After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée Chapter 157

The Wrong Place (2)

“I was acquainted with him ever since he entered the Heavenly Realms when he was thirteen. I devoted my entire energy and thoughts to him, always planning and preparing. What he likes, I will like. If he hates something, I will also hate it. He’s wary of women, so I never wore makeup, and only ever dressed in my Taoist robes and Taoist hat…”

Zheng Wan didn’t know that she had a pair of people behind her.

She met Shu Yuan on the way to Fengwu City. This person went to the stall market almost every day, and the two had bumped into each other several times in the stall market. However, she abided by her father’s words and always kept a distance from him. Shu Yuan’s character was also introverted and passive, so the two remained as casual acquaintances who only met by chance.

“Oh, yes,” Shu Yuan smiled shyly, “thanks to Zheng Zhenren speaking up for me that day, the ingredients for my mother’s medicine have all been obtained. Once the elixir is ready, my mother will be well.”

“That’s really good news.”

Zheng Wan was happy for him. She herself valued her parents, so she thought it was good that Shu Yuan was like this. “Congratulations.”


Shu Yuan gave her a big smile, and the dimples on either side of his cheeks flashed. His black eyes were like that of a cat’s. Zheng Wan looked and thought that he wasn’t contaminated with the turbidity she had seen at Xuan Yi Pavilion, and was very clean.

She said, “I’m very happy for you.

“My mother also said to thank you.”

“I was the one who caused you to lose your job. There’s no need for thanks.”

As they chatted, they boarded a slugworm and went to the stall market together.

Zheng Wan paid one low-grade Yuan stone as usual. Her ice talismans were special, and she had already accumulated a bunch of regular customers. Not long after she set up her stall, the ice shield talismans were all sold out.

After saying goodbye to Shu Yuan, Zheng Wan went straight to the Seven Treasures Court and bought the medium-grade vital energy gathering formation that she had taken a fancy to before. The shop attendant gave her a discount, selling her the formation plate priced at five hundred low-grade Yuan stones for four hundred and five, saving her almost fifty low-grade Yuan stones.


Zheng Wan smiled so much that both eyes were narrowed like little curved boats.

The shop attendant’s face burned up again, and he even started to stutter, “Y-you’re too polite.”

Zheng Wan put the formation plate into her interdimensional bag, waved her hand, and left. The shop attendant stared dazedly after her, and the manager came out from the back room and gave him a blow.

“Ow, Uncle!”

The shop attendant rubbed the back of his head and said indignantly, “You hit me again!”

“Yes, I’m hitting you, you idiot! With just a smile, you’re all lost, are you? Did you see the clothes she was wearing? An inner disciple of Yuqing Sect, do you think she’ll fancy a shop attendant like you?”

“Uncle, I’ve never thought about wanting her to fancy me either…”

The shop attendant was aggrieved.

Of course, Zheng Wan didn’t know what was going on behind her. She didn’t intend to go back to her parent's place this time. After leaving the west market, she boarded a slugworm carriage and went straight to Jingqi Street.

Behind her, it was already twilight, and the evening sky was awash with the sunset.

Jingqi Street was as crowded as ever. Zheng Wan got off the slugworm carriage and arrived at the door of No. 1 Jingqi Street after a short while.

The red lacquered door was tightly closed, and the gate was closed, and the two stone Pixiu2 before the door were staring at her with two pairs of large bronze bell-sized eyes. The wind sent the parasol trees along the roadside rustling, and a sense of loneliness suddenly came over Zheng Wan.

She had come a day in earlier this time. The first day of the month is tomorrow, so it’s unlikely for Cui Wang to be here.

Last time, when they were “having fun” in the hot spring, Cui Wan suddenly gave her a jade pass. Zheng Wan didn’t want to bother going back and forth, so she planned to stay here for one night— he wouldn’t be around anyway.

Ming Yu Zhenjun, who was in her blue Beimian Sect robes, suddenly appeared in front of her. Ming Yu swept her gaze up and down Zheng Wan with impatience in her eyes.

“You Yuqing Sect people are always doing shameless things for personal gain. I can’t control that and I don’t want to, but Li Wai Zhenjun is not like that lover of yours, nor is he someone you can your lover, nor is it someone you can even wish for. Little cultivator, you have come to the wrong place.”


2 Pixiu: A Chinese mythical hybrid creature. Pixiu are considered powerful protectors of feng shui practitioners, and resemble strong, winged lions.