Ozer kissed Ji Ning.

He cradled Ji Ning’s face, his golden eyelashes lowered, leaving small shadows across his pale skin. His fervent kiss was overwhelming, as if he was trying to vent all of his emotions through his movements. admJNi

Ji Ning was frightened by the intensity. His body stiffened and he tried to struggle but Ozer’s kiss made it difficult for him to even breathe. Weak from lack of oxygen, his body slumped into Ozer’s arms, allowing the boy to continue invading his mouth.

The kiss eventually ended when even Ozer felt short of breath. Ji Ning had a dazed expression on his face as he panted and it took a few seconds before he recovered his senses. His face flushed deep red and he vigorously wiped his hand across his lips, shouting, “Are you crazy?”

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He glared at Ozer in shock and disgust, still wiping his mouth. It seemed unbelievable that his obnoxious rival had forced a kiss on him. He felt a shiver roll through his body when he noticed the fiery gaze Ozer stared at him with.

The young Ji Ning had appeared in front of him. At this moment, Ozer didn’t dare to ask whether this was real or a dream. zLSWpg

His dreams were always cruel and dark and had never shown him such a beautiful scene. If he had a chance to start over, even if it was just a beautiful fantasy, he didn’t care anymore. He just wanted to be able to have that person in front of him again.

“You, you…”

Ji Ning’s face was flushed in embarrassment and anger, pointing at Ozer with a trembling finger. He didn’t say anything for a long time, then finally turned around and left, as if he was fleeing for his life. Overcome with embarrassment, he spat out a final sentence.

“Just you wait and see!!”


The young adjutant’s expression went through several rapid changes, before he finally nudged Ozer’s shoulder, gave him a thumbs up, and said with a complicated expression, “You…you’re so amazing. In order to disgust Ji Ning, you didn’t even hesitate to sacrifice yourself.”


Ozer didn’t answer, he just stood there, staring at Ji Ning’s departing figure with an intense look in his eyes. The corners of his lips raised up slightly.

A night passed and Ozer figured out the identities of him and Ji Ning in this world. Just as he’d wished for, neither of them belonged to the royal family. He was still the adopted son of the same rich family from his previous life, but he had been a commoner before. His parents died when he was very young and he was later adopted by the rich man. VsDXzM

Ji Ning was a child of a noble family, and his aunt was concubine Chong. The difference was, in this world, concubine Chong never pretended that Ji Ning was her child, but the two of them still shared a very close relationship and she loved her nephew very much.

Although the current Mo Ling Empire allowed homosexual relationships, the social hierarchy was still relatively strict. Ozer had no royal background. Although he was still the student with the strongest spiritual energy in the academy, he was in a different situation from when he was a prince. Many aristocrats were openly hostile and ostracised him because they followed Ji Ning.

Similarly, Ji Ning was very unpopular among the students from commoner backgrounds. He had an arrogant personality, looked down on commoners, and had repeatedly targeted Ozer which angered the other commoner students. However, because of Ji Ning’s background, they couldn’t do anything to him.

In conclusion, within the academy, particularly in Ozer and Ji Ning’s year, the students were mainly divided into two groups. Although they seldom fought physically due to the academy’s regulations, they continued to argue both openly and secretly, and the relationship between them was not particularly harmonious. 8a5Em3

But in Ozer’s eyes, none of these were difficult issues and none of them prevented him from pursuing Ji Ning. All he had to do was change the hostile attitude Ji Ning had towards him.

The last time, Ji Ning developed feelings for him due to the harsh treatment he suffered. This abnormal reaction was the beginning of their tragedy and was perhaps the reason why Ji Ning kept running away from him when they reunited. This time, he couldn’t use the same method.

However, when faced with the question of how to make Ji Ning fall in love with him, Ozer was at a loss. He’d never pursued anyone and never cared about anyone else’s love. Without any experience of his own, he had no idea what to do.

“I have something to ask you.” qI rUn

Walking out of the cafeteria with his teenage adjutant, Ozer asked him a question.

“Yeah, go ahead,” the boy replied, taking a drink from his bottle.

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“How should I pursue the person I like?”

“Pfft, cough, cough…” yTCO30

The young man choked violently, almost spitting his mouthful of water down his shirt. After coughing for a long time, he recovered enough to ask in complete shock, “Who is it? How come I don’t know?”

Ozer was about to reply when his eyes suddenly focused on something in the distance. The boy followed his gaze and looked over to see Ji Ning and a group of nobles passing by, paying no attention to the two of them.

The adjutant tilted his head up at Ozer and found that he was staring intensely at the group of aristocrats. The adjutant caught sight of a beautiful girl and smiled to himself, thinking he’d understood the situation. He rubbed his chin and leaned over his friend’s shoulder.

“Is it her? This will be a bit tricky…not only are you not friends, but she kind of hates you, right?” td0JTk

After all, she was a noble who was close friends with Ji Ning…but wasn’t she there the day Ozer humiliated Ji Ning by kissing him? Wasn’t Ozer afraid the girl would mistakenly think he liked men?

The young man scratched his head, having no experience with these things himself. After thinking hard for a while, he suddenly smacked his palms together and said, “Well, why don’t you show off in the fighting class this afternoon?”

He suddenly felt that he’d had a brilliant idea and rushed to sell it further.

“Yeg mijrrfr mbwylcf obg atf olutalcu mijrr lc atf joafgcbbc. Tbe rtbeiv ajxf jvnjcajuf bo atlr jcv jrx tfg ab qgjmalrf jujlcra sbe. Pc atlr kjs, sbe klii cjaegjiis tjnf atf bqqbgaeclas ab lcafgjma klat tfg lcalwjafis.” 35cyIY

“P xcbk sbe’gf qbkfgoei, yea vbc’a pera xcbmx tfg vbkc delmxis. Pcrafjv, xffq j ufcaifwjcis vfwfjcbeg, jma ufcaif jcv qjalfca klat tfg, atfc olcjiis qlc tfg ab atf ugbecv jcv ktlrqfg lc tfg fjg atja sbe ilxf tfg j iba jcv kjca ab ufa ab xcbk tfg yfaafg. Tbe pera tjnf ab jrx tfg ab ulnf sbe j mtjcmf…”

“I don’t think anyone would reject you with a face like that…”

After he finished speaking, the teenager looked Ozer up and down. He was tall and strong, with a handsome face. Although he didn’t come from a noble family, this friend of his was perfect in every other way. If he wanted to pursue a girl, even the most noble and virtuous of ladies would be seduced under his attack, or maybe the purest of gentlemen.

“…” J3GWCZ

Ozer didn’t answer him, but his brow furrowed slightly, revealing a thoughtful expression.

That afternoon, they took their weekly fighting class. Ozer’s class from the mecha department and Ji Ning’s class from the command department always took this class together.

This was the class that gave the teacher the biggest headache, because most of the mecha department were commoners with outstanding talents, whilst the majority of the command department were nobles. Friction was common between these two facilities, never mind the animosity shared between Ji Ning and Ozer, which made the teacher worry there would be a fistfight every class.

“Everyone remember, don’t hit too hard, this is only for practice.” TacFrV

Once she’d finished her explanation, the teacher asked the students to pair up to practise, repeatedly emphasising the point, “Be careful.”

Despite her words, the students were already getting excited, eager to beat up people from the other class.

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The girl who was friends with Ji Ning was also present. Upon seeing this, the adjutant walked to Ozer’s side and nudged him, saying in a low voice, “Go over to her.”

Ozer walked out, and the boy made an encouraging gesture from behind him, but suddenly realised something was wrong. Ozer had actually walked over to Ji Ning. aoEd7Z

Adjutant: “?”

“May I invite you to partner with me?” Ozer asked Ji Ning gently.

When he saw Ozer approaching, Ji Ning’s expression stiffened, perhaps remembering the kiss from the other day, and he took an unconscious step backward. But he quickly stabilised his body and gripped Ozer’s hand with murderous intent in his eyes, saying, “Don’t regret asking, I haven’t taught you a lesson yet.”

Ozer smiled softly. The two stood face to face and bowed to each other, according to etiquette. shDYzd

Seeing the two of them partnered with each other attracted everyone’s attention. Quite a few of the teenagers stopped their own practice and pulled some chairs up, watching them with interest.

“Does Ozer want to defeat Ji Ning in front of her to show off?” The young adjutant mumbled. Initially he’d been a little confused by this turn of events, but this was a good idea as well.

The teacher acted as the referee. As soon as she signalled for them to start, Ozer and Ji Ning burst into action. In just a few short seconds, they had exchanged several fast blows, displaying their proficient skills. Their interesting performance attracted more of the class to watch and the atmosphere quickly heated up as people started cheering for their own class.

Suddenly, Ji Ning saw an opportunity and lunged for Ozer’s wrist. He hadn’t expected this single move to catch Ozer off guard and had already prepared his next series of movements in his head, but unexpectedly Ozer didn’t defend himself in time. d4QlPO

He froze for a moment, but didn’t waste the opportunity, twisting Ozer’s arm around his back, and aiming a sharp kick to the back of Ozer’s knee. When Ozer’s leg buckled in response, he knocked him down to the ground.


The students from the command department cheered but Ji Ning still didn’t relax. In order to keep him restrained, he bent Ozer’s arm backwards, putting his weight onto his opponent’s back to prevent him from getting up.

“How about it, do you admit defeat?” E6dg3c

Because of the previous incident, Ji Ning had felt uncomfortable facing Ozer, but now that he’d finally let out the anger in his heart he could say to Ozer with a smirk, “I’ll beat you up if you don’t admit defeat.”

Although he was at a disadvantage, Ozer’s face was still full of smiles, as if he was still in control of the situation.

His attitude made Ji Ning’s triumphant expression darken, as if recalling something unpleasant. He gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice, “…What did you mean the other day?

“What do you mean?” Ozer replied happily. 5IQTxA

“That, that you…”

It was too difficult for Ji Ning to say. He was unable to say it for a long time, his face turning red as he pushed Ozer harder into the ground. Finally he said in an almost inaudible whisper.

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“That, that you kissed me…what the hell were you trying to do?!”

“What do you think?” 7qDusE

“You deliberately humiliated me!” Said Ji Ning decisively.

“No.” Ozer said, “I didn’t intend to.”

After he finished speaking, he abruptly shifted his centre of gravity so quickly that it was difficult to trace his movements. Their positions reversed in an instant and the person crushed to the ground was now Ji Ning.

The cheers from the command department cut off, whilst the students from the mecha department began clapping enthusiastically. Yc Nnh

Ozer had pinned down both of Ji Ning’s shoulders. No matter how hard he struggled, Ji Ning couldn’t break free from him. An embarrassed blush rose on his cheeks. Ozer didn’t move away from his position on top of him, just watched him, which made his anger rise. He scolded him in a low voice, “Fuck off!”

Ozer didn’t respond, his lake green eyes seemed to be surging with dark tides as he stared deeply at the person underneath him.

Ji Ning’s slight struggles slowly weakened until he finally gave up, his body slumping as he said, “If you want to hit me, hit me as much as you like, just hurry up and get off me.”

“Student Ozer…” f3rqWL

Seeing that Ozer hadn’t made any movements for a long time, the teacher was about to intervene when she saw Ozer leaning over, his arms enveloping Ji Ning as he whispered something into his ear.

Among all the people present, only Ji Ning heard the words Ozer muttered.

“I like you Ji Ning.”

Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone watching, he gently kissed Ji Ning’s lips. YQ1OUB


A chair fell to the ground as someone was so shocked by this scene that they fell off their seat. The watching crowd looked at the two figures with distorted expressions, as if they’d just seen a ghost.

Ozer ignored all of this as he smiled and released Ji Ning’s lips. He looked down at the boy’s flustered appearance and was tempted to press kisses to his eyes and cheeks when he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing-

Bang. 0v5cB

Inside their dorm room, the young adjutant wiped a high quality medicinal cream across the large purple bruise that had formed on Ozer’s handsome face.

The colour of the bruise disappeared after a few minutes and Ozer wiped off the excess cream with a tissue. Although Ji Ning had punched him hard, he was still in a good mood. A faint smile remained in his eyes, as if instead of getting beaten up by Ji Ning, the boy had flirted with him.

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“You…I said you…”

The teenager’s expression was slightly unnatural. He really couldn’t understand what Ozer was doing. Was he still trying to humiliate Ji Ning? But now that this kind of self sacrificial method had been used twice, it was really hard not to get the wrong idea. Not to mention, so many people had seen him, wasn’t he worried the girl he liked might misunderstand him? QVkUdi

Forget about that girl, even he wondered if Ozer had fallen in love with Ji Ning. Holding the medicine in his hand, the more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt, until finally he had to ask, “What the hell are you trying to do?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ozer asked calmly, “I just listened to your advice.”

The boy was confused for a moment, recalling what had happened in class. That’s right, first Ozer had deliberately acted weak in front of Ji Ning, before turning the situation around and pinning Ji Ning to the floor to whisper in his ear.

These were indeed all his suggestions – wait, no. He had definitely only told Ozer how to flirt with that girl, when did he tell him to fool around with Ji Ning?! VRLnZh

No, wait wait…

A terrifying thought suddenly took shape in the young man’s heart. His voice trembled with fright as he shakily asked Ozer, “Answer me, you’re not in love with Ji Ning, right?”

Ozer’s eyes casually swept over his terrified face, “I thought you knew already.”

Knew already? He didn’t know shit! wQoWTs

The medicine bottle dropped out of his hand and the teen almost swore out loud. He looked at Ozer with horrified eyes, wondering if an alien had taken over his friend’s skin. Otherwise, how could he possibly fall in love with Ji Ning?

“Your suggestions were useless.” Ozer said, touching the bruising that still remained on his face, “He’s angry.”

“Don’t talk crap.” The teenager said weakly, “Forget angry, he might even want to kill you. You should psychologically prepare yourself. Ji Ning is definitely going to go after you.”

Just like the youth said, the story of Ozer kissing Ji Ning quickly spread through the school. It wasn’t long before Ji Ning aggressively approached Ozer, bringing with him a lot of people so he could corner him at the courtyard, asking to settle their accounts. r7R6Xv

“I won’t forgive you!” Ji Ning said furiously, his eyes alight with a bright fire, “How dare you do something like that to me again in front of everyone! Because of you, I’ve lost all my face!”

“I’m sorry.” Ozer meekly apologised to him, “I was inconsiderate. I didn’t intend to make you angry. I’ll make it up to you. I can do anything you need me to do to prove it to you, but I promise my feelings for you are sincere-”

“Shut up!”

This seemed to hit a sore point for Ji Ning and he immediately cut Ozer off, saying fiercely, “A verbal apology isn’t enough, you have to pay a bigger price!” zGPpiD

“What do you want me to do?” Ozer asked.

“You even made my father contact me. He asked if something happened at school but I couldn’t answer him.” Ji Ning scowled, glaring at Ozer, “I want you to get down on your knees and apologise to me.”

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“No problem.” Ozer replied.

“What, can’t you do it? If you can’t do it, then-” Ji Ning broke off. Originally, he had planned to put forward other conditions, but Ozer had agreed so easily. He was stunned for a moment, unable to say anything more, “…you agreed?” UboBk8

Ozer smiled and nodded, “You want me to do it here?”

Ji Ning’s reactions were still a bit delayed and he answered slowly, “…yes, it’s alright here.”

“Are you sure about that?” Ozer looked around and said, “There are a lot of people here.”

“It’s you who should be worried about that!” fRlg4n

Ozer smiled slightly at his words, then suddenly knelt down on one knee, taking Ji Ning’s hands into his own, “I’m sorry about the other day, I made you unhappy.”

This development was somewhat different to how Ji Ning imagined it, leaving him a little lost. Even though Ozer was holding his hand, he didn’t respond. Taking advantage of Ji Ning’s dazed appearance, Ozer bowed his head and gently kissed the back of his hand.

“But I really like you.”

Ozer raised his head, his dark eyes filled with fiery desire as he spoke in a low voice. LeHd10

“I love you Ji Ning.”

Ozer’s public confession to Ji Ning caused a wave of gossip to spread through the entire academy.

Everyone knew the two were mortal enemies, so they couldn’t understand why Ozer suddenly declared that he liked Ji Ning. It was like being told the academy had blown up. Actually, the chances of that happening still seemed more likely than Ozer’s confession.

When people asked him about his feelings, Ozer happily explained that the more he interacted with Ji Ning the more he’d noticed how cute the boy was and became attracted to him. As time went on, he eventually fell completely in love with Ji Ning. pJae9M

Ozer’s remarks shocked the commoner students. If he thought that arrogant Ji Ning was cute, then he was really irredeemably in love.

Everyone was desperately curious to see how Ji Ning would respond, but Ji Ning suddenly claimed that he wasn’t feeling well and locked himself in his bedroom. He wouldn’t leave and refused to let anyone in.

Once he heard this news, Ozer took a special trip over to the noble student’s dormitory. Other students inside the villa looked at him strangely when they saw him coming, but unexpectedly still let him in and guided him over to Ji Ning’s room.

“Ji Ning, open the door. I have something for you.” jfMiod

One of Ji Ning’s roommates shouted to get his attention, then left after sending Ozer a final curious look. Ozer stood outside the door and waited for a few seconds before the door opened a crack, revealing a small portion of Ji Ning’s face.

Seeing Ozer standing outside his door, Ji Ning’s expression changed several times and he tried to slam the door shut again, but Ozer was too fast. He pushed the door open and slipped inside, locking the door shut behind him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The author has something to say: I use voice input to write the chapter outline. Ozer’s name (奥泽尔) is often misunderstood by the computer and written as Oder (奥德尔), Osaier (奥赛尔), European (欧洲人 – they are pronounced in similar ways), Australian (澳洲人), horny (好色儿 – ha, so accurate) and the like. In the end I couldn’t help it, and finally I began to uniformly pronounce Ozer’s name as dog egg (狗蛋) so I could write it correctly all at once at the end so the input method wouldn’t mistype Ozer’s name again. It seems that he’s destined to be a dog egg.

Poor Ozer, author thinks he’s just a dog egg (´∀`). Dog egg normally means dog testicle/dick/bitch. It’s something people call each other in school. I guess author felt as troubled by him as Ji Ning does! pzmDK