard the movement, "Morning!"

Jing Yicheng was slightly stunned, stared at him for a long time, a word choked in his throat for a long time without saying it.

He hadn't experienced this kind of morning scene for a long time, and he didn't know how to react.

At the moment of hesitation, Xu Chenghao had turned around and walked over, indicating, "Auntie is cooking breakfast. I prefer Chinese food, so it's useless if you don't like it."

Jing Yicheng smiled: "Just right, I also like Chinese style."

This morning, there were fried eggs, potato cakes and minced meat, eggplant and green vegetables noodles. Probably because they were afraid they would not be full, my aunt also fried two dishes.

After the two had eaten and drank enough, Xu Chenghao asked him, "How are you going back?"

Jing Yicheng glanced outside: "How come, how do you go."

Xu Chenghao: "...Okay."

Jing Yicheng glanced at the busy aunt in the kitchen, got up and walked towards the window. Xu Chenghao also got up, walked to a place a few steps away from the window, stopped, and signaled, "Let's go."

Jing Yicheng opened the window and turned it out with agility, using the height of the six-story building as a flat ground, allowing him to come and go freely.

Xu Chenghao was a little envious of his skills, and he closed the window and was ready to go to work.

Today is the second day, the little yellow duck has been successfully bred, Xu Chenghao sees that there is no change from before, after watering, he goes out with his arms and waits for Jing Yicheng to come.

And upstairs, the squatting guard was sleepy all night, looking at Jing Yicheng, who seemed to be in better condition than yesterday, with a dazed face, couldn't believe his eyes--isn't something wrong? ? ?

Jing Yicheng waved his hand and said, "Boil the eagle by yourself and go!"

The squatting guard said, "Jingxian—"


The door was slammed rudely, giving him no chance to speak at all.

Jing Yicheng sat in the elevator, holding back his flying mood. When the elevator door opened again, he hooked his lips to Xu Chenghao, who was standing outside, and slowly said the words he had held all morning: "Morning!"