Qin Ruwang had dreamed about this for so many years.

He held the slender waist of the boy in his arms and lowered his head to kiss him again. His lips were soft and slightly cool, tempting him with a sensation more erotic than he’d ever imagined. 

The boy’s scent mixed with the smell of blood, creating a unique fragrance that made his heart hammer in his chest. He slowly tightened his arms around the boy, wishing he could pull him inside his own flesh and blood.


The God son’s eyes widened in surprise. Without his mask, Qin Ruwang could clearly see the shock on his face. Such a raw reaction made Qin Ruwang’s heart surge and he lowered his head once again to kiss him deeper.

The God son’s constitution was weak and he wasn’t particularly strong. Although he struggled, he couldn’t escape from Qin Ruwang’s kiss. When he was finally released, his snowy skin had turned pink with blush and the corners of his eyes were reddened with tears. He looked like he’d been brushed with powdered peach blossoms, the colour accentuating his stunning appearance. 

Qin Ruwang stroked the God son’s flushed cheeks, his dark eyes watching the boy’s expression. The God son avoided his heavy gaze, panting with his lips slightly parted to recover from the unbearable heat.

Because of how close they stood together, Qin Ruwang could hear the frantic thumping of the God son’s heart. It matched the sound of his own heart.

For a moment, he wished he could take his own heart out and offer it to the God son, so that he could feel his heartbeat and understand how much Qin Ruwang loved him.

Finally, there was no one to stop him. Under his painstaking management, his position in the court was even more stable than it had been in his previous life. If he ascended the throne now, no one would oppose his position. His method of killing his brother and father was more careful than in his previous life. This time, no one could use it as an opportunity to criticise his ascension to the throne.

His mother was still alive. This time, despite the hardships she’d been through, her slave status was removed and under his influence, had been granted the title of concubine from the Emperor. As long as he took the Emperor’s throne, she would be the honoured Empress Dowager and wouldn’t suffer again for the rest of her life.

The God son was also in good health. The toxins’ effects on him had been minimised and as long as he recuperated for the next few years, his body would only be slightly weaker than ordinary people. If he was no longer determined to die, they could spend the rest of their lives together.

“I know your greatest desire.”

Qin Ruwang lowered his head to stare into the clear eyes of the God son. He stroked his cheek and said slowly. 

“You wish to see me become the Emperor of Xia, rule the world, destroy the gods and save the people of Wushen. No matter what you desire, I promise you, I’ll help you achieve it.”

“But you have to promise me that you won’t ever think about suicide. The land will be prosperous in the future, I want you to come and see it with me.”


The God son looked up at him, slightly dazed, and was unable to answer him for a long time. Finally, he raised his hand and brushed his finger across his lips, murmuring, “Why did you…” 

Qin Ruwang watched as the blush that had briefly faded from his face reappeared. Qin Ruwang felt a wave of affection flood through his heart and couldn’t stop himself from kissing the top of the boy’s head. His voice was rough as he whispered into the God son’s ear.

“I’ve adored you for many years.”

The God son trembled, his face turning a deeper crimson. He stepped back in a panic and shook his head, “Ruwang, we can’t be like this. You and I are both men…besides, I’ve already given my body and mind to the gods, I can’t-”

“Why not?” 

Qin Ruwang pressed his hand against the boy’s mouth to stop him from speaking and gave him a deep look.

“There will be no more gods in this world from now on, only you and me. I know that your heart belongs to the people of Wushen but you haven’t seen the beauty the world has to offer.”

“You’ve taught me so much over the years, now let me teach you about love.”

The God son lowered his head and didn’t speak, his face burning in embarrassment and his body quivering slightly. Qin Ruwang raised the boy’s chin and pressed kisses to the boy’s lips until the God son’s legs went weak and fell into his arms once again. 

Qlat yegclcu fsfr, tf qlmxfv atf Xbv rbc eq jcv wbnfv tlw ab atf yfv. Lf qertfv atf ybs lcab atf rtffar, xlrrlcu tlw qjrrlbcjafis jr tf qeiifv atf tfjns megajlc mibrfv yftlcv atfw.

Pa kjr j mtjgwlcu clutar riffq.

Coafg Hlc Eekjcu jrmfcvfv atf atgbcf, tf tjv j mjgffg jr lwqgfrrlnf jr tlr qgfnlber ilof. Lf fcglmtfv atf Swqlgf, ragfcuatfcfv atf jgws, fvemjafv atf qfbqif jcv mbcdefgfv atf kbgiv lc jii vlgfmalbcr. Ktf eclolmjalbc bo atf cjalbcr wjvf atf Wlj Swqlgf fnfc wbgf qgbrqfgber, jr ygliiljca jr j rtlclcu rajg.

Qin Ruwang never married a concubine in his life and had no children. Later on, he adopted a child from the royal family and established him as crown prince. When the crown prince grew older, he was assisted by the prime minister to govern the country as Qin Ruwang travelled around Xia with the God son, who was given the title national teacher, to see the mountains and rivers. 

The Emperor and the God son had a deep friendship and the two visited all of Xia’s lands, to meet with people of all stations. They were often praised as a pair of wise masters and worthy ministers.

“Are you really satisfied?”

After they finished their tour of the Empire and returned to the palace to deal with state affairs, the Empress Dowager called Qin Ruwang over. She ordered the palace servants to retire, leaving only the mother and son inside the palace.

She sat opposite Qin Ruwang and took his hand, patting the back of it. Her beautiful face had begun to show her age, but although her hair grew white at the temples, her eyes were as gentle as before. Even though Qin Ruwang had already become the honourable Emperor, in her eyes, he would always be her child. 

She said softly, “Everyone in the world knows of your friendship with the God son. They speak of the close relationship between the monarch and his minister, but I’m the only one who knows that you’re in love with him.”

Qin Ruwang opened his mouth to reply, but she shook her head and continued speaking.

“I won’t stop you. He and the Goddess daughter have been kind to both you and me. I am truly grateful in my heart for what they’ve done. I just wanted to tell you that the crown prince is not your own son. You have no heirs and no siblings. If the God son dies first, with no one to depend on in this huge palace, won’t you be lonely?”

“How can I be lonely?” 

Qin Ruwang smiled slightly.

She didn’t know that he had already experienced all of this. Every person he loved in his previous life died prematurely. Of course he understood the agony of spending decades alone.

Yet this time, his mother was still with him, and the God son was by his side. He had no regrets in his heart. Even if he died, he could rest happily. How could he be dissatisfied with this?

The Empress Dowager was surprised by his smile, but laughed with him. She stroked his hair and said warmly, “I see.” 

Soon after, a palace servant came to report that the God son had come to visit. The Empress Dowager let go of his hand and smiled at Qin Ruwang, “Go, he’s waiting for you.”

Qin Ruwang nodded and walked outside the hall. The sun shone brightly outside, illuminating the figure in front of the palace. The God son smiled at Qin Ruwang, a soft glow in his eyes.

The gods were dead and he had long stopped wearing a mask. No matter how many times Qin Ruwang saw him, he still felt dazzled by his beauty. He stepped closer towards the God son and held his hand.

They left together. 

Fu Qinghan stood outside the phantom array, watching the hazy mirage with a calm expression. Although he couldn’t distinguish the scene inside, he could sense that the array was still in motion, so he continued to guard it so there wouldn’t be any problems.

To remove the thread of fate, they had to fulfil the deepest desire of the person connected to Ji Ning. Although it was an illusion, it was also a realm which qualified as its own world.

Within the illusion, the birth and death of the entire world occurs in a single moment. The body of the person inside the illusion does not move a single step, but their consciousness and soul continue, as if they have moved through an entire cycle of reincarnation. This allows the connection of fate to fade away across a lifetime.

Suddenly, Fu Qinghan stretched out his hand, sensing something. The red line of fate which connected Ji Ning and Qin Ruwang appeared in the air in front of him. It gradually grew thinner until only the slightest connection remained. Once Qin Ruwang entered reincarnation, it would be completely broken. 

He was focused on observing the thread of fate when a figure appeared suddenly out of thin air. Yun Yuan, dressed in white robes, walked over to him, his handsome face frowning slightly. He glanced over at the mirage and asked, “How is it going?”


Fu Qinghan bowed to Yun Yuan and said honestly, “The lines of fate between the two people from the Xuanhuan world have almost been broken. The ones that remain belong to people from other worlds.”

Yun Yuan watched the threads which spread into the illusion for a few seconds, then asked, “Why hasn’t the line of fate been completely broken?” 

Whether it was Ying Qianqiu or Qin Ruwang, the connections between them and Ji Ning still existed.

“This disciple wanted to let Ji Ning personally sever the lines of fate.” Fu Qinghan said.

“This disciple thinks that Ji Ning should say goodbye to Ying Qianqiu. As for Qin Ruwang, I heard from Ji Ning that he has been dead for more than two thousand years. For a cultivator, two thousand years is a long time, not to mention a mortal.”

“He doesn’t currently have a human body. Xia is gone, his relatives are scattered across the world and he has no place to return to. If he and Ji Ning agree, this disciple can send him to the mountain gate to find a suitable path of cultivation. If he is unwilling, then this disciple can also send him to the spiritual world for reincarnation and ensure he is reincarnated into a wealthy family where his life will be smooth.” 

The corners of Yun Yuan’s lips raised, but there was no warmth in his smile as he said indifferently.

“Qinghan, I’ve told you before that you have a benevolent heart, but others won’t treat you the same.” His eyes swept coldly over the mirage, “You are so gentle and considerate to him. Haven’t you ever thought about how he treats you?”

“Ji Ning treats this disciple very well.” Fu Qinghan lowered his head and said, “Back in my world, my family were slaughtered. This disciple went after the murderer to take revenge and almost died. It was Ji Ning who blocked the sword for me and saved my life.”

“He died because he was protecting me. This disciple made an oath that even if I had to give my own life, I would find an elixir to resurrect him. Now that he’s really come back to me, this disciple must treat him well-” 

“Don’t tell me these things.”

Yun Yuan interrupted Fu Qinghan harshly. When he heard Fu Qinghan say that Ji Ning had died to protect him, a rush of hot anger surged through his heart.

Once upon a time, he had also hoped that Ji Ning would come back for him, but after pouring out his love, he’d been abandoned by Ji Ning for more than two thousand years.

The longer he missed him, the more he hated him. He hated Ji Ning’s cold heartedness, he hated his relationships with others, and he hated how he acted kindly to others. Even his disciple had a fated connection with Ji Ning. 

But the worst part was that he knew he was only filled with resentment because he still loved Ji Ning. Even though Ji Ning feared him and didn’t show him any sincerity, he still wished for Ji Ning to come back to him and cut off his relationships with others. He wished he could be the only one in Ji Ning’s eyes.

Looking at his disciple with cold eyes, Yun Yuan stepped into the phantom array and yanked Ji Ning out of it.

“The gateway has been set up.” He said curtly, “Do you still want to save that person?”

He glanced briefly at Fu Qinghan. Once the other lines of fate were broken, he naturally wished to destroy the fate between his disciple and Ji Ning. It doesn’t matter if Fu Qinghan tries to obstruct him, he would definitely snatch Ji Ning back. 

Ji Ning’s consciousness returned slowly to his body as he looked dazedly up at Yun Yuan. As soon as he recognised who Yun Yuan was and what he’d said, he made a sound of surprise.

In order to fulfil Qin Ruwang’s wish, he’d fallen deep inside the illusion. A single moment in the outside world was a long time inside the phantom array. Within the mirage, he’d spent many years with Qin Ruwang and had almost forgotten about the outside world.

Now that Yun Yuan had pulled him out of the array, did that mean that the line of fate between him and Qin Ruwang had been completely destroyed?

Ji Ning felt an ache of pain in his chest and automatically turned to look at the mirage. Seeing his expression, Yun Yuan’s face darkened. He held Ji Ning’s chin, forcing him to look into his eyes and repeated with a cold voice. 

“Do you still want to save that person?”


Ji Ning woke up from his daze. The thought of the spaceship’s hull on fire made his heart clench. He nodded, “I’m going to save him.”

“In that case, come with me. Qinghan, you too.” Yun Yuan said. 

“Shizun, you’re coming with us?” Fu Qinghan asked.

“If you don’t have my guidance, it will be difficult for you to find the gateway.” Fu Qinghan smiled harshly, his eyes fixed on Ji Ning, “And I would like to see who else you’ve been involved with.”

Ji Ning’s heart beat wildly and he lowered his head, leaning into Fu Qinghan’s side.

Yun Yuan’s eyes flashed and he grabbed Ji Ning’s wrist to stop him from moving away. Suppressing the chill that emanated from his whole body, he said in a low voice, “Follow me.” 

At this moment, Ji Ning suddenly realised a problem. He had another body in the other world, or rather, the beastkin body he was in now was fake and his real body was in the other world.

However, the two day recovery period for transferring his soul between the two worlds meant that Future couldn’t send him back to his original body yet, so he could only rely on Fu Qinghan to get back.

“Could you just transfer my soul to that world?” Ji Ning asked carefully, “I still have a body in that world…”

His voice trailed off under the eyes of Yun Yuan and Fu Qinghan. He didn’t want to reveal any more of his secrets, but he needed to explain the current situation properly. 

Yun Yuan looked at him intensely, then left without a word. Fu Qinghan stroked his hair and said, “Shizun will lead us both to the gateway and I will protect your soul.”

Ji Ning nodded. In this world he still has the power to separate his soul from his body. Once he’d broken away from his body, Fu Qinghan protected his soul through the gateway.

After a period of darkness, light finally reappeared in front of his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his vision was filled with crimson. In front of him, the spaceship burned into flames, while below was a sea of fire, heating up the air around them.

His body was held by Herinos, and in front of him stood Huo Wuling. The handsome dark haired man tilted his head to look at him, and said with a playful smile. 

“If you really don’t want that man to die.” He made a few hideous looking ghosts appear, who drifted towards the burning spaceship, “Then after he’s been burned to a charred corpse, I’ll bring out his soul. It’s just-”

A cruel smirk appeared across his lips.

“I can’t guarantee that his soul would be intact. If there’s something missing from his body, you wouldn’t blame me would you Ningning?”

The author has something to say: There is a red envelope for the person who guesses the next male protagonist to appear. If you don’t remember who these people are, don’t blame me~ 

Candidates: 1. Yun Yuan 2. Fu Qinghan 3. Huo Wuling 4. Ozer 5. Ark 6. Herinos 7. Lai 8. Zhou Rin 9. Gu Chen

There will be no prize for correct guesses ヽ(´ー`)┌ but I will give cat videos to the smart readers who guess right!

Huo Wuling is threatening to remove his fellow gong’s greatest weapon…why is that so sexy?!