When he received the photo of Ruan Chenxuan's black face taken by his assistant, Jing Yicheng was so immersed in beauty that he couldn't extricate himself, and he didn't hear the bell at all. So he missed the last chance to save.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Chenghao was woken up not by the alarm clock, nor by the kiss of Jing Yicheng, but by the calls after another. In a daze, he stretched out his hand to find the mobile phone, and after seeing that it was his mother's note, he forced himself to answer the phone: "Hello, mother."

"Chenghao, what are you doing?" Xu's mother said angrily, "When are you going to go home and talk to us?"

Xu Chenghao was at a loss: "I haven't gotten up yet... If you have something to do, I can go home in the afternoon."

Mother Xu: "What do you mean we have something to do? Are you making such a big noise, are you ready to skip us and get married directly?"

Xu Chenghao: "What the **** is going on, just say it."

Xu's mother: "Let me tell me straight! Did Shang Jing Yicheng propose to you last night? Did you agree? You bully me and your father for not knowing the Internet. If you didn't get up in the morning and read the newspaper, your father would find out. Are you still planning to hide it from us?!"

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Xu Chenghao finally woke up completely, sat up from the bed and rubbed his head: "How do you know?"

Mother Xu said, "The whole world knows it!"

Xu Chenghao had a bad premonition. After comforting Xu's mother and promising to go home in the afternoon, he immediately hung up the phone and ran to the website to search for his name, typed in the word Xu, and immediately following the search box, "The president of Xu's Group was proposed to marry him." ''Xu Chenghao Jing Yicheng proposed marriage' and other keywords.

Xu Chenghao blankly clicked on the first keyword, and after reading all the events, he slowly turned his head to look at Jing Yicheng. With such a big movement, Jing Yicheng also opened his eyes a long time ago, and when he saw him looking back, he took the initiative to say, "Morning."

Xu Chenghao smiled: "Morning...you bastard!" Xu Chenghao picked up the pillow and beat him up, Jing Yicheng subconsciously blocked, fearing that he would hurt him, and quickly stopped, hesitating in the neutral position, he was slapped all over his face. , In the end, he simply lay down on Ren Chu, waited for Xu Chenghao to be tired before hugging the person and lying down again, patted and coaxed: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, tell me what's wrong?"

Xu Chenghao tried to struggle, but Jing Yicheng wrapped him in the quilt and rolled him into a caterpillar, and hugged him tightly with his arms, unable to break free. Xu Chenghao was exhausted, so he could only stare at him: "What do you think? Yesterday I praised you for making arrangements, but I didn't expect you to have one set in front of your face and another behind your back. You bought the advertising space in the city behind my back!"

Jing Yicheng explained: "I know that you don't like to be ostentatious and hate being surrounded by people, so all arrangements for the marriage proposal are just the two of us... But I finally got such a baby, and I definitely want to show it off and let everyone know about this baby. It's mine, so they don't dare to covet."

Jing Yicheng looked serious, but what he said was mixed with love words, and even a little rainbow fart: "We Haohao are so good, many people must be thinking about it, as long as I think about it, I feel uncomfortable and can't hold back the oath of sovereignty. I promise. Just this time."

Xu Chenghao's eyes were full of distrust: "Just this time?"


"Oh, what about our marriage?"

"..." Jing Yicheng was silent for a while, then tentatively asked, "Then marriage is the last time?"


Jing Yicheng was kicked out of bed.

Xu Chenghao was very annoyed. He didn't take the initiative when he knew the other party's virtue. Now that he thinks about it, he has lost his wife and lost his army, and is very unhappy. That's right, it's just not happy!

Xu Chenghao closed the bathroom door and isolated Jing Yicheng from outside to wash himself. When he rolled up his sleeves, he saw the ring on his finger. After thinking about it, he quietly took it off and looked at the inside. The words are enclosed in a small yellow duck shape.

Xu Chenghao recalled for a few seconds, and felt that it was different from the shape he accidentally saw yesterday, and he didn't know what Jing Yicheng was... But he didn't want to talk to Jing Yicheng and deceive the man of his feelings!

Xu Chenghao opened the door, and Jing Yicheng immediately walked up and followed behind him, begging for mercy: "Haohao, don't be angry, I know I'm wrong."

Xu Chenghao glanced back at him: "What did you do wrong?"

Jing Yicheng said honestly, "I shouldn't ignore you."

"Well, what else?"

"Shouldn't have told you."


"You shouldn't...you shouldn't be greedy for beauty and lose your desire to survive."

Xu Chenghao was amused by his apology, but he wanted to straighten his face, but Jing Yicheng seized the opportunity to come over and coax him softly, so he could only grunt and say, "For the sake of your sincere apology, I forgive you."

Jing Yicheng rubbed his head: "Haohao is so kind to me... I have already prepared the clothes. Let's have dinner together after I wash up."

Xu Chenghao didn't go to dinner, but followed behind him and waited for him to take off the ring. He reached out and took a look at it. The words X&J were also engraved on the inner wall, but it was enclosed in a pepper shape.

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Full marks for this creativity.

After Xu Chenghao figured out his doubts, he immediately left Jing Yicheng to change his clothes.

After the two of them finished breakfast and went out, Xu Chenghao finally felt a real sense of what it means to be "everywhere". Jing Yicheng really bought all the advertising spaces, big and small, Xu Chenghao could hear the loudspeaker shouting 'Mr. Jing proposed to marry the same little yellow duck balloon, don't miss it when you pass by. ’

Not to mention after getting out of the car. Today's attention has skyrocketed, and even with Jing Yicheng's bodyguards blocking him, he can still feel the crackling flash of the camera frantically taking pictures. Jing Yicheng turned sideways to help Xu Chenghao block the flashing light, and entered the Xu Group building with someone in his arms. This action immediately intensified the frequency of the flashing lights, and there were also passersby screaming from the wind.

The liveliness in front of the Xu Group's door is comparable to the New Year's Eve.

Inside the Xu Group's door——

"Congratulations to President Xu, congratulations to President Jing."



Even Li Nian said beamingly: "Congratulations, congratulations, when can I drink your wedding wine?"

"Say more."


Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng spoke at the same time, but what they said were very different.

Li Nian looked left and right, his eyelids jumped, pretending he couldn't hear Xu Chenghao's answer, and said to Jing Yicheng, "Recently, hahaha, I know, I'll wait for the good news from you."

However, Jing Yicheng ignored Li Nian and looked down at Xu Chenghao, who had a displeased face.

Xu Chenghao turned around and left: "I can't bite you with such a thick skin."

Jing Yicheng followed up automatically: "It doesn't matter, Haohao won't be thick when he bites."

"Don't follow me, I'll be angry when I see you."

"But I like Hao Hao."


Li Nian, who was ignored by no one, stood in a mess in the same place, and labelled the two people a dog boy and a boy. I wonder if quarrels not aimed at breaking up are all show of affection! Some people hate dating! snort!

Li Nian returned to the office holding his injured little heart, and sent Xu Chenghao a lot of work with a strong sense of revenge. It happened that Jing Yicheng wanted to show that he was asking for forgiveness, so he took the initiative to take over all the work and ordered a strawberry bouquet for Xu Chenghao.

Li Nian, who received the call to sign the contract: "..."

Poker face.

In the office, Xu Chenghao picked all the strawberries and put them on a plate, and read the news to check the follow-up situation while eating. After the night passed, the popularity subsided a little, and the photos of Jing Yicheng protecting him to enter the company just swiped again, but fortunately, there is a public relations department operating here, and the negative effects and comments are under control. I believe that Jing Yicheng will remove it tomorrow. Basically nothing happened after that.

Oh no, and at home. Xu Chenghao had a headache thinking of Xu's mother's phone call in the morning, and he had to think about how to apologize to Jing Yicheng and say good things.

When Jing Yicheng heard Xu Chenghao say that he was going back to Xu's house in the afternoon, he felt a shudder in his heart and quickly asked, "Then when would it be better for me to pick you up?"

Xu Chenghao said calmly, "No need."

Jing Yicheng's spirit suddenly tightened: "Haohao, are you still angry?"

"No." Xu Chenghao said, "You also know that I went back because my mother called me to go back. I didn't let you go because I would definitely tell you what you did, so it was not convenient for you to show up."

Jing Yicheng: "But Haohao, I can't sleep without you."

Xu Chenghao sneered: "I can't sleep without you."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "If you don't let me go back, you can tell my mother yourself."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Jing Yicheng was speechless. After get off work, he could only send the person to Xu's door, and he was reluctant to leave when he saw the other person entering the door.

Inside the Xu family, as Xu Chenghao thought, Xu's mother called Xu Chenghao home and really wanted to talk about this uproarious marriage proposal. The second elder of the Xu family was very dissatisfied with the fact that the two of them made such a big name behind their backs. Xu's mother also said, "If your father doesn't read the newspaper, do you only inform me if you plan to get married?"

Xu Chenghao said, "I only proposed to you last night. You must have rested at that time. How can I bother you? I wanted to find time to go home and talk about marriage, but I didn't expect your call."

Xu's mother didn't quite believe it: "Then what? What are you planning now?"

Xu Chenghao said, "What else can you plan, get married."

Dad Xu asked, "Have you thought about it? Getting married is a lifetime event, especially since the marriage contract has not been approved in China. You need to go abroad to get a certificate."

Mother Xu: "Is Jing Yicheng treating you well? Will he be very strong? Will he ask you to do anything? You must not give in."

Dad Xu: "This time it's a big mess. As a man, you should be able to see Jing Yicheng's ambition and possessiveness. Are you sure you can endure it for the rest of your life?"

Xu's mother: "Mom still wants to talk ugly. The more you show up now, if you have any problems, you will be brought out and slapped in the face, especially now that the atmosphere is not too cheerful, I am afraid that you will become a target in the future."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

How did this start the mixed doubles for men and women!