Qin Ruwang grabbed his wrist. A chill spread across Ji Ning’s arm from where their skin touched as he looked up at the Emperor in a daze. Before he could say anything, a conflicted look crossed Qin Ruwang’s face. With a trace of confusion, he raised a hand to support his forehead.

Seeing such a reaction, Ji Ning pretended he didn’t recognise the title ‘God son’ and called out to him, “Ruwang?” 


After a while, Qin Ruwang lowered his hand, his face returning to its usual calmness. He bowed his head slightly and called out to Ji Ning respectfully. Ji Ning felt a little relieved that Qin Ruwang hadn’t completely recovered his memories of their previous life.

Ji Ning had expected Qin Ruwang’s memories to return, but it was happening much faster than he’d anticipated.

Although, this was probably a good thing. Once Qin Ruwang’s memories completely returned, he could leave this world behind. He just didn’t know how Qin Ruwang would react to seeing him once he remembered their past. 

Ji Ning picked up the silver mask that was placed beside the pillow and ran his fingertips across its uneven texture, a soft sigh leaving his mouth.

His thoughts drifted to memories of that world. Because he pitied the young and lonely Qin Ruwang, he made a request to the Emperor of Xia to keep Qin Ruwang by his side. Overnight, the forgotten and unpopular prince had entered everyone’s eyes.

Before that, many people hadn’t even known there was such a child in the palace. Through hurried gossip, people learned that the boy who was favoured by the God son was the ninth prince, named Qin Ruwang. His name hadn’t even been registered in the ceremony book, it had simply been given to him by his mother, a mere slave.

At first everyone was in uproar, not knowing why the God son brought Qin Ruwang to his side. But it soon became apparent that the God son complied with the child’s every wish and cherished him to the point that the entire palace couldn’t help but envy him.

Even the Goddess daughter became curious. In private she asked Ji Ning why he always turned a blind eye towards the child, but Ji Ning just smiled without answering her question.

“I hope this child can understand your painstaking efforts,”

The Goddess daughter shook her head slightly and sighed. She wouldn’t interfere with what Ji Ning was doing, but she worried about him in her heart.

When that child faced them, he was cold and disrespectful. If it was only towards her, it would be fine. She had indirectly killed his mother, if he hated her she would completely understand it. But the fact Ji Ning was also disdained by the child troubled her. 

Ji Ning smiled lightly, he had carefully concealed the fact that Qin Ruwang had stabbed him from the Goddess daughter. If people knew Qin Ruwang tried to kill the God son, the prince would be quickly executed.

On that night, he’d told Qin Ruwang that the reason he treated him so well was because he would one day become the Emperor of Xia, a man above all others. After that, Qin Ruwang finally restrained his emotions, stopped his hunger strike, and began to obey Ji Ning’s instructions.

Ji Ning knew this didn’t mean Qin Ruwang had forgiven him. On the contrary, Qin Ruwang had buried his hatred deep inside his heart so that day he could take charge of Xia and destroy the Kingdom of Wushen.

He also knew that Qin Ruwang hated him. This hatred was necessary, as it was only by using this that Qin Ruwang could become the ruler of the Empire. He couldn’t risk losing the hatred inside Qin Ruwang’s heart because he had been kind to him. 

However, in order to complete his task he had to make Qin Ruwang fall in love with him. It seemed they were destined to have a love-hate relationship.

In order to educate him, Ji Ning made some requests to the Emperor of Xia. A scholar of the court was invited to teach Qin Ruwang academics and a famous martial artist who taught the other princes archery was asked to instruct Qin Ruwang as well.

Qin Ruwang did not fail to live up to Ji Ning’s expectations. His hard work and intelligence made the originally distrustful scholars praise him and they soon earnestly worked to cultivate his talents.

Qin Ruwang’s character also underwent rapid changes. As he grew into a teenager, he lost his originally silent and gloomy personality and gained a gentle and courteous demeanor that was admired by many. 

During those years, he became extremely popular inside the palace. Both princes and disciples of influential families began to befriend Qin Ruwang under their family’s encouragement. At first, they approached him because of his relationship with Ji Ning, but later they were won over by Qin Ruwang’s charms and honestly made friends with him. Their families secretly supported their decision, beginning to consider Qin Ruwang himself as a political ally.

The court of the palace gradually divided into two factions. One faction supported the first prince, the other supported the ninth prince, who was favoured by the God son.

Within the Xia Empire, being the first born prince did not guarantee you would inherit the throne in the future. Political changes could occur in the Empire at any time.

The noble ninth prince was gentle and elegant. He even treated the Goddess daughter with courtesy, which greatly pleased her. As Qin Ruwang always acted very intimately with Ji Ning, she thought he’d let go of his hatred of the past and truly forgiven Ji Ning. 

Only Ji Ning knew that it was all Qin Ruwang’s mask. When the two of them were alone, Qin Ruwang wouldn’t show him half a smile.

Qin Ruwang was still young, but his mind grew deeper. He’d learned how to conceal his talents. He once tried to give Ji Ning his fake smile, but Ji Ning exposed him.

“Tbe vbc’a tjnf ab tlvf ktja xlcv bo qfgrbc sbe jgf lc ogbca bo wf. P xcbk sbe.”

Al Rlcu ifjcfv yjmx bc j rboa vjsyfv jcv rilutais gjlrfv atf mbgcfgr bo tlr ilqr ab atf raloo ibbxlcu ybs, “Rb cffv ab kbggs. Rb wjaafg ktja sbe vb ab wf, P kbc’a jyjcvbc sbe, yfmjerf sbe klii yf atf oeaegf Swqfgbg bo Wlj.” 

The boy’s smile slowly disappeared and an icy expression that he hadn’t seen for a long time appeared on his face.

Qin Ruwang moved out of the palace of the Gods into his own palace, yet he still visited the divine envoys periodically to spend some time alone with the God son.

To others, it appeared as if he’d never forgotten the kindness the God son had shown him, but all he did was sit inside Ji Ning’s palace without saying a word. It was only when Ji Ning asked him that he would report on his current situation, and once an hour passed he would immediately leave.

Only in front of Ji Ning would he show his most genuine and unbearable side. 

One day, Qin Ruwang came to visit Ji Ning’s palace. The room was lit with incense which left a lingering scent. The weak Ji Ning lay on his bed and smiled softly at him.

“Have you been doing well these days?”

Qin Ruwang lowered his gaze and didn’t reply. Ji Ning shifted his posture on the bed and said.

“How about you stay with me tonight? I’ve asked someone to clean the room you used to stay in.” 

Qin Ruwang didn’t agree immediately and instead asked, “Why do you want me to stay here?”


Ji Ning raised a thin, pale arm and touched the mask on his face, “Because I’m afraid I won’t have such a chance in the future. I heard you met the famous Liu San Niang yesterday, you ought to be satisfied.”

The Liu family was one of the most powerful and influential families of the dynasty. The current imperial concubine was born from the Liu family and the current head of the Liu family was concubine Liu’s elder brother. His third daughter, and concubine Liu’s niece, Liu San Niang, was well known within the capital. She was gentle, talented, and had a beautiful appearance. In the future, it was rumoured she would enter the palace and marry a certain prince. 

The imperial concubine had never given birth to a son, instead she had two daughters. The Liu family had no intention of supporting the first prince, whose biological mother was the Empress, so they valued Qin Ruwang. They allowed Liu San Niang to contact Qin Ruwang, implying that as long as he married Liu San Niang, the Liu family would help support Qin Ruwang in ascending the throne.

The meeting was relatively secret and Qin Ruwang hadn’t expected Ji Ning to know about it. He raised his head abruptly and stared at Ji Ning with dark eyes, asking in a low voice, “What do you mean?”

“If you marry her, you will definitely improve your standing for the throne,” said Ji Ning, “I’ve heard she has a gentle personality, noble birth, and a beautiful face. Is she not a perfect match?”

“It’s none of your business.” 

Qin Ruwang stood up with a cold face, his hands clenched into fists. For some reason, hearing Ji Ning sound so enthusiastic about the marriage made a strange fire flare in his chest, causing his heart small bursts of pain.

“I don’t plan to marry her anyway.” He said, “If a single person can control my throne, I wouldn’t want it.”

“If you act so wilfully…”

Ji Ning sighed softly and didn’t finish his sentence, but Qin Ruwang’s decision seemed to disappoint him a little. 

Qin Ruwang’s eyes turned glacial. Not wanting to speak anymore, he stood up to leave the palace.

However, Ji Ning quickly stopped him, “Forget about it, I won’t speak anymore, but please stay with me tonight. Since you left, the palace suddenly seems deserted and everyone misses you very much.”


The young prince paused and, finally listening to Ji Ning’s words, he stayed the night. 

The room he once lived in was right next to Ji Ning’s. It was late at night but Qin Ruwang’s mind was still feeling restless. Thinking about Ji Ning’s words, and the fact he was right next door, left him even more annoyed so he lit a lamp and tried to read a military book instead.

Tap tap.

There was a light knock on the door. Qin Ruwang frowned, he couldn’t imagine who would disturb him in the middle of the night.

However, he was used to pretending to be friendly. Although he felt impatient, he put on a calm expression and went to open the door. After opening it, he was slightly taken aback to see that the person who’d come looking for him was Ji Ning. 

Having lived inside this palace for a few years, Qin Ruwang knew all about Ji Ning’s work and rest. As a divine envoy of the Wushen Kingdom, his body was very weak and he always went to sleep early at night. Therefore, he had no idea why Ji Ning would come visit him at this time.

Two palace servants stood beside Ji Ning, supporting him. Qin Ruwang quickly took over from them and personally supported Ji Ning, pretending to be respectful in front of others. He spoke to Ji Ning with a concerned tone, “Lord God son, why did you come so late at night?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I went outside to walk. Seeing your light was on, I thought I would pay a visit.”

Ji Ning smiled and turned to the two palace servants, “Go and rest, Ruwang and I have some things to speak about.” 

The two palace servants had hesitant expressions on their faces, as if they were worried to leave him, but they still obeyed Ji Ning’s instructions and withdrew respectfully.

As soon as they left, the soft expression on Qin Ruwang’s face vanished and he looked at Ji Ning irritably.

When the two were alone, although he would not smile, his attitude was not usually so cold. Although he had never asked how the God son was doing, he’d secretly bribed the palace servants to report to him regularly. That way, he was always aware of Ji Ning’s current condition.

He didn’t know why he did this. He obviously hated everyone from Wushen, including Ji Ning. Yet, just this morning he was angered because Ji Ning encouraged him to marry the Liu family’s daughter. 

“I have nothing to say to you.” He said coldly, “I want to rest, go back.”

He wanted to drive Ji Ning away because he was frustrated. He didn’t want to see Ji Ning at this moment, and he was also aware that Ji Ning’s condition had recently worsened. If he didn’t rest enough at night, his physical condition would further deteriorate.

“I cannot sleep.”

The gentle and beautiful God son smiled and pointed towards the burning lamp and open military book, saying, “Aren’t you working hard too? It’s okay, you just keep reading. I’ll just sit next to you and watch.” 

His request was a little odd, but when he heard Ji Ning wanted to accompany him, Qin Ruwang’s anger subsided slightly. He helped Ji Ning over to the low table and into a sitting position. Returning to his book, he stared again at the passage he had just read. Because Ji Ning was by his side, he was a little absent minded and didn’t turn the page for a long time.

“Have you not finished this page yet? Is there anything you don’t understand?”

Ji Ning moved in closer to Qin Ruwang’s side and leaned against his arm. He placed his warm hand on top of Qin Ruwang’s, “Would you let me have a look?”

“No need.” 

Qin Ruwang’s heart trembled as if he had been scalded. He shook off Ji Ning’s hand and hurriedly turned to a new page, even though he no longer remembered what he was reading. He forced himself to keep his eyes fixed on the book and ignore how closely Ji Ning clung to his body.

Ji Ning leaned against him silently for a little while, then, seeing that Qin Ruwang was only wearing a thin shirt, he took off the coat that was draped over his shoulders and put it on Qin Ruwang, “You should take care of yourself, the night is dark and the weather is chilly.”

After removing his coat, he was only wearing a thin robe. Qin Ruwang touched the coat that was about to slip off his shoulders, breathing in its faint medicinal fragrance. Seeing Ji Ning’s slightly pale face, his heart felt inexplicably sour and swollen. He yanked the coat off and placed it back on Ji Ning, saying stiffly, “I don’t need it.”

“Then I’ll get you some clothes…” 

Ji Ning pushed himself up using the table and tried to stand, but his body didn’t have the strength and he stumbled. Without thinking, Qin Ruwang caught him, hugging him against his body.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Qin Ruwang reprimanded him with a stony face.

“Then…you go get it yourself,” Ji Ning simply smiled, “I’m just worried you’ll catch a cold.”

The more gentle he acted, the more tormented Qin Ruwang felt. He could feel a strong bitterness surging in his heart. When Ji Ning tried to push him away, he couldn’t help but hug Ji Ning closer, his arms tightening around him. He buried his face into the crook of Ji Ning’s neck, his fingertips trembling slightly. 

He couldn’t stand Ji Ning being so kind to him.

Obviously he was the God son of the Wushen Kingdom, the puppet of the enemy he wanted to destroy. This person only treated him well because he received a prophecy that he was the future Emperor of Xia. Everything Ji Ning did was to ensure the fortune of Xia and fulfill his duty as the God son.

But…if he was just doing his duty, why did he act so caring and considerate toward him? Why were his eyes always so soft, as if filled with love?

He was not blind. Naturally he had noticed that Ji Ning only acted this way with him. His attitude was so caring that Qin Ruwang couldn’t tell whether Ji Ning was just acting diligently in his role as the God son, or if he genuinely wanted to treat him well. 

But every time he wanted to think he was special to Ji Ning, the boy would smile softly and speak cruel words, reminding Qin Ruwang that he only regarded him as the future Emperor of Xia. He never saw him as Qin Ruwang.

It was the same today, he really expected him to marry the Liu family’s daughter. How could he think that…

Qin Ruwang slowly released Ji Ning from his tight embrace, but instead of letting him go, he pushed him down into the carpet and rolled on top of him. Leaning over him, he stared intensely at Ji Ning’s face.

Although most of Ji Ning’s face was obscured by the mask, his eyes were visible and exceptionally beautiful. The lower half of his face was clear and soft, his lips slightly dampened. His long, jet black hair splayed out across the floor and his collar fell open to reveal an unintentionally seductive, pale neck. 

Qin Ruwang’s eyes darkened.

He met the daughter of the Liu family yesterday. Through the silk screen, he could vaguely see her delicate face in the light. She was indeed a rare beauty, but in his eyes, she was not even half as beautiful as the God son.

If only he could remove that mask…

His heart throbbed as his fingertips caressed the skin of Ji Ning’s face. When he brushed them against the edge of the cold mask, he suddenly felt the mask was unsightly in a way he never had before. He started to carefully lift it off, when his fingers were abruptly pressed down. 

“You can’t.”

Ji Ning’s eyes were calm, Qin Ruwang’s frenzied appearance reflected within them. Like a basin of freezing water, they quenched the desire of his heart, waking him up to reality.

How could he forget why his mother died? Wasn’t it because she had seen the true face under the mask. Now he had almost taken the initiative to repeat the same mistake…

Qin Ruwang’s heart felt icy cold, recalling his actions just now. His hands tightened, anger and pain revealed in his eyes. But this was not directed at Ji Ning, this was his own blunder. 

He must never make that mistake again, and never forget the reason behind his plans and strategies for so many years.

“You should go back.”

He pulled Ji Ning up, lowering his head and speaking in a hoarse voice.

“That’s right.” Ji Ning held his arm and said weakly, “You should go to sleep.” 

Qin Ruwang called the palace servants and asked them to help Ji Ning back. Ji Ning turned to look at him one last time, then suddenly doubled over, violently coughing.

“Lord God son!”

The two palace servants shared a look of panic. They were so anxious, they immediately took out the medicine they carried and begged Ji Ning to take it.

Qin Ruwang didn’t know why they reacted with such fear. He raised his head and looked over, only to see that Ji Ning’s face was pale, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. His body trembled violently, as if he could keel over any second. 

Then, Qin Ruwang’s face changed slightly.

Even though the light in the room was dim, he could clearly see the blood on Ji Ning’s lips that dripped down his face and left crimson drops on his white shirt.

I love to see the thin line between love and hate.

Sorry I’m a day late, was getting tests!