(**Aoyagi’s POV**)

The fact that I’m crazy about Charlotte-san is a fact that I can’t disguise.

I don’t know why she doesn’t seem to think so, but for me, Charlotte-san is the best.

I think she’s the girl I never want to hurt and never want her to be sad.

…And the truth is, I’ve noticed it.

That how much it would hurt her if I told her I was leaving her.

I knew there was no way I could do that.

And I don’t want to let her go either.

“I’m sorry, Charlotte-san…”

“Like I said, Akito-kun is…!”

Charlotte-san pulled away from my hand and looked into my face.

Her face was small and puffy like a sulking child, and I was sorry but she looked cute.

“No, that’s not what I meant. I just wanted to apologize for thinking of making any stupid choices.”


Charlotte-san’s eyes shook as she heard my words with a smile.

Sure, I don’t know much about her, but I think she’s a natural for being quite perceptive.

It wouldn’t be surprising if she had noticed something that she just didn’t want to hear.

“I’m sorry, I know you’ll be surprised if I suddenly say something like this.”

But I didn’t mention the fact that Charlotte-san might have noticed something, and I apologized again for saying something so abruptly.

Then, for some reason, Charlotte-san put her hand on my cheek.

“……….I’m sorry, Akito-kun.”


All of a sudden, I didn’t know why she was apologizing to me.

In response, Charlotte-san looked into my eyes and slowly opened her mouth.

“The truth is, I was going to wait until Akito-kun spoke to me… I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist… Please, don’t force me to laugh anymore…”


Charlotte-san, who looks so sad that tears are almost flowing from her eyes, tells me, and I gulp.

She would never have known what had happened to me.

Arisa-san showed up after Charlotte-san went home, and Charlotte-san came back after Arisa-san left and I lost consciousness for a long time.

So they must not have bumped into each other, and she must not know what I was told.

Could it be that the earlier cancelled message had affected her?

She hadn’t mentioned it, but I might have made her feel uncomfortable by doing something I normally wouldn’t do.

But how does that lead to forcing a smile?

If that were the case, she would have rather asked me why I lied to her about cancelling the meeting.

If that’s the case, there must be another reason―

“―Don’t try to find a reason. I won’t ask you what you are hiding. But please don’t force yourself to smile anymore…”

The voice was so small and thin that it was almost muffled, but strangely enough I could hear it clearly.

It was obvious to me what she was going through right now.

Had I not been smiling in front of her properly?

“……….What are you talking about, Charlotte-san? I’m not forcing myself to smile. Why would I force myself to laugh when I’m being hugged by my lovely girlfriend?””

I thought about smiling better― this time, I tried to sound as cheerful as I could.

I can’t let her worry about me.

I want her to keep smiling.

That’s what I was trying to do.

“I see… I’m sorry, I misunderstood.”

When Charlotte-san heard my words, she stammered a bit and then smiled back at me in a cute way.

It seems a little forced, but it can’t be helped.

Let’s just push it through.

“Rather, let’s go on a date since it’s a good opportunity. I was so sleepy that I sent you a message earlier, but thanks to you, Charlotte-san, I’m completely awake.”

I suggested a date to Charlotte-san to change the atmosphere.

In fact, we could stay at home and make out, but if we stay at home, I might remember things and not be able to make an expression.

That’s why I suggested that we go out to play, just to get some fresh air.

“Akito-kun… don’t push yourself too hard, okay? You need to get a good night’s sleep.”

Charlotte-san didn’t mention what she had just said, but smiled back at me jokingly.

Charlotte-san didn’t want to leave me, even though she said she needed to get some sleep, so I guess it was just words and she wanted to go out and play too.

“We’ve only been going out for two days, I still want to hang out with you.”

“Fufu, thank you. But is it fine, aren’t you working as a private tutor?”

“Oh, I’ve been given the day off beforehand, so I’ll be fine.”

I thought there was a good chance that my confession would go well based on Charlotte-san’s behavior, so I took the next day off as well, although I felt bad for Aki.

It was the beginning of our relationship and I knew I wouldn’t want to be separated from Charlotte-san.

“Oh, by the way, you’re dressed boyishly today, aren’t you? Charlotte-san is so girly that she represents girls, but she also looks great in boyish outfits.”

She wore a white drop-shoulder top that was much larger than what Charlotte-san usually wears, and dark blue half pants that were also larger.

She also wears a black hat on her head.

It’s not the kind of outfit you’d expect from such a gentle girl, and yet it’s strangely attractive enough to catch my eye.

It seems that she immediately put on the outfit she bought yesterday.

“Mou~, there’s nothing to compliment, is there?”

“No, it really looks good on you. I mean, I think it’s too cute.”

“I-Is that so…”

When I praised her for being cute, Charlotte-san shyly twisted in my arms.

I’m really happy when I’m with her.

Even my wounded heart felt strangely healed when I was with her.

Perhaps it was because of this that I became more and more positive.

“Shall we go have fun then?”


When I called out to her, Charlotte-san nodded happily.

She’s really cute and innocent.

“Is there anywhere you want to go?”

“I’m happy to go anywhere with you, Akito-kun, so please go wherever you like.”

“I-I see, well then, what should we do―”

―I had a bad day this morning, but talking with Charlotte-san made me feel better, and I pondered where to go while being hugged by my cute little girlfriend.