Xu Chenghao had an ominous premonition when he saw Li Nian's expression, remembering what he suddenly looked at Jing Yicheng, and asked, "By the way, I haven't asked Li Nian how much he spent on travel."

Jing Yicheng said: "These are handled by the assistant, I didn't ask."

Xu Chenghao made a small calculation: "You will ask later, if I spend too much, I will let him work overtime to pay off the debt."

Jing Yicheng laughed: "It doesn't matter, thanks to him taking care of you when I was away, I should pay for this money."

Xu Chenghao: "That's true... But I didn't expect you to take the initiative to bring up this topic. It seems that you've lost your temper?"

Jing Yicheng smiled and said, "No, it's just a matter of fact."

That's right, he still doesn't like the two black months he left, and he always feels that the two months he has lost are the ones he hates the most... But no matter how much he hates it, it can't erase the existence of the black months, let alone erase them. the credit of others. So he can only take this incident as a wake-up call to himself, and he will feel more at ease by ensuring that this situation will not happen again in the future.

As for those who dared to do it, the punishment is not over yet.

As soon as Jing Yicheng's eyes changed, Xu Chenghao lifted his chin and kissed him, comforting: "Don't think too much."

Jing Yicheng's mood suddenly changed from ice and snow to spring blossoms. He clasped Xu Chenghao's back and kissed him back. After a long while, he let go of him reluctantly: "With you around, I won't think too much."

Xu Chenghao touched his face: "I'm here."

Jing Yicheng just smiled, but suddenly collapsed after thinking of something: "But my uncle and aunt don't like me..."

This thing sounds really embarrassing. Originally, they planned to visit the Ruan family's full moon banquet on a bright road, but they didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the rapid changes. They were discovered in advance, not to mention that their performance was abnormally bad, and they were directly rejected by the ugly.

Although Xu Chenghao reassured him that it was okay, the plan to visit at the door remained unchanged. But Jing Yicheng already knew the attitude of the second old man, so he would be more worried that the visit would not go well, what should I do...

The most worrying thing is Xu Chenghao's attitude. Jing Yicheng is really very, very worried that Xu Chenghao will be forced to break up with him due to his family's coercion, or even enter the hall with other people under the arrangement of his family - anyway, this is how it is played in TV series. , Jing Yicheng believes that art comes from life, so he is convinced.

After hearing all Jing Yicheng's thoughts, Xu Chenghao was almost laughed at: "Enough is enough, all you think is a mess... Once I am independent and responsible, my second parents are enlightened and won't use filial piety to oppress others, why did I give you this An illusion?"

Jing Yicheng's face was serious: "If it won't happen before, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Everything is uncertain."

Xu Chenghao: "Then I promise you that this will never happen, do you believe me?"

Jing Yicheng: "I believe it."

Xu Chenghao: "Yes, if you believe it, don't scare yourself."

Jing Yicheng had nothing to say but kept his head down and worked silently. Although he was still worried, he was relieved a little by Xu Chenghao's assurance.

However, as soon as his mood calmed down, Xu Chenghao's phone began to ring, and at a glance, it was actually Xu's mother's phone!

Jing Yicheng's heart suddenly raised, even if Xu Chenghao got up and went to the floor-to-ceiling window to answer the phone, he would follow step by step and never relax.

Xu Chenghao glanced at him helplessly, and answered the phone: "Mom."

Jing Yicheng couldn't really hear the voice on the phone, so he stared at Xu Chenghao's expression carefully, not missing any changes.

Xu Chenghao's expression was calm, but he responded well and well throughout the whole process.

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng's heart was completely cold, he directly stepped forward and hugged Xu Chenghao, buried his head on his shoulder, and refused to let go.

Xu Chenghao patted his head distractedly, but his mouth was responding to the content of the phone, and calmly said: "Okay, I see."

"Well, bye bye."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Chenghao put away his phone and was about to turn around to see Jing Yicheng's expression, but he was hugged tightly and couldn't move: "Jing Yicheng?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yeah."

Xu Chenghao touched his head: "Afraid?"

Jing Yicheng didn't respond and still hugged him tightly.

Xu Chenghao took the joke and said helplessly: "I already told you to believe me, is it possible that I am so insecure?"

Jing Yicheng was silent for a long time, and almost whispered: "But I'm not worthy of you..."


Xu Chenghao was a little shocked and wanted to turn around to see his expression, but Jing Yicheng hugged him tightly and didn't allow him to move: "Haohao is everyone's perception, and it's my true opinion, that's why I'm uneasy and afraid... Because I'm not worthy of you, I'm not willing to give up on you."

Xu Chenghao was able to grab his ear without turning around, and said fiercely on purpose, "Are you questioning my gaze?"

Jing Yicheng was stunned: "What?"

Xu Chenghao said, "If you're not good, why would I choose you as my boyfriend? I'm even getting married from your parents... Do you think I'm a fool or a blind one?"

Jing Yicheng whispered: "You are a little fool."

"Then you're a big fool." Xu Chenghao tugged at his ear angrily: "Let go, are you going to strangle me?"

Jing Yicheng silently let go of Xu Chenghao, and when the person in his arms turned half a circle to face him, he embraced his waist again.

Xu Chenghao took a closer look and praised: "I have a future, I didn't cry this time."

Jing Yicheng lowered his head to touch his forehead: "You didn't see it, I've actually finished crying."

Xu Chenghao: "I believe in you... I don't believe a phone call scare you like this. But don't worry, my mother called me just to inform me that they went home, and said nothing else."

Jing Yicheng: "Wouldn't it be worse not to say anything?"

Xu Chenghao was helpless: "I said it, it's okay to say it."

Jing Yicheng immediately asked, "What did you say?"

Xu Chenghao: "Let you stop visiting my house."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "This is something you have to ask yourself."

Jing Yicheng was speechless.

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, Xu Chenghao comforted him again: "My parents' impression of you is still in the past, so you have to consider your character and personality. It's normal to meet for the first time. Don't you forget that we just When you start to cooperate, you scream and kill?"

Jing Yicheng remembered something, and his expression softened: "You were always beating me on the head back then."

Xu Chenghao: "That's not because you are annoying."

Jing Yicheng: "No, that's because you're so cute when you're angry, so I couldn't help teasing you."

Xu Chenghao: "You still cry..."

The two of them chatted and suddenly started to hurt each other, and they were almost overwhelmed, only to realize that the history of the relationship between the two was so legendary, and it was really amazing that they could go from a rival in love to a lover all the way.

As soon as the topic was extended, Jing Yicheng quickly forgot the emotions just now, immersed in the beautiful love between him and Xu Chenghao, unable to extricate himself. As Xu Chenghao said, we are all legendary like this, can parents stop us from taking off if they don't agree?

Of course not!

Therefore, as long as he is willing to work hard, he will definitely be able to wash away the bully image in the hearts of the second elders of the Xu family, and replace them with a considerate and reliable first-choice lover, so that they can trust Xu Chenghao to themselves!

Jing Yicheng broke away from his loss and anxiety in an instant, and became full of momentum. When he walked out of the office, he even startled Li Nian, thinking that the other party was here to beat him - after all, he spent a lot of money on his breakfast.

After the people left, Li Nian asked while putting down the document, "Is Jing always unhappy? Why doesn't it look the same as usual."

Xu Chenghao felt strange: "Isn't he very happy?"

Li Nian: "Is that happy???"

Xu Chenghao said confidently, "That's happiness."

Li Nian looked back at the door of the office again. He really couldn't imagine Jing Yicheng's calm face who had just gone out, his eyes full of stern eyes. Why was he so happy... Surely this isn't someone in love with a filter?

Li Nian didn't want to embarrass himself if he couldn't get it at all. After talking to Xu Chenghao about the work, he asked, "How are you preparing for the meeting with your parents?"

Xu Chenghao turned his pen: "Don't mention it, there are unforeseen circumstances, and the plan can't keep up with the changes..."

Li Nian asked tentatively, "Are you arrested for living together?"

Xu Chenghao nodded deeply.

Li Nian: "Wow...is it the kind of thing your mother is sitting in the living room and you two come out wearing bath towels?"

Xu Chenghao disliked it: "Do you think it was a TV shoot? We bumped into it when we came home from outside..."

Xu Chenghao described the scene at that time again. Hearing Li Nian want to laugh again, he can only hold back because he cannibalism is short. After a while, he said, "I feel sorry for Mr. Jing."

This scene feels embarrassing just listening to it, and it is even more difficult for Jing Yicheng to have social phobia, and it is difficult to relax in contact with other people. The atmosphere of the scene is simply embarrassing, the mother opens the door for embarrassment, and embarrassment is home.

"But it's okay to meet your parents in advance. Anyway, there will be an embarrassing day sooner or later. Now it's just early." Li Nian comforted: "Even if my uncle and aunt disagree, I believe it's only temporary, and I'm trapped by Mr. Jing's previous image. Just stay, it will be fine in a few days."

Xu Chenghao: "I think so too."

Li Nian: "Then did he say he would take you to see your parents?"

Xu Chenghao said hesitantly, "He has no home since he was very young."

Li Nian was surprised: "So miserable?"

What more. The villain's family in the plot is very chaotic. His father accidentally killed his mother because of drunkenness, and finally left his son and ran away overnight. The villain was driven out by relatives to wander the streets. It took about two years for his father to be caught by the police, and he was also brought back and sent to the orphanage... It is said that the opportunity for him to enter the research institute was to accept the experiment voluntarily.

It still hurts to think about it, but Xu Chenghao knew that he should not know these things in his own capacity, so he held his emotions and tried to calm down: "I don't know the specifics."

Li Nian pondered: "Unfortunate family, work secrecy, fear of communication... Xu Chenghao, I have to remind you that even now you still don't know anything about him. If he disappears like last time, there is nothing you can do."

Xu Chenghao said: "He said no..."

Li Nian was very disdainful: "As a man yourself, don't you know what a man's mouth is like?"

Xu Chenghao said, "I don't know about other men, but I trust him."

Li Nian: "I hope he deserves your trust, otherwise you will cry in the future."

Xu Chenghao accused: "Are you worthy of the big meal in the morning? Forgot who placed the order, didn't you?"

Li Nian said stubbornly, "I'm not doing this for your own good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the office was pushed open. Jing Yicheng strode in and glanced at them. Li Nian suddenly lowered his head and said solemnly, "Mr. Xu, look, this document is the latest in our company..."