The Beautiful Transfer Student is Just Too Cute

“Um… Let’s go home then…?”

Immediately after exiting the staff room, I spoke to Charlotte who was standing beside me. With this question, “Are we really going to my house?”, was what I wanted to really convey.

“Yes, I’ll be in your care.”

It seems that Charlotte hasn’t sensed the underlying essence of my words.

Charlotte is looking at me with a gentle smile.

I wonder what’s going on? Don’t tell me all of this is a mere dream?

I can’t believe that I am going home with the beautiful transfer student who joined us this very morning.

Kui kui.

“Hmm? Is there something wrong, Emma-chan?”

While I was busy looking at Charlotte, Emma tugs on the hem of my shirt. When I look at Emma, she opens her arms wide. This, don’t tell me…


Just as I thought… From the familiar gesture, I had predicted what Emma desired.

I wasn’t sure if it was that she didn’t like walking shortly after waking up, or that she really likes  being carried, she mustered up quite the courage and asked to be carried in front of her sister.

I glanced at Charlotte in confusion. When I did, Charlotte softly shook her head as she said.

“Emma, Aoyagi-kun will be troubled if you act like that, won’t he? You should walk on your own, okay?”

Charlotte crouched down to match Emma’s line of sight as she gently explained to her with a sisterly smile. It was quite the warm scene between two sisters.

However, it seemed as though Emma was dissatisfied as she vigorously shook her head and looked at me once again. Her eyes were teary, the two little orbs clearly saying “please carry me”.

If a young child has such a look on their face, anyone would want to instinctively indulge their requests.

No, I am by no means a lolicon.

“Charlotte-san, it’s okay. Emma is light, so it’s not really troublesome. I’ll carry her. Well, of course, if you don’t want your little sister to be carried by a guy…”

“Ah, no! It’s not that! It’s just that I don’t want to be even more of a bother to Aoyagi-kun…”

“It’s fine. Besides, we’d reach home quicker if I were to carry Emma-chan.”

Since Emma is a child, her walking speed is considerably slower, so it will result in us being  more delayed. Normally, I would reject her since I’d have more time to interact with Charlotte. However, I have to go to Aki’s house after this. I took money from Miyu-sensei, so if I were to not show up, I am sure Miyu-sensei would make it hell on Earth for me.

After Charlotte was done contemplating on what to do, she asked me to carry her sister as she knew Emma wouldn’t listen to her after her mind was made.


As soon as I carried her, Emma released an extremely happy voice. As I thought, she really does love being carried. 

“I’m really sorry, Aoyagi-kun… I’ll scold Emma after we go home…”

“No, it’s okay. It comes with it’s benefits.”

“Benefits… Maybe, Aoyagi-kun is a lolicon?”


I was blown away by Charlotte’s unexpected comment. I didn’t think she’d be familiar with such a word, let alone treat me as a lolicon.

“N, No!? Leaving that aside, why do you know the word lolicon!?”

“Ah… I’m sorry… I tried using it since it often appears in Japanese manga.”

What kind of manga do you read where lolicon is mentioned often? Also, it’s quite surprising that Charlotte reads manga!

I thought that she wouldn’t be interested in manga considering her elegant gestures and polite language. However, looking at Charlotte, it seems that it was my selfish assumption.

“Muu~ I can’t understand what you both are saying.”

When Charlotte and I were conversing in Japanese, Emma expressed her disinterest. She doesn’t seem to understand Japanese yet since she’s still young.

“Oh, sorry. I’ll talk in English from now on.”

I couldn’t bear to leave her out of the conversation, so I decided to speak in English.

“Thank you, Aoyagi-kun. You’re quite adept at English.”

Charlotte started speaking in English as well. Since her mother tongue is English, she may find it easier to converse in English.

“It’s not as good as Charlotte’s Japanese if you ask me.”

“No, I think you are much better than me.”

“No such thing. I think Charlotte is really proficient in speaking Japanese. Where did you learn Japanese?”

“I am quite glad that you think that way. My parents taught me Japanese.”

So her parents were the ones to teach her Japanese.

Did her parents teach her such polite Japanese in order to raise her as a refined and elegant daughter?

I am really intrigued, but I am not going to delve any deeper. If I ask too much, the other person may start to feel uncomfortable.

“Emma wants to speak Japanese too!”

Emma, ​​who was listening to our conversation, looked at Charlotte with eyes filled with envy. I was wondering if she knows what Japanese language is, but maybe she’s aware of it since Charlotte speaks Japanese.

“Don’t worry, Emma-chan will be able to speak Japanese in the future.”


“Yeah, without any problems.”


When I nodded in affirmation, Emma was extremely happy.

Her parents taught Charlotte how to speak Japanese, so it’s natural for them to teach Emma as well, ​​and if she continues to reside in Japan, she will be able to speak Japanese someday. Charlotte also seems to be very close to her sister, so if Emma really wants to learn, Charlotte would definitely teach her.

Well, leaving that aside—

“Uh, Charlotte-san. Why are you suddenly drifting away from me?”

I asked Charlotte who was abruptly creating a distance between us. Maybe she is creating the distance because she really thinks that I am a lolicon. No, but I’ll be really surprised if I was considered to be a lolicon from the previous conversation…?

“Ah… Well… There’s not really a particular reason.”

Even though she said that there’s no particular reason, she keeps on increasing the distance between us. 

What to do?

My mental strength is sharply decreasing. If Charlotte starts to hate me, I won’t be able to recover from that blow too easily.

“I’m sorry…”

“W-Why are you suddenly apologizing?”

“Well, it seems to me like I am making you uncomfortable.”

As soon as I was done articulating my thoughts, she had a very troubled look on her face. Even though she didn’t like me to the point where she kept a distance, she was still caring and kind.

What would I do if such a gentle and kind girl were to hate me?

I am seriously depressed.

“L-Listen… I think there’s a misunderstanding… It definitely isn’t because I dislike you…” 

“Then why did you start to create distance between us?”

Charlotte began to wander after I brought up a straight-forward question. It seems that she is conflicted on whether to answer or not. Eventually, she slowly opened her mouth.

“I just noticed that I’m sweating from all the running I did earlier… It’s embarrassing…” 

Charlotte muttered with a flushed red face and an almost vanishing voice.

She was so cute that my soul was blown away.