"What are you doing with me?" Song Yi puts on her coat and buttons one by one.

Gu Xingchuan Nunu chin toward him, "I have nothing to do, go shopping with you."

Song Yi looks at him and scolds her in her heart. The earlobe is still burning. It's like a rabbit's ear. Gu Xingchuan will do it. She's good at sexual harassment.

He went out with the car key in his hand. As he walked through the porch, he saw the red lips in his dressing mirror. He realized that he was used to kissing Gu Xingchuan once and twice. Now he is used to it. He didn't even want to wipe his mouth.

Song Yi sighs with sadness in her heart. What's his mother's name? Why does Gu Xingchuan depend on him? The rabbit didn't eat the grass beside the nest, and he was too much to treat his old classmates.

How can Gu Xingchuan let him go?

The rain outside turned strong and majestic, like thunder. There were few pedestrians on the street, and the air was filled with damp atmosphere.

The car stopped in the parking lot of the car insurance company. Song Yi opened the umbrella and stepped out of the car. Gu Xingchuan wanted to get off the car. Song Yi closed the door of the car and frowned and said, "wait for me for ten minutes. I'll go in and sign and come out."

Gu Xingchuan glanced at him, reached out of his pocket and took out his mobile phone. He turned to the stopwatch. "Ten minutes, more than ten minutes, I'll go in and look for you."

Song Yi glared, no time to argue with him, turned to the auto insurance company, Shen Du has arrived, dressed in a fashionable casual suit, elegant, sitting in an independent VIP rest area, a uniformed staff member is communicating with him.

Seeing Song Yi, Shen Du stood up gracefully and showed a gentle smile. "It's all my negligence. On such a rainy day, I should pick you up."

Song Yi politely smiles, sits on the chair, picks up the document to look carefully.

Shen Du closed the door and narrowed his eyes. Shi Shiran sat opposite to Song Yi. Song Yi looked at the documents. He was staring at Song Yi naked.

He has seen many good-looking people. In terms of appearance, Song Yi is not particularly outstanding. However, Song Yi has a good temperament and sits upright. A simple shirt is cold and expensive. Her cold white skin is clean, like a good porcelain jade, and can't pick out any defects.

Behind the thin lens, a pair of eyes are black and white, the eye shape is too long, with shallow indifference. It is like a knife with a blade. Knowing the danger, it can hook people to lick honey at the edge of the knife.

The claim hall outside a glass wall is noisy and noisy. Shen Du has no influence on him.

Song Yi brushes a few times, signs the name, and hands it to the claim adjuster neatly. After confirmation, she stands up. The whole process only takes five minutes. "OK, good bye."

Shen Du hooked the corner of his lips, looked out of the window at the heavy rain, "we are also a kind of fate, can we have a potluck together?"

Song Yi took a look at the mobile phone time, and there was an Alaskan in the car, so she didn't have time to get involved. "Sorry, I have something else."

Shen Du looks at him and smiles. Song Yi is puzzled.

Shen Du raised his head and looked at him slowly and said, "I am Shen Li's brother. I want to talk to you about Xiao Li."

Shen Li's brother?

Song Yi guessed that Shen Du was a relative of Shen Li's family. She didn't expect that the relationship was so close. Shen Lichang was not like Shen Du at all. Otherwise, Song Yi would have recognized him last time.

Shen Du didn't give him the chance to refuse. He stood up and walked out and said, "there is a western restaurant nearby. Recently, Kobe beef was served. I heard that it tastes good. Let's talk while eating."

Song Yi hesitated for a moment, but still worried about Shen Li, she strode to follow her.

The dining room environment is quiet, the violin music is melodious, the crystal lamp refracts the gorgeous brilliance.

Shen Du finished ordering dishes and looked at Song Yi with a smile, "what else do you want to eat?"

Song Yi casually ordered a few kinds, "what's wrong with Shen Li?"

Shen Du raised his eyes from the menu. Wen Wen looked at Song Yi and said, "I checked the guest list of that day, and I knew you were Xiao Li's classmate."

Song Yi nodded, "I've known Xiao Li for a long time."

The man in front of him had the possibility to become his "big brother". It's wonderful to think about it.

Shen Du smiles and looks at Song Yi vaguely. "I didn't hear Xiao Li mention you before. It's a pity that I only know you now."

In the face of Shen Li's brother, Song Yi bears down and laughs distantly, "it shows that we have no predestination."

Shen Du touched a soft knife, restrained a little, said meaningfully: "did Xiao Li say to you about her engagement?"


Song Yi was stunned for a moment and was stunned. How could Shen Li be engaged? There was no news at all. On his last birthday, Shen Li still stuck to him. Why did he suddenly get engaged?

As soon as Shen Du looked at his expression, he knew that he didn't know. He sighed softly, "all the friends around Xiao Li don't know. He covered up this matter tightly, just brought the other party back to let us have a look."

Song Yi was in a trance for a moment and asked with a dry smile, "what kind of person is the other party?"Although his love for Shen Li has been exhausted, he still regards Shen Li as a good friend. He believes that Shen Li is also a good friend. He doesn't know the news of Shen Li's engagement. He looks like a stranger, which is quite hurtful.

Shen Du curved slender fingers, gently buckle the edge of the cup, his face flashed not Yu color, tone disdain: "a player who wants to climb dragon and Phoenix."

It seems that Shen Du is very dissatisfied with the new family member. Song Yi squints her eyes and feels complicated.

"Xiao Li Tie wanted to be engaged to him, but none of us would listen to him. Even if we broke off the relationship with the Shen family, we would marry that alpha." Shen Du sighed helplessly.

Song Yi once felt the same feeling. At that time, Song Jie didn't bump into the south wall and didn't turn back. He was a big brother. He looked at Shen Du with more sympathy. "If necessary, I can have a good talk with Xiao Li."

Shen Du shook his head and looked at Song Yi's eyes with pity, but in a flash, "Xiao Li can't listen to anyone's words now. Let's go with him and let him think about it."

Song Yi was about to speak. Shen Du looked at him firmly. Song Yi was moved. She twisted her neck to have a look. Her shoulder was heavy, and a strong arm caught his neck at will. Gu Xingchuan sat down beside him.

Song Yi was stunned. She noticed that the sleeves on her neck were wet, and there was only one umbrella in the car. Gu Xingchuan ran out in the rain.

Gu Xingchuan took a look at Shen Du and measured the strength of the other party. He was dismissive. He turned to Song Yi and complained in his tone: "why didn't you send the address in detail? I've been looking for it for a long time."

Song Yi looks very self-contained, and knows what his idea is. She drinks lemonade on her own. "He is Xiao Li's brother. Let's talk about Xiao Li."

Gu Xingchuan eyes a Lin, look to Shen Du's eyes hostile, "you are Shen Li's brother?"

Shen Du looked at them two, smiling and nodding, "you are also Xiao Li's classmate. I heard him mention you, Gu Xingchuan, right?"

Gu Xingchuan mianly nods for the difficulty. Shen Du squints his eyes and seems to smile, "I like you very much. The" Dad, hard work "you sang on the Spring Festival Gala is my mobile phone ring tone."


Song Yi drank the water and laughed faintly. Shen Du was quite damaged.

Gu Xingchuan bit his teeth and laughed coldly. "You can do it if you like. This song is positioned as a left behind child."

Shen Du frowned and glanced at Gu Xingchuan, who looked at him provocatively.

Shen Du, laughing, reached out and took a knife and fork to cut the steak. Looking at Song Yi, he said, "try and disagree with your taste?"

Song Yi didn't feel the knife and fork. Gu Xingchuan took the lead in holding the knife and fork. He moved over Song Yi's plate, sliced the steak into small pieces, and picked out the broccoli from the side dish. "Here, we'll go home after eating."

Song Yi didn't have much appetite, so she took a few mouthfuls at will.

Shen Du looked around them and started a topic with a smile, "I saw the gags of the era of love on the Internet. Am I tired of filming?"

It is obvious to pass the topic to Song Yi and find opportunities to close the relationship between them.

Song Yi is trying to say what to say. Gu Xingchuan gently pinches the sensitive glandular epidermis behind his neck. Song Yi gives a thrill, like a cat with its back neck pinched. His body is stiff.

Gu Xingchuan said casually: "filming is not tired, with Song Yi."

Then Shen Du started a topic, Gu Xingchuan snatched a quarrel, that is, not to let Shen Du and Song Yi talk.

Song Yi couldn't get a word in when they talked about you and me at the dinner table.

Shen Du's face became more and more ugly, but Gu Xingchuan still refused to let go. Song Yi couldn't look down, so she tugged at Gu Xingchuan's dress. Gu Xingchuan glanced at him and wisely ended the battle of words.

After dinner, Gu Xingchuan took the lead in getting up to settle the bill. Song Yi sighed and got up to go. Shen Du carefully wiped his hands and said with a smile, "is he your boyfriend?"

Like Gu Xingchuan, long eyes can feel possessive.

Song Yi is aware of Shen Du's intention, but he is not interested in Shen Du. He looks over his head and looks at Gu Xingchuan standing at the front desk with a straight back, like a green pine, without speaking.

Shen Du also looked at Gu Xingchuan's back. His eyes were intriguing. Frankly, he said, "you are not suitable for him, you are suitable for me."

Song Yi took a look at him, Shen Du's words were too straightforward, listening to make people angry, "we are suitable or not, it's up to us to decide."

"He Young and handsome, it's fun, but what you want now is more than love, right Shen Duyan is concise and comprehensive. He stands up and walks to Song Yi's side. "You're not always in adolescence, are you?"

Although Song Yi didn't have much affection for Gu Xingchuan, Shen Du said to Gu Xingchuan in front of him. He was in a bad mood and said coldly, "you are wrong. In terms of sincerity, you are far from him."

If it was not for Shen Li's sake, it would have been worse.

When she gets along with Gu Xingchuan, Song Yi knows the other party's intentions by thinking about it with her knees. However, Shen Du sees both sides and feels unfathomable. No one knows what kind of attention an old fox is playing.At the end of the corridor, Gu Xingchuan finished his account and waved to Song Yi. Song Yi was not taking care of Shen Du and went straight ahead.

Shen Du recovered from the embarrassment, touched the bridge of his nose, and strode after Song Yi. "You are very interesting. I like high-level challenges."

The happiest thing about picking a rose is not inserting it into the bottle, but pulling out the thorns.

Song Yi pretended not to hear, and did not return to follow Gu Xingchuan downstairs.

Outside the rain has not stopped, overcast, Gu Xingchuan opened the umbrella, Song Yi under the umbrella, all the way back to the car.

"What do you and Shen Li's brother have to say? You want to control his voice, brother-in-law? " Gu Xingchuan was sitting in the driver's chair, wiping the rain on his face roughly.

Song Yi opened his mouth to hate him. Seeing Gu Xingchuan's shoulder, he lost his temper.

Gu Xingchuan's gray T-shirt, half of his shoulders stained with rain, turned dark gray, all wet through. On his curved and vigorous shoulders, his short black hair was scattered, and he was a little embarrassed when he was wet.

Song Yi looked at her dry clothes. Just now, most of the umbrella was tilted on him. She felt a little soft. She reached out and took out a dry towel from the storage box and handed it to him. "Why are you in the rain with such a big umbrella?"

"I will." Gu Xingchuan pulled the towel and wiped his hair with indifference.

Song Yi could not help laughing, "you are really sick."

Gu Xingchuan looked back at him. Song Yi's eyes were bright and clear with a smile. In the dark weather, she looked like a star.

Two people's eyes interweave, silence falls around.

The author has something to say: first sprinkle sugar, sprinkle some dog blood. Thank you for the angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigate the nutrient solution for me ~

thank you for the angel who cast the [land mine]:

thank you for watering [nutrient solution]:

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thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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