Xu Chenghao left a look of "you come on", turned and walked to the balcony to continue to do ideological work for Xu's mother.

As soon as Xu Chenghao left, Jing Yicheng's just relaxed mood was brought up again. Standing in the familiar living room, he was full of embarrassment. Sitting was neither walking nor walking. After thinking about it, he could only continue to stand stiffly. Come back soon.

However, Xu Chenghao didn't stand in front of him again, but Xu's father met him first.

Jing Yicheng's face was paralyzed to the end: "Hello, uncle."

Dad Xu looked at him calmly and kept a business smile: "Hello."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Father Xu: "..."

Jing Yicheng's heart: what should he say on this occasion?

Xu's father's heart: Wanting to be with his son is still so arrogant!

Then the two continued: "..."

The atmosphere seemed more awkward. Fortunately, Xu Chenghao quickly noticed the situation here, and brought Xu's mother over and said, "Dad, you are here."

Dad Xu said, "Can I not come for such a big event?"

Xu Chenghao smiled, stood beside Jing Yicheng and asked, "Did you say hello to my dad?"

Jing Yicheng felt more at ease with Xu Chenghao by his side, and said again, "Hello, Uncle Xu, I'm Jing Yicheng."

Dad Xu nodded: "Hello, I heard about it."

Jing Yicheng's rumors are basically not good, and he can only smile politely when he hears it.

Xu Chenghao took advantage of the situation: "If you have heard of me, I will not introduce more. I originally wanted to take him home in two days, but I didn't expect to be discovered by my mother in advance. Now let's have a temporary meal and wait. Let him officially visit in two days."

Jing Yicheng nodded cooperatively, even if he was nervous, his face was full of 'listening to Haohao'.

Xu's father and Xu's mother looked at their pair with subtle eyes, like the head teacher watching the high-quality academic bully being chased by the scumbags, very sorry and said euphemistically: "En, eat first, the rest are not in a hurry."

Xu Chenghao was also hungry, so he naturally had no objection when he heard the words, and took everyone into the dining room to take a seat, and started the long-awaited dinner.

The dinner dishes were rich and full of white wine. Three businessmen who had experienced countless wine bureaus gathered together to fight the wine, and they killed one bottle in less than 15 minutes.

Jing Yicheng was still nervous at first, but when he saw Xu Chenghao drinking on an empty stomach, his attention was immediately diverted, and he kept reminding him to eat in a low voice - if it weren't for the fact that he didn't dare to be too intimate in front of the second old man, Jing Yicheng would have wanted to pinch him. Chin feeds him himself.

At the end, Jing Yicheng began to worry that Xu Chenghao was drunk and uncomfortable, so he grabbed Xu Chenghao's sleeve under the table without a trace and prevented him from raising his hand to drink, and he had another bottle with Xu's father.

Mother Xu stayed on the sidelines the whole time, secretly looking at the relationship between the two people on the opposite side, especially as time passed, when both of them were a little drunk, some small habits that existed in getting along began to be exposed.

For example, Jing Yicheng lowered his head several times and approached Xu Chenghao several times and held back halfway, until Xu Chenghao took the initiative to touch him with his forehead and sat up straight; another example was Jing Yicheng, who knew everything Xu Chenghao liked to eat, sometimes he would take advantage of them when they didn’t. Pay attention to secretly serving Xu Chenghao vegetables.

Xu's mother also had to admit that Jing Yicheng, who was sitting across from her, was completely different from what she had heard before. It was as if a man-eating beast was tamed into a docile and clingy cat, the contrast was too great.

But... no one knows when this tamed beast will hurt people again, and the danger of staying by his side is a hundred times higher than ordinary people. Mother Xu will not believe each other just because of a meal. Still half worried and half skeptical.

If possible, Xu's mother would prefer that her son find someone with a similar personality to him, because in this way, they will understand each other and take care of each other. Even if the life is dull, it will be long and warm enough. Instead of someone like Jing Yicheng who has a bad personality, a bad temper, and even has no communication skills, and has to rely on his son to smooth things out!

Thinking about it, I feel that my own good cabbage has been arched, and it's a bad loss.

Mother Xu was upset, so she said to Father Xu, "Don't drink with your child. Jing Yicheng has to go home. What should I do if I'm really drunk?"

The wine in Jing Yicheng's mouth suddenly became a little choked, and he glanced at Xu Chenghao silently with two coughs.

Xu Chenghao held back his laughter, never expecting that because his parents were there, Jing Yicheng couldn't even live in the guest room and was kicked out. But Jing Yicheng couldn't say anything, he could only bow his head and admit it.

What's worse is that the second elder of the Xu family stayed in the guest room at night because he was drunk. Even if Jing Yicheng wanted to kill the carbine, he could only leave Xu Chenghao aggrieved and returned to his home where he hadn't lived for a long time, lonely and cold.

He was lying on the bed that was too empty, and tried to call Xu Chenghao to sell miserable in order to deceive him to go back to the bedroom tomorrow. However, Xu Chenghao's phone status turned out to be unanswered, and he didn't even have a chance to sell badly.

Jing Yicheng suddenly became more resentful. He didn't expect that he would become a little cabbage that no one loves and no one loved, and no one even answered the phone.

Jing Yicheng started sending messages to attack: "Haohao, I miss you."

"Haohao, you said you wanted me to stay in a guest room, but now I don't even have a guest room."

"Haohao, why are you ignoring me?"

After the continuous text message bombing, there was still no response. Jing Yicheng thought of the attitude of the second elder of the Xu family and felt a little guilty. He immediately sat up from the bed and glanced at the window, and decided to go down to check what was going on.


After seeing off Jing Yicheng, Xu Chenghao helped Xu's mother to bring Xu's father to the guest room. Even if he was the least drinker, he couldn't help but start to feel sleepy, and said, "Mom, you should rest early too, I'll go back first."

Mother Xu: "Wait, I have something to tell you."

Xu Chenghao turned around and reminded in advance, "If you persuade me about Jing Yicheng, you don't need to talk about it."

Xu's mother was blocked before she could speak, and she was suddenly unhappy: "Why don't you say it? Are you sure your choice is the right one?"

Xu Chenghao: "Whether right or wrong, the most important thing in this matter is my choice."

Xu's mother said: "But from the standpoint of the elders, we still hope to give you the experience of people who have come here, so that you can avoid detours."

Xu Chenghao: "However, not everything can be solved with the same experience, and relying on other people's experience to survive won't go far."

Mother Xu: "Then are you sure?"

Xu Chenghao: "At least it's certain for now."

Mother Xu: "Don't hit the south wall and don't look back?"

Xu Chenghao: "Let's talk about it when we hit it."

Mother Xu: "..."

Can't talk anymore, Xu's mother turned her face and said, "Okay, go out now, I'm going to rest with your dad."

Xu Chenghao closed the door for them: "Good night."

"Good night."

After leaving the guest room, Xu Chenghao returned to his bedroom and felt the warm air blowing towards him when he closed the door, only to remember that he hadn't turned on the air conditioner before, and suddenly said vigilantly, "Jing Yicheng?"

"It's me." Jing Yicheng came out of the bathroom: "I just opened the door suddenly, I was afraid of being discovered and hid, didn't I scare you?"

Xu Chenghao locked the door and said speechlessly, "Climbed in through the window?"

Jing Yicheng nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao: "Didn't I tell you in the afternoon that you can't enter the guest room at night and can't climb the window?"

Jing Yicheng hugged the person: "Then you said you wanted me to sleep in the guest room. I don't even have a guest room now."

Xu Chenghao: "...This has nothing to do with me. If you have any opinions, ask my parents. No, you should ask yourself what you have done before and why my parents don't like you so much."

Jing Yicheng thought about the brain-dead things he had done before, and suddenly fell silent. He could only hug the person in his arms even harder.

Xu Chenghao frowned: "I haven't taken a bath yet, don't get the alcohol on you."

Jing Yicheng: "It's okay, I can wash with you again."

Xu Chenghao smiled but didn't smile: "My home is not soundproofed by your office, are you sure you want to wash it together under the eyes of my parents?"

Jing Yicheng said in a low voice, "I don't mind, you can hold back and don't make a sound."

Xu Chenghao: "..."


"I won't get out!" Jing Yicheng endured it all night, finally hugging Xu Chenghao intimately, how could he be willing to leave.

"Aren't you going to get out?" Xu Chenghao tugged at his ear a little angrily, wishing to screw his ear off.

Jing Yicheng tickled when he couldn't bear the pain. Taking advantage of Xu Chenghao's ticklish dodge, he directly pressed the person on the door and bullied him hard. Xu Chenghao did not dare to laugh too loudly, until his body began to tremble.

Then Jing Yicheng's eyes changed, his tickling hand also turned into eating tofu, he burrowed into his clothes when he touched it, spread Xu Chenghao's legs with one leg, and hugged the man by his ass.

Xu Chenghao didn't expect that he would really dare to mess around. When his legs wrapped around his waist, he rushed directly in front of him and bit his cheek.

"Hey!" Jing Yicheng sucked in a breath of cold air and whispered as he walked back to the bed, "Haohao, you are going to bite off the flesh of my cheekbones."

Xu Chenghao didn't let go, he continued to bite his cheek, and shook his leg to signal him to put himself down and let go.

Jing Yicheng fell directly on the bed, rolled over and pressed him in his arms: "If you don't let go, I will scratch the itch."

Xu Chenghao immediately let go: "Are you a child? It's not childish to tickle at such an age."

Jing Yicheng touched his aching cheeks and said helplessly, "Then I've never seen such a big bite before."

Xu Chenghao slammed his belly with a fist, looked at Jing Yicheng with a pained expression and said proudly, "The little fist for your love?"

Jing Yicheng said, "It's not rude to come and go, then I'll applaud your love."

Xu Chenghao almost laughed angrily and kicked him: "Go away!"

Jing Yicheng took advantage of the situation and grabbed his ankle and forced it to put it behind his waist. When he leaned over and leaned closer, it was suddenly pressed somewhere. The irritated Xu Chenghao shuddered, and his voice was half weak.

Jing Yicheng showed a successful smile, and as soon as he lowered his head and kissed Xu Chenghao to unbutton the two buttons, there was a sudden knock on the bedroom door.

Xu's mother's voice floated from the door and asked, "Are you asleep, Chenghao?"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

The author has something to say: Two people: Excitement.jpg