After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée Chapter 155

A Messy Pot (2)

When cultivators reached the Centring rank, the time needed for sleep was greatly compressed to a very short period of time— two hours were enough to completely regain all energy.

Zheng Wan herself didn’t know how she made it through these dull and boring days. Before she knew it, it was almost the first day of the next month.

Her soul consciousness was already a little bit thicker than before, enough to support her to draw talismans continuously for an hour without taking a break. As for her vital energy, it had become incomparably pure after being unremittingly polished. She had also almost fully grasped the first stage of the Illusion Creation Arts, Moonbreak. From only being able to make one ice lotus bloom at a time, she could now make five ice lotuses bloom at the same time.

The Grade 2 ice shield talisman was no longer difficult for her. Zheng Wan started attempting to draw Grade 3 ice talismans, which were worth several times more.

Especially the Ice Heart Talisman, which was used to dispel illusions and quiet the mind. A good quality one could be sold for two medium-grade Yuan stones. Unfortunately, after many attempts, she always failed just before it could be completed.

At this point, Zheng Wan knew that it was time to change her cinnabar pigment.

The cinnabar pigment she had previously gotten for a “bargain” was made from the blood of skunk pigs, which was of the fire element. It was fine for drawing low-grade talismans, but was not enough when it came to the Grade 3 Ice Heart Talisman.

The elemental types clashed fiercely, and her attempts always failed at the very end. In fact, if she could replace the yellow talisman paper with ice-type talisman paper, the Ice Heart Talisman could be sold at an even higher price, for example, three medium-grade Yuan stones.

Zheng Wan did some calculations before going out. She had saved nearly eight hundred low-grade Yuan stones, which was more than enough to buy a good box of cinnabar pigment. She could also get some beautiful magical robes too.

She was really tired of wearing the same sect disciples’ robes as everyone else every day.

“Cui Wang, where are you?”

Before Zheng Wan went down the mountain, she finally remembered to take out the voice transmission jade talisman that had laid “mouldy” in her interdimensional pouch for a long time.

During this period, she had not contacted Cui Wang—

Of course, Cui Wang hadn’t contacted her either.

It’s just that as Guixu Sect was close by, and Cui Wang was a prominent figure, news from there would always make its way over.

For instance:

“Li Wei Zhenjun jumped to first place on the Boundless Ranking again! He’s really remarkable!”

“I heard that Beimian Sect’s Ming Yu Zhenjun has lived at Guixu Sect for almost half a month and is still there. Could it be as the Heavenly Herald reported? That the person Li Wei Zhenjun stormed the Xuan Yi Pavilion for when he went to catch adultery in the act— is Ming Yu Zhenjun?

“...Thinking about it like this, the timing matches.”

For a while, the news that there was going to be a marriage alliance between Beimian Sect and Guixu Sect ran rampant.

“What is it?”

The voice that came through was very flat.

Zheng Wan heard the sound of whistling wind, mixed with the dull sound of sword qi piercing into things.

She gave an “oh” and reminded, “Don’t forget tomorrow.”


Over there, the sound of Ming Yu Zhenjun calling “Li Wei”, “Li Wei”, started again. Zheng Wan snorted.

“Well then, I won’t keep Zhenjun from your pleasure.”

She cut off the transmission quickly and resolutely. Cui Wang was dazed for a while, but heard a  “watch out”, and came to himself in time, easily sending out a burst of sword qi, blasting away the incoming smoke.

Li Siyi, “Great job, Little Junior Brother!”

Ming Yu Zhenjun smiled sweetly.

“Yu Qing, it’s not something you can envy.”

Since the discovery of a tunnel under Guixu Sect that led directly to the Western lands half a month ago, all the elite disciples of the twelve orthodox sects have been thrown into it, using it as a place for their training.

All of them have taken a break partway from the exhaustion of their vital energy, but only Li Wei, who has been in battle since his arrival, has never had a moment’s rest.

Every time she saw him standing in mid-air in his white robes, like an immortal descending upon the world, slicing through all black fog with the heavenly radiance of his sword in an instant, seeming to be able to slay all the evil in the world, her heart would be full of emotion, drumming endlessly in her chest.

She did indeed like him. It had cost her a lot for her to slowly get close to him just a little bit. Even if she could only just watch him, even if they did nothing, she was satisfied.

The one hundred and eight nine-turning beads between the wrists of Fu Sheng Zhenjun kept flicking outward. Everywhere they flicked to, smoke would blow up from that place. He smiled at Cui Wang.

“Li Wei, let’s have another match.”

Unexpectedly, Cui Wang actually landed on the ground. His cold and picturesque brows were slightly knitted, as if something was troubling him. He reached and with a flick of his hand, his Incandescent Sword suddenly enlarged and swung down. Amid the continuous explosions of the black fog, he said, “I’m going to take a two-day break. You all can go ahead.”

At that, he stepped straight into the tent; with a flash of white light from the teleportation formation, the person was gone.


Li Siyi scratched the back of his head, “Little Junior Brother… is tired?”

However, Ming Yu Zhenjun thought sharply about the voice transmission jade talisman that suddenly appeared in his hand just now during the battle. Anxious, she also landed on the ground, and hurriedly said, “I’m also going to rest for two days.”

Li Siyi cursed. Just as he was about to be blasted by the black fog, Fu Sheng Zhenjun flicked a bead to help him, and asked, “Hey, little Yu Qing, let me ask you— was the person your Little Junior Brother got so furious about really Ming Yu? From the way I see it, it doesn’t seem so.”

“How can it be?”

Li Siyi said, “It’s more likely to be Little Junior Brother’s former fiancée than that tigress.”

“Former fiancée?” With an “oh”, Fu Sheng Zhenjun also lowered his cloud. “I’ll also take a break for two days.”

That said, there was another flash of white light, and he disappeared.

Leaving Li Siyi and the other cultivators cursing as they continued to cast spells against the black fog.