Of course, Yu Le had no choice but to agree with Zhu Luo’s request.

After carefully studying the words, he felt a vague uneasiness again.

Could it be…the matter of him sending the flowers was exposed?

Was Zhu Luo trying to settle accounts with him now?

Matters seemed to be getting out of hand again, and he began to reflect on his actions…maybe he shouldn’t have interfered in the relationship between the leads at all.

The early plot had little to no effect on him. If things had gone well, Huo Annong would have fallen for Zhu Luo at first sight, and things would have been moving along steadily. Unfortunately, right now, the favorability between the two of them was still stuck at a solid zero.

Finished contemplating, he decided to change his plans. He wouldn’t send any more flowers to Zhu Luo.

It was far too expensive.

Supporting his decision, the landlord had sent a message last night urging him to pay the next quarter’s rent.

One payment for flowers, another for living expenses, and debt was not far away.

This world might reside within the pages of a book, but money was still an item that functioned to save lives. Once he was broke, he was dead.

Yu Le decided to solve his immediate need for food and clothing first before thinking about the future.

Zhu Luo would be fine without him.

Fortunately, the original owner was a senior in college this year and had more free time to spare. It wouldn’t be unrealistic for him to try and find a part-time job.

Early the next morning, Yu Le got up and dressed in front of the mirror.

It was still an unfamiliar face staring back at him, but he was able to ignore it by now. If he just continued doing his own thing, one day, he would get used to this face—and this identity.

He was Yu Le.

Before he had come into this world, many people had said that he was very adaptable.

Coincidentally, he agreed with them.

The plan for today was to check around the university for any convenience stores or coffee shops that were looking to hire workers.

As a result, as soon as he left the door of his apartment, he met two familiar figures intent on ruining his day. A very impolite little boy and a large dog determined to stay in the action.

The man, child, and dog stared at each other.

Yu Le frowned as he began to ask, “Why are you here?”

The little fatty was just as surprised to see him as he pursed his mouth sulkily, “First I want to ask why you’re here, you perverted uncle! This is my grandma’s house!” He tugged on the leash wrapped around his hand, “Uncle, I know I called you crazy yesterday, but following me around just because of that is a bit much, isn’t it?”

Yu Le paused to collect his words before explaining gently, “…I am not a pervert. What happened yesterday was a misunderstanding.”

“Can you explain it?”


The boy smirked gleefully, “Pervert!”

Moving on, Yu Le left the child behind him, determined to meet his plans for the day.

He didn’t believe in fate and had absolutely no trust in the so-called pure nature of children. To meet this boy so often, he was being targeted for sure.

And sure enough, later that evening, there was a knock on his door.

He had been peacefully sitting at his desk, comparing the jobs offered at a tea shop and a convenience store in town. The tea shop was full-time with long hours but had a high salary that he desperately needed at the moment. The part-time job in the convenience store didn’t pay as much but left him more free time in exchange.

But as the knock rang out in his room, he was forced to pause his work as a bad premonition sounded in his heart. As if to reinforce this suspicion, his eyelids began to twitch.

Opening the door, the little fatty stood outside with a grin.

His mood sank, “How did you know I lived here?”

The child looked at him with a pair of shifty eyes, “I asked Uncle Guard downstairs!”

Yu Le reacted quickly, but the boy began to sneak into his room before he could close the door. Grabbing his collar tightly, Yu Le asked, “What are you trying to do?”

The little boy looked up at him pitifully, stars shining in his eyes, “Dad doesn’t like me, so he threw me to grandma, but I had a fight with grandma….” As he spoke, his voice lowered further and further as the reality of his situation began to sink into him; he looked as if he was about to cry, “Uncle, you are so handsome and kind, can’t you take me in for the night?”

His hopes were rising as the handsome and kind-hearted Yu Le opened his mouth and, with a cold face, spat out a single word, “No.”

“Uncle, uncle, just let me stay at your house for a while! I won’t make any trouble!” Little Fatty didn’t give up as he continued to beg.

Yu Le was impatient but kept up a gentle face, “I can’t take you in at all; you need to go home quickly before your grandma gets worried.”

His head shook like a rattle in refusal, “I don’t want to go home, grandma will lose her temper and start throwing things around again! It’s scary when she yells at me!”

Taken aback at what the boy was implying, Yu Le knelt down to examine him a bit more closely but could immediately tell he was lying again. With such white, tender skin, any abuse would be clear to see…and there was nothing. Not even a bruise to be found.

Losing all patience, he was ready for the child to leave, “Go away now! You need to apologise to your grandmother and go back home!”

Saying his final words, he shut the door in the boy’s face.

But Little Fatty didn’t leave.

He began to knock on the door lightly, taming his cries down to give his voice a sticky, cute quality, “Uncle, Uncle, I remember you dressed like a pervert yesterday to send roses to that house. If you don’t take me in for the night, I’ll tell everyone I know about it!”

Yu Le was in shock. Are such proficient schemers so common these days? Even the little boy next door is one?

Sure enough, he had been right from the very beginning; this little kid was a devil!

He opened the door back up and began to bargain with him, “It’s so late, why do you want to run away from home? Wouldn’t it be more fun to go on an adventure in the sun tomorrow?”

Knowing he was winning the fight, the little fatty smiled as he explained with righteous indignation, “I hate vegetables, but grandma insists that I have to eat them for dinner! I don’t want to eat them! So I ran away!”


This reason was so simple, but thinking about the brat’s personality thus far, it also made much more sense.

His tone softened, “Although vegetables might not taste as good as sweets, they provide nutrition that’s important when you’re growing up. Your grandma is doing this for your own good.”

The boy frowned, sceptical, “Then, do you eat vegetables every day?”

Yu Le was silent for a moment, not answering.

“Lele…Lele?! Where are you?!”

An old woman’s voice suddenly sounded from downstairs, and the boy jumped in a mixture of shock and fear. Hugging the door frame even tighter, he tried to push his way inside once more.

“Lele, grandma heard your voice!” Rushed footsteps could be heard down the corridor, “We won’t eat any vegetables tonight, come back, okay?”

The boy refused to respond.

“Ah! Ouch!” She could be heard exclaiming in pain; it could be deduced that she had been rushing to find her grandson too quickly and had sprained her ankle.

“Grandma!” Hearing her cry, the little boy no longer hid by Yu Le and rushed over to find her, “Grandma, are you okay?”

Clutching the wall as she stood back up, the silver-haired woman breathed out a sigh of relief, “My dear grandson, Lele, you scared me to death!”

Yu Le was walking over, not far behind Lele, and politely smiled as he asked, “Are you alright? I have a medicine box at home, do you want to come over and rest?”

Lele was anxious to introduce Yu Le to his grandma, “Grandma, this is an uncle I met in the villa area yesterday, he was—”

Hurriedly interrupting him, Yu Le said, “Auntie, your child was throwing a fit because he didn’t want to eat vegetables…And Auntie, although vegetables are good for the body, you still can’t eat them all the time. He’s a growing boy and meat has nutrition in it too. So long as the diet is balanced, it’s alright, don’t you think?” He glanced sternly at Lele, “Hurry up and go back with your grandma, don’t you see how anxious she was to find you?”

“I’m sorry, did he bother you much?” The grandma slapped Lele on his head as she apologised in his stead, “Lele, you need to say thank you for having this nice man look after you!”

Probably because of Yu Le’s convincing talk with his grandmother about meat, Lele was easily led by his grandmother to say thank you and even waved as he left, “Goodbye brother!”

Yu Le snorted, from uncle to brother in a night, bah!

This little kid would never be good news.

But he smiled some more and waved back, “Goodbye, go home and listen to your grandmother.”

Finally sending the little ancestor away, Yu Le was able to hide away in his room with a tired sigh.

What was he doing just now?

Damn it, his train of thought was interrupted by that brat!

Sitting down with the recruitment information again, he was ready to continue his research when An An sent him a message. 

[the finest old lady in the world: Manman! Manman! The tickets for brother’s fan meeting are being released!]

[the finest old lady in the world: Guess what?! We’re in luck this time; we don’t have to grab tickets at all! I have a friend on the inside ready with two tickets for us; get ready!]

Yu Le hesitated a little and carefully tapped a sentence on the keyboard.

[Yu Beiman: How much does this internal ticket cost?]

[the finest old lady in the world: It’s for seats at the very front, but it’s been discounted for us for only eight hundred yuan!]

Eight hundred…the convenience store would pay twenty yuan an hour, eight hundred yuan would be forty hours.

His hands trembled as he weighed whether it was necessary to spend forty hours just to find out the enemy’s situation.

[Yu Beiman: I’ve been a little tight lately, and with my elder brother…]

[the finest old lady in the world: This is not the time to fear your elder brother! We have been granted the rare chance of having front-row seats at this fan meeting; we need you to come with your camera and take pictures!]

[the finest old lady in the world: I’ll buy you a ticket, but you have to print out all the photos you take to split with me, okay?]

[Yu Beiman: Are you sure?]

[Yu Beiman: Deal!]

In order to prevent her from regretting, he immediately agreed without giving her time to reconsider.

As for taking pictures as payment? He could do this. People had always praised his pictures for being good when he was still in the photography club.

Happily making an appointment with An An, Yu Le began to plan his outfit. He opened his closet to look at the array of pink dresses and skirts.

Fortunately, when he had cleaned up before, he had decided to keep these things. They were finally coming in handy.

The third personality in the novel was a huge fan of the colour pink and often snuck out dressed up to chase Yu Youzhi when the main personality was not paying attention.

For this reason, she was scolded many times, but the main personality could do nothing to change her actions.

Later, in order to stay more discreet about her actions, she began to hide her belongings and practised a false voice and some makeup techniques.

No matter how often she went out afterwards, she was never found out.

After going out safely a few times, she became bolder and even began meeting An An offline as well.

Even to the end, An An never knew the truth about her friend. 

Yu Le rubbed his eyes as he stared at the rows of pink in the closet with a pensive expression, “My makeup skills should be okay, after all, my cousin often asked me to help her dress up.”

He chose a knee-length rabbit tutu skirt and dressed up before taking out some cosmetics. Laying everything out in front of the mirror, half an hour later, he was pleased with the results.

The original owner had a gentle and handsome appearance, with fair skin and long eyelashes. Wearing a wig, he put on a little makeup to soften his rough facial lines, and his temperaments completely changed.

Applying lip gloss on top of that, the shape of his lips was drawn plumper, and the little mole at the corner of his mouth was no longer seductive but rather a cute blemish.

Admiring himself in the mirror, he grabbed the concealer to cover the mole with a hint of regret.

The girl in the mirror looked back at him with satisfaction. Except for the fact that she was somewhat taller than average, no one would ever guess that she was a boy.

Now, he just has to practise for a perfect falsetto.

Three days later, he wore this outfit to meet An An offline.

Before leaving, he packed up his camera and a few brushes and bottles in case he needed to touch up his makeup in an emergency.

He and An An met at Fountain Square in the centre of Z City.

The original owner’s appearance was truly superior; he was just walking along the pavement and had drawn the attention of everyone around.

But he didn’t care, merely searching the crowd for his newest friend, and the first official judge of his crossdressing skills.

“Manman, Manman, over here!!” A jumping voice called out from the opposite side of the square. Following the direction, he saw a cute girl wearing exaggerated glasses paired with a short one-piece waving towards him, “Hurry up, Manman! I need you to help me; I made too many posters! Hurry up and hold a few!”

Ah, that’s her alright.

Yu Le was still a little hesitant, but the energetic young girl had run over to grab him before squeezing them both back into the crowd, “Manman, what’s wrong with you today? If I didn’t know better I wouldn’t have even thought you were excited to see brother.”

The poster being handed over to him was a dark green with Yu Youzhi’s name printed in bold. Underneath the name was a blown-up picture in high definition of Yu Youzhi winking. Holding onto it in a daze, Yu Le couldn’t help but think the green matched him really well.

An An asked him again, “Manman, what’s going on with you?”

Responding slowly, Yu Le said, “It’s nothing, I just think green is really suitable for brother.”

He is a green tea through and through, after all.

“Look, Sister An An, the doors are open!” Yu Le reacted appropriately for his character and started to match An An’s energy.

An An was very well-known in the circle of Yu Youzhi’s fans. Always fanatically chasing after Yu Youzhi, she would even go so far as to fight against gangsters for him. With her reputation and strength, she managed to grab the forefront in many fan activities as well. With such a bold character, she was unanimously dubbed the big sister of the fans.

An An dragged Yu Le into the gymnasium, and after nearly an hour of waiting, Yu Youzhi finally appeared.

The big star had dyed his hair silver for the occasion, and it was tied casually into a small knot near the nape of his neck. The slightly messy arrangement occasionally brushed against his delicate face, inadvertently plucking his fans’ heartstrings.

His pair of light grey pupils reflected the spotlights below the stage and lit up like the starry night sky, bright and deep.

As soon as he walked onto the stage, he immediately began to wave and greet his fans enthusiastically.

It was enough to make anyone swoon.

Even Yu Le, who was well aware of Yu Youzhi’s cruel nature, couldn’t help sighing that he was indeed too good-looking.

If Huo Annong has a fierce and domineering face, then Yu Youzhio is the perfect combination of exquisite beauty and handsomeness. His facial features are impeccable, making him the perfect scheming beauty.

To begin the event, Yo Youzhi first sang a few songs.

On the stage, he flicked his long silver hair away from his face as his melancholic voice swept through the audience with an inexplicable sense of decadence.

For each movement he made, the fans would scream, frantically doing their best to stand out from the rest and grab his notice, if only for a moment.

The atmosphere at the scene was lively, but the only thing Yu Le felt was that his ears were in pain.

He couldn’t enjoy anything.

That one cannon fodder said it well, Yu Youzhi sang well, but compared with Zhu Luo’s violin, it was nothing.

But as a fan, he could act qualified!

He was wearing a bunny tutu skirt and frantically waving An An’s poster as he looked for a chance to get in touch with the idol.

But as Yu Youzhi stood on the stage, rows of bodyguards surrounded him. Protected as if he were a king, Yu Le quickly gave up his unrealistic plan.

He could only squeeze to the front, shouting desperately as he frantically took pictures.

At least he could fulfil his promise to An An.

After singing a few songs, Yu Youzhi began to promote his new album.

Finally, the turning point had come.

A hostess with beautiful makeup announced loudly on the stage that a lucky fan would be drawn to interact with Yu Youzhi.

“Me, me, me! Me, me, me!!” Yu Le immediately regained his spirit, frantically shaking the poster above him as he hoped to be noticed.

However, the screams around him became crazier and crazier; he could be classified as one of the mediocre ones at best.

He couldn’t give up, though.

Relying on his advantage in the height department, he was steadily a head taller than most of the girls around him, and even his screams had a harsher sound to them.

Of course, he still didn’t win.

As the host read out the number of the lucky fan, a short-haired girl stood up in surprise and walked to the stage.

This girl was someone familiar to Yu Le. She was a whale well-known in the entertainment circle. It was said that she had even given a house away to a star she was chasing.

He frowned.

He couldn’t help but suspect that there was something shady happening behind the scenes for her to win.

Just like how the grand prize at a company’s annual meeting always falls into the hands of the top management, he thought darkly, it must be the organiser’s intention to draw her.

Really boring.

Curling his lips in dissatisfaction, Yu Le picked up his camera once more and took some more pictures of Yu Youzhi.

Looking at them, he smiled happily.

Very good, these photos are ugly enough, take them back and make a sticker pack.

At the same time, the small interaction between the first fan and Yu Youzhi ended, and Yu Youzhi stood and walked to the edge of the stage for some water.

His life assistant, Song Fangba, picked up a bottle of mineral water to hand to him.

Yu Youzhi leaned over and pointed to a certain direction off the stage; Brother Song, do you see that pervert wearing a bunny tutu…who is he?”

Song Fangba, a dedicated male nanny, had been with Yu Youzhi for many years.

He looked in the direction indicated and shook his head, “I don’t know. Youzhi, why do you care about her?” He looked at him nervously, “You aren’t thinking of anything extreme, are you?”

Yu Youzhi’s expression remained the same as he slapped his little assistant on the head, “Brother Song, what type of mess are you making up in your mind now? You don’t see the problem with him?”

Asked this way, Song Fangba stared at Yu Le once more, “She is a cute girl, but she’s not your type is she? She’s a bit tall…”

Yu Youzhi smirked, “It’s so obvious, I can’t believe you don’t see it,” he whispered from the depths of his throat, “He’s a man….”

“Youzhi, what did you say?” His voice had been too muffled, Song Fangba was unable to clearly understand what he had said.

Smiling in amusement, Yu Youzhi brushed it off, “It’s nothing, I just think that this fan is quite interesting.”

This sentence Song Fangba managed to hear clearly and immediately stared at the man with a green face, “Youzhi, the company has repeatedly warned you that you can’t sleep with fans! Never! In no scenario!”

“Don’t worry, I still have a sense of proportion,” Yu Youzhi patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.

However, Song Fangba was not relieved and even became more worried. Looking at the crazy female fans surrounding the stage, his eyes became more vigilant.

The author has something to say:

Yu Youzhi: Where did this pervert wearing a bunny tutu come from?

Assistant: Where did that demon in a bunny tutu come from!

Hello everyone~

I’m so sorry for the late update, there were terrible storms in my area and both my internet and power ended up being cut off for several days. Luckily, they’re both back now! This week I’m posting two chapters as my apology for being late, I hope you enjoy them!