Voice Transmission Talisman (3)

“Watch this.”

Zheng Wan raised her sleeve and pointed. A frost arrow talisman rose in the air; following her thoughts, the frost arrow talisman turned into ashes. At the same time, three frost arrows suddenly appeared out of thin air. Each of them was like the most transparent ice crystal, refracting the sunlight overhead, causing blue watery waves, beautiful as can be.

Along with her goose-yellow robes and outstanding appearance, she seemed even more like an immortal.

This attracted the eyes of the people around at once.

With the movement of her thoughts, Zheng Wan made the frost arrows circle in front of her, then sent them swooshing with a flick of her finger. The three frost arrows landed in front of the stall, and three holes suddenly appeared on the stone pavement that was still flat just moments before.

“Ah Yu, I want to buy that. Only when I use such a rare talisman against an enemy will I be able to catch them by surprise.” A petite female cultivator hung on the hulking man’s arm, tugging at him and asking for him to buy it.

“Alright, alright, we’ll buy it. “

“Me too, me too. Fairy, give me two. “

“Frost arrow talismans are much rarer than fireball talismans. Even if you don’t use it, it’s good to keep it around just to look at it.”

One took three, another took five; in a short time, Zheng Wan had sold most of them. Most were not stingy with their Yuan stones because of the rarity of the frost talismans. Besides, they could afford one or two low-grade Yuan stones. Worst comes to worst, they could always resell it without any loss.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all of Zheng Wan’s frost arrow talismans were sold, netting her a total of thirty-five low-grade Yuan stones and a pile of Yuan beads.

“Zhenren,” the boy who was eating the candied fruits just now moved quietly to her side. “My brother would like to ask you to give a message to Li Wei Zhenjun.”

Zheng Wan was taken aback.

“What’s the message?”

“He wants to tell him that he didn’t mean to offend you, and hopes for his forgiveness.” The child grinned, revealing two decayed teeth.

“Zhenjun will not purposely make things difficult for him, so don’t worry.”

“B-but Xuan Yi Pavilion will not accept my brother anymore. My mother needs to rely on lamptail grass for her illness every day. If he can’t work there, m-my mother will…”

The child wiped his tears, bowed hurriedly, and went back to his stall.

Zheng Wan looked up, only to see Shu Yuan’s downcast profile. When his handsome face was not smiling, he seemed a little miserable.

Putting herself in his shoes, if her mother were injured and they were in a desperate situation, she was afraid that she— she… would also be willing to do that sort of work.

“This child doesn’t have it easy,” said the stall owner next to her. “When his father was still around, he was Fengwu City’s city lord, but he died in a secret realm. His mother did come back, but she’s also just hanging by a thread. If it weren’t for the benevolence of the current city lord…”

“Is that lamptail grass very expensive?”

“Good quality ones will cost two mid-grade Yuan stones each. Those that are of poorer quality will also need a little more than one Yuan stone. His father’s fortune is all inside the secret realm, and the family has sold everything they have after so many years of illness. However, a few days ago, I heard him say happily that his mother’s illness is almost cured. It’s just that one of the Yuan medicine is a bit expensive, and they need a top-grade Yuan stone. When they saved enough, they would take it to the Danxin Sect to ask them to refine it… “

That’s why he went to Xuan Yi Pavilion.

Of course, Zheng Wan wouldn’t say that she would give him that top-grade Yuan stone. After all, she was now a pauper herself. It was even more impossible to ask Cui Wang for it. But she was willing to help him get Xuan Yi Pavilion to let him continue to work.

From the storage pouch, she took out the voice transmission jade talisman that Cui Wang gave her when he left. Jade talismans were more than a little more expensive than paper talismans, but the advantage was that they could be used repeatedly.

Zheng Wan transferred some vital energy into it, and a voice came from the other side. This voice was as cold as the snow from a thousand mountains away, “What is it?”

“Cui Wang,” she said sweetly, “do you remember Shu Yuan, the black-robed server?”

“Clang—” there was no more sound from the other side.

Zheng Wan shook the jade talisman and found that Cui Wang had disconnected the call on his own accord.


The voice transmission jade talisman suddenly vibrated again. Zheng Wan hurriedly transferred vital energy into it, only to hear the voice over there say flatly, “Speak.”