Xu Chenghao originally wanted to be out of sight, but he fell asleep after closing his eyes for a while, and didn't wake up until after six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the bustling city night scene neon lights were flowing outside the window. On the contrary, the light in the room was getting dim, and only a blue night light was shining brightly, enveloping a warm area.

Jing Yicheng was leaning against the night light, staring intently at the computer screen as if he was checking something. Due to his position, half of his body was shrouded in darkness and could not be seen clearly, but half of his body was exposed to the light, and even the angular jawline was plated with warm light that was much gentler.

With a crisp sound, the chandelier on the ceiling of the ward suddenly turned on, making the whole room brighter. Jing Yicheng immediately looked at the hospital bed: "Awake?"

Xu Chenghao rubbed his eyes: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng put the computer away, sat by the bed and helped him up: "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Xu Chenghao resented: "I don't have much to eat, right?"

Jing Yicheng: "As long as you don't eat hot, sour and greasy food for the first two weeks, it's fine."

Xu Chenghao: "Then don't worry, it doesn't make any difference."

Jing Yicheng said goodbye and lowered his head to send a message to his assistant.

Xu Chenghao asked, "Have you eaten?"

"No, I'll eat with you later." Jing Yicheng thought about it and added, "We eat the same thing, so you don't have to drive me away."

What Xu Chenghao wanted to say suddenly got stuck, and he turned his eyes away silently. It didn't matter when he saw it, Xu Chenghao suddenly found that the ward had been changed directly - this is not the stool he said before going to bed, it was all the utensils were replaced. !

Xu Chenghao's mouth twitched a few times: "What did you do to the ward?"

Jing Yicheng said righteously: "If you change the stool, the bedside table will not look good. If you replace the bedside table and the stool as a whole, it will not look good, so I replaced them all."

Xu Chenghao: "What about the gifts that people gave?"

Jing Yicheng: "The flowers are gone. You can't eat the gifts. I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable and take them away."

Xu Chenghao: "...you just find a reason to be great."

Jing Yicheng held his hand: "I don't care, I want to maintain an environment with only the two of us, and don't want too many people to visit and peep back and forth."

Xu Chenghao was helpless: "What if someone else comes tomorrow?"

Jing Yicheng: "That won't let them leave any traces."

Xu Chenghao couldn't help but complain: "You have divided the ward into your own area."

Jing Yicheng beeped softly: "I'm turning your side into my own area."

Xu Chenghao didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"

Jing Yicheng was worried that he would think he was too domineering, so he remained silent.

Seeing this, Xu Chenghao didn't ask any further questions. He found his mobile phone to check the news, and turned on the computer on the bedside table. After confirming that Li Nian didn't send an email today, he waited for the assistant to deliver the meal, so he could eat with peace of mind.

After eating, Jing Yicheng took care of Xu Chenghao to take medicine and wash, and sat beside the bed waiting for him to fall asleep. Although Xu Chenghao slept for a day, he would feel sleepy every time he took the medicine, and it didn't take long before he was pulled into sleep by the powerful effect of the medicine.

Jing Yicheng turned off the light and left the night light to leave softly. When he went out, he saw the assistant was still waiting, and said in a low voice, "They are outside."

Jing Yicheng's tenderness faded in an instant, and when he walked out of the door, he returned to the state of a great devil again, his expression was cold and ruthless, and his unwavering eyes swept across the crowd as if an ice blade had passed through him, cold and affectionate.

The people waiting outside the room lost their momentum and all bowed their heads: "Mr. Jing, good evening."

Jing Yicheng didn't feel that he was fine at night, so he threw the notebook in his hand to the captain, and said displeased, "There is a solution here, as long as you have participated in the core researchers, you can solve it, you take it and get out, don't worry about it. I won't let go!"

The captain quickly caught it: "Thank you Mr. Jing for the plan, but... Mr. Jing, can't you really come with us? I believe the researchers still believe in you more."

Jing Yicheng: "Don't make too much progress with me."

The captain was helpless: "We can guarantee that it will only take a short time, no more than two months at most."

Compared to closed-ended research that takes half a year, a year or even two years, two months is really short for them.

But Jing Yicheng can't bear it for two days now, let alone two months of being closed, he doesn't even bother to say that he turns around and enters the ward, closes the door and locks it.

The assistant answered on his behalf: "You can also see that our boss attaches great importance to his partner, and it is impossible to leave when his lover is injured." Of course, it is not necessarily willing to be uninjured.

The assistant concealed the second half of the sentence and continued: "And it will take at least two months for President Xu to recover from the injury in his current state. When President Xu needs someone to take care of him the most, the boss will not leave."

The captain sighed helplessly: "Then we have to hope that the researchers can complete Mr. Jing's plan."

If it can't be done, they can only take the risk.


After sending away the people who had been entangled in him, Jing Yicheng felt a lot more relaxed in an instant, and also freed up more time to help Xu Chenghao with his work. In addition, after the visits of people coming and going for several days finally stopped, Jing Yicheng was even happier, and every day he spoke and did things with joy.

In contrast, Xu Chenghao became bored after lying in bed without working or dealing with people. He began to discuss with Jing Yicheng: "I'll take care of it myself if I don't work."

Jing Yicheng: "No, I'm not tired."

Xu Chenghao was choked and wanted to reply: You are not tired but I am bored.

Forget it, I can't dampen Jing Yicheng's enthusiasm.

Xu Chenghao sighed, found the remote control to turn on the TV, and selected some interesting movies to watch.

Jing Yicheng suddenly took away the remote control: "The doctor said that you should maintain a happy state of mind, and don't look at sadness."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay, you can find me some comedy or variety show..."

Before the words were finished, a clear voice came from the TV: "Quack~quack~quack quack~I'm a cute little yellow duck~"

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Jing Yicheng calmly chose the single cycle: "Nursing songs are the most pure and happy."

Xu Chenghao watched the flocks of little yellow ducks dancing on the TV, and everyone said, "..."

Well, he has nothing to say.

The little yellow duck is still playing cheerfully on the TV: "I am a cute little yellow duck~ Huang Huang's body is swaying around~ I walk left and right~"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He began to wonder why he was watching TV.

On the contrary, Jing Yicheng liked this song very much, and quickly grasped the catchy lyrics, and occasionally hummed a few lines along with it: "Small mouth with a flat mouth~ sing the song quack quack~"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He always felt that he was not worthy of Jing Yicheng, they were too unworthy! !

Xu Chenghao desperately needed comfort in his heart. After turning around and hugging the little yellow duck flowerpot, he looked at the little white flowers on the pepper seedlings and counted the time. He was suddenly surprised: "Brother Cheng!"

"Yes." Jing Yicheng responded, "What do you need?"

Xu Chenghao said, "This afternoon is the day when the pepper seedlings will bear fruit. Can you help me go to the greenhouse to treat the peppers?"

Jing Yicheng: "Of course, I'll ask my assistant to come and take care of you."

Xu Chenghao: "When you go, go home and bring the seeds to help plant them together. Thank you, Brother Cheng."

"Okay." Jing Yicheng closed the computer, got up and walked out, "Then wait for me for a while, I'll be right back."

Xu Chenghao nodded obediently, and after watching the people leave, he immediately turned off the TV to restore the quiet atmosphere in the ward. Well, he decided not to watch TV!

Xu Chenghao leaned on the head of the bed tiredly, while nervous about whether Jing Yicheng's trip to the greenhouse would go smoothly, while waiting for the result of Little Yellow Duck.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the little yellow duck flowerpot came to fruition on time, and the red pepper seedlings had a bumper harvest. There were 11 red peppers and 14 deformed peppers, all of which could catch up with half of the greenhouse.

Xu Chenghao simply fell in love with the little yellow duck flowerpot, and thought this was his mascot! The Little Yellow Duck Tootzui Flower Pot really never disappointed him every time! This harvest can catch up with half of the greenhouse.

The greenhouse is won by a variety of areas, and the little yellow duck relies on being close to the plot mission, but since entering the 3.0 Little Pepper mission, it really rarely touches the role of Mary Su's halo.

But even if there is no touch function, the little yellow duck is still very good. The output has always been very high. I believe that with the help of the little yellow duck, he will be able to complete the little pepper task and completely get rid of the book-piercing system... Well, I am really happy to think about it.

[Ding - No. 2333 system automatically reminds you that it is not good to draw conclusions too early. 】

Xu Chenghao was accustomed to a certain system being elusive, rolled his eyes and said, "What do you mean by that?" Is it okay for me to get rid of you?

[Ding - The host needs to figure it out by himself. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

This system is really pitiful and indebted and likes to mess things up!

Gotta get rid of it!

Xu Chenghao ignored the 'hee hee' transcribing system in his mind, and began to send a message to Jing Yicheng to ask when Chili's situation would return.

Jing Yicheng took a picture of the peppers being put into a cloth bag, which seemed to be a considerable amount: "Go back right away."

Xu Chenghao waited silently while holding the little yellow duck flowerpot.

Twenty minutes later, Jing Yicheng returned with a cloth bag: "This small bag is the seeds from your house. I have already planted them in the greenhouse. These are all the peppers harvested in the greenhouse."

Xu Chenghao first planted pepper seeds in the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot, and then began to check the harvest. The greenhouse harvested 19 intact peppers and 23 deformed peppers. It was indeed a good harvest.

Xu Chenghao counted all the whole peppers in the fresh-keeping box, and said happily, "Eighty, there are twenty more to complete the task!"

Seeing his happy look, Jing Yicheng wanted to touch his head: "Congratulations, it is estimated that the next harvest will be completed."

Xu Chenghao smiled: "I think so too."

One more time to complete the task! Immediately, you can enter the 4.0 mission in advance, and you will also get rewards. I am really happy when I think about it.

Xu Chenghao put away the fresh-keeping box and chili seeds first, and happily held the deformed chili peppers and said, "Look, we have filled with new chili peppers for our chili-eating activity. Quickly call the assistant to come and eat together!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

I would have hidden half of it if I knew it earlier.