What does it mean that there is no original owner? What is Xiao Chili without after-sales? What do you mean he's fine if he doesn't wear it back? ?

If the system had an entity, Xu Chenghao wanted to grab him by the collar and ask what the **** was going on!

[Ding—Host, don't be impatient, these are the results of analysis based on your choice of giving up your return. If you do not give up your return, you just need to complete the Little Pepper quest in exchange for Mary Su Pepper, eat it and shout 'I am Stupid' can wear it back before a car accident and dodge it. 】

Xu Chenghao felt that his head was about to explode: What do you mean by that?

[Ding - I just want to tell the host that no matter what decision you make now, it must be finalized after the mission of Little Pepper is completed. So it's better to enjoy the moment, maybe it will be a better choice after the love is exhausted? 】

Xu Chenghao doesn't trust the system: tell me honestly, how many people can return to their original world after binding the book-piercing system?

[Ding - Unpredictable. 】

Xu Chenghao: Why?

[Ding—Because human emotions are too complicated, the system cannot perform mechanical evaluation. 】

Xu Chenghao: …

This is true.

At least before that, he didn't expect that he would be involved with the villain, and it would become like this.

So let's go with the flow and enjoy the moment?

It seems a bit random... Forget it, that's it, the future decision is left to Xu Chenghao in the future, he is like this now!

Xu Chenghao crushed and pressed all his emotions into his heart, tidying up the desktop and forced himself to enter the working state. Quickly put everything behind you, saving yourself from thinking about some other mess.

Just like this, Li Nian quietly opened the door of the office and asked, "Are you making an appointment for lunch in the afternoon?"

Xu Chenghao was putting on his coat, but he didn't reply when he heard the words, "No appointment."

Li Nian: "Why?"

Xu Chenghao: "Tired."

Li Nian suddenly lost his voice, and Xu Chenghao felt strange and turned back and said, "Why...why are you here?" Seeing the person standing behind him, Xu Chenghao turned his words in shock.

"I'm worried that someone doesn't want to go back and come to pick him up." Jing Yicheng, with a look of 'don't think I don't know what you're thinking', stretched out his hand to tidy Xu Chenghao's collar on the back of his neck.

Maybe it was because of a change in psychology, Xu Chenghao would unconsciously get nervous in the face of such a small gesture, and he looked at Li Nian subconsciously like a ghost in his heart.

Jing Yicheng frowned immediately and looked at Li Nian with an unhappy look in his eyes.

Li Nian was also shot while lying down. He could only show his signature smile and waved as he retreated, "Goodbye Mr. Xu, goodbye Mr. Jing, I'll take a step first, bye bye~"

After Li Nian's figure completely disappeared, Jing Yicheng withdrew his gaze and said unhappily, "What are you talking about?"

Xu Chenghao was quiet for two seconds, and began to turn over the old accounts: "Aren't you monitoring me? Do you still know what we are talking about?"

Jing Yicheng coughed twice with a guilty conscience: "That was before. I removed the personal surveillance not long after the project started."

Xu Chenghao was shocked: "Are you still close to your body?"

Jing Yicheng: "...Just, it was all in the past, and now it's really withdrawn, and the only thing left is to protect you, really."

Xu Chenghao: "Protection or surveillance?"

Jing Yicheng: "The goal is to protect, but you can report anything."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Xu Chenghao turned around and left unhappy, not wanting to pay attention to him.

Jing Yicheng followed behind and tugged at his clothes: "Really removed, you see, I don't even know what you talked about, what Ruan Chenxuan talked about with you, and I don't even know what happened to you because of what you heard. so…"

As he spoke, Jing Yicheng also began to feel unhappy. After all, Xu Chenghao suddenly avoided him yesterday, which has always been the knot in his heart, but every time he wanted to ask anything, he couldn't ask, and he didn't want to force Xu Chenghao, and he was even more depressed after making trouble.

Xu Chenghao entered the elevator and looked at the person standing outside who was more aggrieved than himself. He was angry and wanted to laugh: "Come in."

Jing Yicheng stood outside the elevator, pursing his lips.

When the time was up, the elevator door started to close automatically. Xu Chenghao looked at the gradually closing crack of the door and Jing Yicheng's increasingly dark eyes, helplessly stretched out his hand to block the elevator door, and gestured, "Come on."

Jing Yicheng held back for a second, then raised his hand to hold Xu Chenghao's outstretched hand at a speed he thought was slow but was actually faster than normal, and let him drag him in.

The elevator doors closed.

Li Nian showed his head from the corner and exclaimed, "Damn it, this TM is obviously dating!"

In the elevator, Xu Chenghao also felt that something was wrong. After dragging the person in, he immediately let go, and used the floor to cover his abrupt move.

Jing Yicheng was still immersed in the joy of being coaxed, and the unpleasantness that had just risen was like a mist of water evaporated in an instant, and he forgot all about it.

The two of them were reconciled as before, forgetting all unpleasant things, going home to eat together, and watching TV to digest food together.

They brought out the fruit platter prepared by Auntie, and ate while watching. Jing Yicheng's mobile phone, which had been silent for ten thousand years, rarely rang, and seeing that the phone was very important, Jing Yicheng's expression changed.

Xu Chenghao bit the strawberry in his mouth, stared at the person who was standing on the balcony answering the phone, guessing what news he would receive... It shouldn't be good news, because Jing Yicheng's face was not good-looking.

Xu Chenghao picked out another strawberry and put it in his mouth, trying to find this plot from the original plot. But unfortunately, after the heroine went abroad, the plot basically revolved around the theme of abusing the hero, and there was no other person's role at all, so there was no gain.

After thinking wildly, Jing Yicheng had already answered the phone and returned to the living room.

Xu Chenghao stared at him intently, although he didn't open his mouth, his eyes were obviously curious.

Jing Yicheng didn't hold back: "Want to know?"

Xu Chenghao remembered his identity and hesitated: "Can you tell?"

"Yes." Jing Yicheng sat down on the sofa again and briefly described: "There was an accident during the research process of the order that was rejected by me last time. It is said that it was vandalism and caused casualties. They made me pay attention to safety."

Xu Chenghao bit the strawberry in his mouth in a daze, feeling that the content of this information was a bit too large.

Jing Yicheng looked at him closely: "Scared?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him: "No, I'm thinking about what would happen to the order for agricultural machinery."

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Xu Chenghao said calmly: "Also, what is an accident during the research process? They gave up contacting you long ago and went back to conduct research, right?"

Jing Yicheng: "..."


Jing Yicheng didn't wait for Xu Chenghao to continue asking, got up and ran into the guest room, slammed the door, and sent Xu Chenghao a message: "It's impossible to let me go!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Who do you learn this trick from... oh no, you learn it from yourself.

Isn't it true that Jing Yicheng really learned from him when he became like this? Is he so naive?

Do not! He doesn't admit it!

Xu Chenghao firmly refused to admit it, and shamelessly pushed all the problems onto Jing Yicheng, and then pretended to send a message peacefully: "I didn't say I would drive you away, you come out first, and we will continue to talk about your safety."

Jing Yicheng was deceived: "Really?"

Xu Chenghao: "Otherwise?"

After being quiet for a while, Jing Yicheng slowly opened the door and looked towards the living room. As soon as his eyes swept across the sofa, there was no one there, when a shadow fell from the sky and slammed it three times in a row. He subconsciously wanted to close the door, but when he caught sight of the opponent's protruding leg, he was afraid of hurting him.

Xu Chenghao chased after him with the pillow: "Let you learn from me! Let you lie to me! Let you not leave!"

Jing Yicheng had a guilty conscience, and in the end he could only lie on the bed and beat him: "It's wrong, it's wrong."

Xu Chenghao was very proud: "Do you dare to do it in the future?"

Jing Yicheng paralyzed his body: "Don't dare... Be careful, your head is not healed yet."

Xu Chenghao touched his forehead subconsciously, but in fact, he became a little red and he was almost healed, but for the sake of the other party's concern for him, he was still very satisfied and stopped beating him.

Jing Yicheng lay on the bed and looked at him: "Didn't you say you won't drive me away?"

Xu Chenghao looked for water to drink in his room: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng was wronged: "Then you still beat me?"

Xu Chenghao: "I beat you because you lied to me and made a fool of yourself."

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Justified, nothing to say.

Xu Chenghao drank a glass of water and continued: "Okay, let's talk about your safety now. First of all, I will declare that I am not driving you away, but I want to make sure that it is safe for you to live in my place? You can go to the accommodation first, and come back after a few days when it is safe. I said that I will not chase you away, but I will still welcome you when you come back."

Jing Yicheng rolled over and sat up and said seriously, "What did you say?"

Xu Chenghao nodded: "I said so."

Jing Yicheng showed a slight smile, got up and said, "The threat of me not taking the order must be very small, but they will definitely recall all the bodyguards urgently, and even increase the number of personnel, so I don't have to worry about my safety, but you..."

Xu Chenghao turned the cup uncomfortably: "What's wrong with me?"

Jing Yicheng took his cup and drank the remaining half of the glass. Xu Chenghao panicked: "This, this is what I have left after drinking!"

"I don't despise you." After Jing Yicheng finished speaking subconsciously, he suddenly remembered the tragedy of the dress last time and remedied: "I mean we have such a good relationship, how can we despise you... Yes, I mean we have such a good relationship, There will inevitably be people who might even hurt you because I have an idea for you, so you should strengthen your awareness."

Xu Chenghao's embarrassment was immediately emptied, and he could only try to divert his attention: "So, will someone hurt my family?"

Jing Yicheng also frowned: "Is there any other arrangements for my uncle and aunt recently? Can you try traveling abroad?"

Xu Chenghao: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng: "Don't worry, I will contact them to protect them."

Xu Chenghao: "Oh."

Jing Yicheng: "I will protect you too."

Xu Chenghao: "...Oh."

The author has something to say: I suddenly found out that Xu Chenghao didn't want to answer, and it was easy to change the topic, and Jing Yicheng didn't want to say anything...thinking beautifully!