Chapter 35 "I want you to pay attention to me too."

[  Charlotte POV ]

--Aoyagi-kun's smile is so wonderful ...

I was thinking about such things alone, while looking at Aoyagi-kun's face as he was eating the food I prepared.

Aoyagi-kun was slowly eating the food while feeding Emma who was sitting on his lap.

At that time, when Emma puts the food in her mouth and smiles happily , Aoyagi looked at Emma with a very gentle smile.

I thought it was very pleasant to see that smile on his face.

(  He is smart, has a gentle personality, and is   very dependable in times of trouble.

He is like a picture of my ideal man.

I have to thank God that I was able to meet such a wonderful person . )

--I've been thinking about this for a while now, but there's something that's really troubling me right now.

To be honest ... I wasn’t able to make eye contact with Aoyagi-kun since I was asked out  by the senpai yesterday ...

When the eyes meet, the heartbeat becomes abnormally high and the whole body becomes hot.

And I get so embarrassed that I have to turn my eyes away.

Not only that.

I had more things to talk to Aoyagi-kun, but when I stand in front of him, I get nervous and can't speak.

To be honest, I was really embarrassed to go in front of him.

However, even though I was embarrassed to talk to him, when I leave him, I felt lonely.

I want to see his face soon-I was driven by such a desire and rushed to his room this morning ...

( What am I doing to a boy whom I only met a few days ago…)

I never felt like this before, so I've been confused the whole time.

( I hope Aoyagi doesn't think that I’m weird …)

I was wondering what he thought of me, and I glanced at Aoyagi-kun's face.

However, Aoyagi didn't seem to care about me, and gently stroked Emma's head with a happy smile.

( ...... I wish he would take care of me for a while … )

Involuntarily, such thoughts ran through my mind.

Aoyagi always loves emma.

...... No, surely Emma is cute.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the cutest sister in the world.

Aoyagi really spoils Emma. 

Above all, I wanted him to do that ...

Emma doesn't know the warmth of a father.

Because of that, I thought Emma thinks Aoyagi instead of her father.

Aoyagi-kun is young, so she calls him an older brother, but Emma's way of spoiling is like a child who is spoiled by her father.

I am very happy that they get along well.


I want you to pay attention to me too ...

Aoyagi-kun's smile, which only loves Emma, made me swell my cheeks.