Xu Chenghao was actually more embarrassed than the two of them. He pushed Jing Yicheng away with a blushing face and warned, "Don't do anything with me!"

Jing Yicheng thought he had done something wrong, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it right? Didn't you say you can get closer after confirming the relationship?"

Xu Chenghao muttered, "I didn't promise you whoever established a relationship with you!"

Jing Yicheng: "So I am expressing myself and trying to get you to agree."

Xu Chenghao: "You're clearly playing a hooligan, aren't you?"

Jing Yicheng: "No, it's impossible to be a hooligan, you can't just kiss the cheek, you should..."

Xu Chenghao was completely blown away: "Don't talk much!"

Jing Yicheng paused, reached out and pinched his red earlobe: "Okay, let's not talk."

"Cough, cough, cough." Li Nian couldn't stand it anymore, he deliberately got up with a few coughs and said, "I'm really sorry, I suddenly remembered that there are still a lot of things to do in the company, so I decided to go ahead and see you again."

Xu Chenghao, who was still embarrassed at first, was instantly distracted, and turned his head and said, "If there is anything in the company, you can contact me. You have been working hard for a few more trips recently."

Li Nian said: "Knowing that I have worked hard, you have to take good care of your body. When you go back, give me annual leave."

Xu Chenghao: "If you want to be beautiful, annual leave is impossible."

Li Nian: "…"

Li Nian glanced at Jing Yicheng and told himself that he didn't care about the patient! Then turned to leave, out of the meaning of grace and justice.

Xu Chenghao watched him leave and sighed, "It's inconvenient to have a broken leg."

"It's not broken." Jing Yicheng comforted: "The doctor said that as long as you take good care of it, you will be fine, don't worry."

Xu Chenghao thought to himself what was the use of what the doctor said, the halo of the spare tire above his head would not agree!

Headache just thinking about it.

Xu Chenghao held his head and sighed. When he subconsciously wanted to comfort himself by holding the little yellow duck flowerpot as usual, he suddenly remembered that the little yellow duck was not by his side: "By the way, where is my little yellow duck? I haven't seen him for two days. ? It's not broken, is it?"

"No, it's still there." Jing Yicheng said, looking at his assistant.

The assistant immediately understood that not long after leaving the ward, when he came back again, he had two more things in his hand - the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot and the cloth bag with peppers that Xu Chenghao had been thinking about.

There are also pepper seeds planted by Xu Chenghao in the little yellow duck flower pot, which will be bred tomorrow. The peppers in the bag are also quite complete.

Xu Chenghao put them by his side, and his sense of security suddenly increased: "Fortunately, they are all fine!"

Jing Yicheng answered, "Fortunately, you're fine."

Xu Chenghao's heart warmed when he heard the words, and he picked a strawberry and fed it to him: "It's all over."

Jing Yicheng bit the strawberry and picked one to feed to Xu Chenghao. The two ate the sweet and sour strawberries in their mouths, smiled at each other, and the atmosphere seemed to be sweet.

The assistant standing in the corner looked at the nose and nose, and felt silently in his heart that the boss was good at love words! Love crash course is not in vain!

While Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng were recovering sweetly from their injuries, the Ruan family on the other side turned their backs on their horses and completely messed up.

Ruan Chenxuan has been doing examinations since this morning, and has been diagnosed with partial temporary amnesia, and the recovery time is uncertain. That is to say, his memory for the past year has been cleared. He doesn't remember what he has done, and he doesn't know what happened in the past year, let alone what the current situation is.

So - he doesn't trust anyone.

Ruan Chenxuan was leaning on the head of the bed, facelessly dealing with wave after wave of people who were tempting, watching the fun, malicious, or fishing in troubled waters, without any disturbance in his heart.

He heard countless versions from countless people, and the only thing he was sure about was: 1. He broke up with his family; 2. There was an illegitimate child in the family; 3. He seemed to have a relationship with Xu Chenghao of the Xu Group for some reason. Relations are very poor.

The first two have been confirmed, but Ruan Chenxuan remains suspicious about the third one and doesn't quite believe it—because he found that he had a lot of videos or photos about Xu Chenghao on his mobile phone or on his computer, and...the number of views seemed to be still lingering. very frequently.

Is he monitoring Xu Chenghao? Why does he monitor Xu Chenghao watching his videos every day? Is it because of these things that they have a bad relationship? His surveillance was discovered by Xu Chenghao?

The more unsolved these doubts were in his heart, the more curious Ruan Chenxuan became. He wanted to know what happened to him and Xu Chenghao.

He really wanted to meet and talk, but unfortunately he was still undergoing treatment, and after he was discharged from the hospital, he had to go to the company to stabilize the situation.

Or... just give it a call and try.

Ruan Chenxuan waited until no one was there, found his mobile phone, and dialed silently.


Because of nervousness, every minute of waiting became infinitely slow, until after the third beep, the phone was suddenly connected, and the warm and melodious voice unique to young people suddenly exploded in my ears: "Ruan Chenxuan? "

Ruan Chenxuan's heart was inexplicably complicated: "Hello... President Xu."

Xu Chenghao: "I didn't expect you to call me after the car accident. Is it to confirm the rumor that our relationship is not good?"

Ruan Chenxuan was a little disappointed: "It seems that our relationship is really bad."

Xu Chenghao: "It's not just bad, we are old and dead and don't communicate with each other."

Ruan Chenxuan clasped his fingers and said after a long while, "Mr. Xu must have known about my partial amnesia in the car accident, so I am also Ruan Chenxuan a year ago. I am here to apologize for Ruan Chenxuan a year later, and I am very sorry for a year later. I made President Xu feel unhappy or even disgusted, sorry."

On the other side, Xu Chenghao listened to the phone without speaking for a long time. He sighed silently in his heart: It turns out that Ruan Chenxuan, who had not met the heroine a year ago, was so polite and rational. No wonder at the beginning of the plot, the original protagonist still admired the male protagonist and appreciated each other.

The other party was so polite, Xu Chenghao also tried to calmly say: "If you think you are Ruan Chenxuan a year ago, then you don't need to apologize for your future self. Besides, how do you know that you did something wrong?"

Ruan Chenxuan glanced at the video on the computer and said with a guilty conscience, "I feel like I should have done something wrong..."

Xu Chenghao said: "I feel very right, I hope you can continue to recognize yourself in the future."

Ruan Chenxuan coughed lightly and continued, "Then... does President Xu mind being friends with Ruan Chenxuan a year ago?"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I'm sorry that my memory is only last year, so I admire Mr. Xu very much and hope to become friends with Mr. Xu."

Xu Chenghao began to doubt his purpose: "Are you afraid that the illegitimate child will take advantage of the opportunity, so you came to win me over?"

Ruan Chenxuan said helplessly: "It seems that I have done a lot of excessive things to give President Xu this image."

Xu Chenghao: "I feel like your self-knowledge is getting better and better after the car accident."

Ruan Chenxuan: "…"

Ruan Chenxuan sighed: "Then I have to contact President Xu after finishing the housework to prove my innocence. I hope President Xu can make an appointment after I finish my work and give Ruan Chenxuan a chance a year ago."

Xu Chenghao didn't respond and hung up the phone directly.

When the call was terminated, Ruan Chenxuan stared at the phone screen for a while, trying to recall the analysis of the call between the two - it could be seen that their relationship was really stiff, and it was probably his own fault...

Besides monitoring Xu Chenghao, did he do anything excessive to him?

Ruan Chenxuan scrolled the mouse and watched the young man in the video change from autumn shirts to cotton clothes, and finally ended in the first two months... What happened in this? What is the reason for this to happen?


Jing Yicheng pushed open the door and came in. He saw Xu Chenghao sitting on the bed in a daze. He didn't seem to be in a good mood. He immediately asked, "Didn't it take three hours to take a nap? Why did you wake up so quickly?"

Xu Chenghao sighed: "I was woken up by the phone."

Jing Yicheng: "Li Nian?"

Xu Chenghao shook his head: "It's Ruan Chenxuan."

Jing Yicheng's face changed instantly, he was vigilant and unhappy in his heart, and frowned, "Why did he call you after the car accident? What did he say?"

Xu Chenghao reassured: "Don't get excited, he has lost his memory and can't say anything... I feel that he called to test the relationship between me and him."

It is impossible for Jing Yicheng to believe that the other party has no purpose, and he doubts: "If you really want to know, you can ask a private investigator to investigate or ask someone around you. I think he is taking the opportunity to deliberately approach you."

Xu Chenghao: "His current situation is that his father doesn't love his mother, and he has an illegitimate child who has been obstructing him. He doesn't believe that it's normal for others to rely on themselves to prove it."

Jing Yicheng pinched his face fiercely: "You are not allowed to speak for him!"

Xu Chenghao snorted, and Jing Yicheng immediately let go and rubbed his hand, his tone still unhappy: "Have you been bewitched by him? Tell me what you guys were talking about on the phone? I want to know too!"

Xu Chenghao pinched his face: "I'm just talking about things, I'm not bewitched!"

Jing Yicheng sat on the edge of the bed and took the initiative to lower the height to let him pinch, but his brows were still wrinkled: "I don't believe it, you won't tell me what you were talking about."

Xu Chenghao: "I said it, just to test our relationship."

Jing Yicheng: "No, I want to listen to your conversation and repeat it word for word."

Xu Chenghao deliberately teased him: "I've said a lot, it's too tiring to repeat."

Jing Yicheng exploded: "You guys still chat a lot???"

Xu Chenghao: "Pfft hahaha."

Jing Yicheng was aggrieved to death: "You still laugh at me, you are really bewitched, you have changed your mind!"

Xu Chenghao squeezed his face with both hands and said with a smile, "I wasn't bewitched. If I were bewitched, I wouldn't be here."

Jing Yicheng subconsciously said: "You are here because you can't leave, otherwise I won't be able to see you now."

Xu Chenghao: "Who said I can't walk? It's enough if I really want to walk in a wheelchair."

Jing Yicheng: "If you can't walk, it's all my people outside. I just confessed because you couldn't run away."

Xu Chenghao subconsciously laughed a few times when he heard the words, and suddenly felt that something was wrong: "What did you just say?"

Jing Yicheng: "…"

The author has something to say: vinegar essence · Jing Yicheng: start to panic.jpg


Regarding the problem that the assistant does not have a name, in fact, he has appeared as an assistant for so long, and you are all used to it. Taking a name is equivalent to changing the name. You will definitely not be used to it, right! Well, so it looks so good~~~