Winning the King of Lanterns (1)

Ming Yu was walking around the night-time Fengwu City feeling lost and despondent.

She buried herself in the bustling lantern market, but the liveliness of the lantern market couldn’t get rid of the scene just now— Li Wei had actually spoken harshly to her because of such a frivolous woman.

Anger and disappointment, pain and jealousy, kept surging at her ceaselessly like the tides of the Chuanxi River, making her fall into oblivion.

Ming Yu never knew that she was such a melancholic woman— just like those female cultivators who would moan without a cause that used to despise.

“Zhenren, would you like a lantern?” A vendor called out to her.

Ming Yu looked at him, then walked past him as if she didn’t see anything. She walked along with the flow of traffic, but she didn’t know if it was because she was thinking too much, she actually thought that the white-robed cultivator in front of her was…

Li Wei?

No, how could it be Li Wei?

Since coming to the Heavenly Reams, Li Wei was either in seclusion in his cave abode, or practising swordsmanship on top of Wuwang Peak. If not, he would be training in dangerous lands. Why would he appear in a crowded place like this?

Ming Yu suspected that she was mistaken. She pushed aside the crowd and walked over reflexively.

As she got closer, she could see that the man’s snow-coloured silk robe was being tightly grasped by a small, jade-like hand.

The two walked side by side and were very close to each other. Perhaps because there were too many people around, inevitably bumping into them, the red-clothed female cultivator complained about something and the white-robed cultivator raised his arm and wrapped it around her, separating her from the crowd.

“Cui Wang, does this lantern look nice?”

The red-clothed female cultivator suddenly turned her face to the side.

The yellowish light of the lantern market fell on her face, drawing translucent gleaming shadows on her face. A crabapple red veil covered most of her face, but it couldn’t hide that pair of spirited eyes; under the long raven black lashes, those beautiful eyes seemed to contain a flowing incandescent light, and were tremendously moving.

Ming Yu recognised them almost instantly.

Such a pair of eyes would never be forgotten by anyone who sees them.

Her heart was in her throat, but soon, the man whose back was facing her also turned his head slightly sideways. He had inky black hair and was dressed in a white robe, and there was a layer of warm light on his snow-carved face. His black eyes reflected the amber light, which seemingly added a layer of tenderness suddenly.

“You want it?”

Ming Yu then saw the man beckon to the stall owner. Not long after, the red-clothed female cultivator carried a celestial fairy lantern in her hands.

Only then did Ming Yu realise that in that hand of Li Wei’s, which had always only held a sword, was holding a stick of red candied fruit, as well as a bunch of food that she couldn’t identify——

She couldn’t help but feel a shock in her heart.

She had never seen this side of Cui Wang.

He had never once crossed the line in front of her. Like an unstainable snowy peak, or an ice lotus that was impervious to the taint of earthly notions, he was always cold and aloof. Even with her constant efforts, the two only managed to become a little closer. She used to enjoy and feel a little self-satisfied about that. This friendship that was as mild as still water——

No other female cultivator has ever even obtained it.

But compared to the special treatment he was giving to this person, everything she used to think and feel was all but a self-serving delusion.

She couldn’t keep herself from calling out, “Li Wei?”

However, the person in front didn’t seem to have heard her. She was just about to go after him when she heard a greeting of surprise from the side.

“Ming Yu Zhenjun?”

Ming Yu turned her head to see a familiar, black-clothed cultivator with delicate features, large eyes, and two flashing dimples. She frowned.

“It’s you?”

Shu Yuan nodded.

“Has Ming Yu Zhenjun also come to browse the lantern market?”

“What about you?” Ming Yu said. “Why… aren’t you with that little cultivator?”

“Do you mean Zheng Zhenren?” Shu Yuan blushed and scratched the back of his head. “We… Actually, there’s nothing between us.”

“So, that day when I wanted to buy the forehead accessory… She was lying to me?”

Shu Yuan nodded.

Ming Yu had long known that this little cultivator was not a decent sort, but she didn’t know that she was also full of lies. If it was because of Ming Yu’s hostility to her that Zheng Wan wanted to kill her, it would be understandable. But if her relationship with Shu Yuan was a lie…

Such a treacherous and cunning female cultivator that was full of lies… Perhaps Li Wei had also been deceived. Otherwise, why would he be behaving in such a foolish manner? That must be it— the cultivation world was full of all sorts of means, and the Yuqing Sect was full of shameless methods…

Ming Yu’s confused heart suddenly calmed down. She had to save Li Wei from his suffering—— be it from her position as a friend, or something else, she couldn’t just stand idly by and watch Li Wei get played in the palm of someone else’s hand.

Ming Yu glanced at Shu Yuan, thinking that this person might be useful, but…

She had to consider everything carefully in the long run before doing anything.

“Thank you for letting me know,” Mingyu nodded. She exchanged voice transmission jade talismans with Shu Yuan, then left in the direction of Cui Wang and Zheng Wan.

Shu Yuan stood there, watching the constant stream of people passing by, concealing himself in the crowd.