Chapter 5 – Emperor Yin (1)

“Second sister, why are you protecting her?” Zuo Qingya was offended. “I am your sister, why are you still speaking up for her?”

Zuo Xianyu looked up and spoke slowly: “It is precisely because she is an outsider that I want to teach you that even if she abandons one-self1 , no one would defend her.”

1abandon one-self/自甘堕落 zì gān duò luò: one is willing to develop one’s thoughts and behaviors in a bad direction.

“As the young lady of the Zuo family, you must pay attention to your words and actions, do not lose your face in the prestigious lady’s social circle.”

“But I just can’t stand her.” Zuo Qingya curled her lips, and suddenly her eyes lit up. “I remember she had quite a lot of good stuff in her room. She’s going to leave soon anyway, I’ll take them back first.”

She stood up and stomped upstairs. 

Zuo Xianyu didn’t stop her this time.

No matter what, Si Fuqing had been using Zuo family’s money all of these years. The things in her room should also belong to the Zuo family.

After drinking a cup of black coffee and applying lipstick in front of a mirror, Zuo Xianyu picked up her handbag and went out to work.


Si Fuqing’s bedroom was at the innermost part of the fourth floor. Apart from that, this floor was all guest rooms.

Zuo Qingya had a spare key from Mrs. Zuo in her hand, so she easily gets in.

This bedroom was not very big, with only one bed and a desk with bookshelves.

“So many books laying around, for whom to read?” Zuo Qingya couldn’t hide her disdainful expression. “She doesn’t even have a junior high school diploma. Nine-year education slipped through the net2.

2 slipped through the net/  refers to those who have not completed the nine-year education in elementary and junior high schools.

She ignored the bookshelf, walked over to the table, picked up a few jewelry cases that were barely nice to look at, and muttered again: “Poor woman.”

She thought she could get something good.

Zuo Qingya turned around and was about to leave.


Her whole body was suddenly pushed against the wall by a strong force. Her back was numb, her wrist was even more in tingling pain.

Zuo Qingya’s hand went limp and the box fell to the ground.

“Do you really like being a thief?” The girl’s voice was indistinct, with a faint smile. “If you have the guts to secretly steal, do you have the ability to take it openly?”

Zuo Qingya was so startled that she couldn’t help but scream: “Si Fuqing, is that you? What do you want to do?”

A year ago, Si Fuqing returned home with the Starry Sky Girls group. She had always worn heavy makeup, with purple color and white eyebrows.

Right now, she was not wearing any makeup, and Zuo Qingya almost didn’t recognize her.

“I should have asked you that.” Si Fuqing tilted her fox eyes and slowly approached, “what do you want to do?”

“What do I want to do?” Zuo Qingya couldn’t help but tremble for a moment, and immediately became angry, “Of course I want to take back all the things you have taken from the Zuo family all these years! And you still dare to do anything to me?”

“Don’t worry.” Si Fuqing raised Zuo Qingya’s chin with her fingers, forcing her to raise her head, and said lightly, “I didn’t use yours and I also will repay it.”

Zuo Qingya sneered: “You have no money nor power, how can you pay back? I’m telling you, you-“

“Shh, be good.” Si Fuqing’s hand tightened little by little and with a low chuckle said, “”I don’t like people who are too noisy.”

Zuo Qingya froze, and could not help but shake a little.

Then the door was slammed and she was pushed out and shut out directly outside.


After a few seconds, Zuo Qingya finally came to her senses.

She shouted in anger and kept pounding at the door: “Si Fuqing! Si Fuqing, if you have guts, come out! This is the Zuo family, how dare you lock me out!”

“Come out, you illegitimate child who is unwanted by your parents! What are you still doing in the Zuo family!”