The moment their eyes met, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the air.

Yu Le squatted down almost reflexively, his heart beating like a drum. Within a second, he was hiding on the roof.

He silently prayed in his heart, god, please bless him.

If Yu Youzhi didn’t notice him, he swore he’d believe and only do good things from now on!

Yu Youzhi looked at the rooftop for a long time without moving before Song Fangba poked him in the back, “Youzhi, what’s wrong with you?”

He retracted his eyes, showing a gentle smile that only existed in front of outsiders, “It’s nothing, I just…thought I saw a little stray cat.” His eyes glanced back quickly before returning once more, “It must have been an illusion.”

The charity’s fundraising had already started.

Yu Youzhi’s sudden appearance only added to the fun of the second round of fundraising performances.

The organiser had invited him long ago, but the other party refused because of his busy schedule. As a result, a week ago, his time had miraculously cleared up, and he asked to help contribute to this righteous cause.

Today’s scene was obviously his fault; such a big idol entering the scene would always cause a commotion.

He was surrounded like the moon by the stars, and the sound of cameras snapping and excited whispers echoed around him.

With the hall so unusually noisy, Yu Le took the opportunity to hide in the restroom, he couldn’t stay on the roof any longer for fear of being caught.

Why did Yu Youzhi appear at the dinner?

The first time he appeared in the original book was when he came back from filming abroad, but now he hasn’t even received a script to go abroad, so no matter how he thought about it, he shouldn’t have shown up on this occasion.

Could it be that he just hadn’t appeared in the same frame as Zhu Luo?

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty, and if given another chance, Yu Le vowed to study the novel “The Genius Wife of the Overlord” carefully until he could recite every word backwards.

Thinking about it, he frowned again.

Maybe he shouldn’t have come to this dinner party at all. Huo Annong and Zhu Luo are progressing smoothly in their relationship now; they were having a wonderful conversation just earlier, it’s him that always seemed out of place.

First, his meeting with An An, now chancing upon Yu Youzhi, he truly felt that today was the accumulation of all the bad luck for his remaining life.

He didn’t dare to appear in front of Yu Youzhi at all.

Although he was wearing men’s clothing this time, he wasn’t confident in hiding from Yu Youzhi, who was able to see through his cross-dressing at a glance.

This anxiety was eating him alive.

In the bathroom, time passed very slowly, and he sat in the cubicle, dilly-dallying, trying to help time pass faster.

Whether it was before or after he came into this novel, most of the things that happened to him were like calm breezes blowing across water; they left no clear traces in his heart.

Now he can recall, except for the young teacher who taught him not to be a picky eater as a child, his car accident, and maybe one or two other choice days, he really had nothing worth remembering.

It was so boring.

Rubbing his phone, Yu Le hesitated on whether or not to send a message to Zhu Luo and just slip away from the banquet.

Unable to decide, he took a deep breath and walked out of the toilet cubicle with heavy steps.

The surroundings were quiet as the gorgeously dressed guests wouldn’t waste their time in the toilet when they should be socialising. Yu Le breathed a sigh of relief at the isolated area.

At this moment, Yu Youhzi’s lazy voice came from behind him, “Manman, it really is you.”

He almost jumped in shock before turning around to face him, “Why are you here?”

Yu Youzhi crossed his arms on his chest and leaned against the wall as he looked at Yu Le, “I want to know too, Manman, why are you here?”

Only then did Yu Le remember he was still wearing men’s clothing, and his reaction to this question was self-explanatory.

The big star pursed his lips and smiled; his pale grey pupils were clear and bright, but the curiosity in them made him feel particularly uncomfortable, “Manman, I didn’t expect we would meet again in the toilet, we are destined, don’t you think?”

Yu Le kept a straight face, “Don’t call me Manman in this kind of place.”

Yu Youzhi was innocent, “Then what should I call you? Look, you didn’t even tell me your real name.”

“Yu Le, call me Yu Le.” He was very worried and emphasised again, “Don’t call me Manman in front of other people.”

“Of course,” Yu Youzhi smiled, “this will be our little secret.” He examined the figure of the young man in front of him carefully. It was dim, but it was evident that the other party was handsome, especially so with a faint mole on the corner of his lips. He blinked his eyes, “Manman…No, Yu Le, men’s clothing is also very suitable for you.”

Yu Le glared at him, “…Can you stop saying such inexplicable words every time we meet?”

“When did I ever?! I’m just telling the truth, this suit suits you very well.”

Yu Le frowned, unbelieving, “Oh, Zhu Luo also said the same thing.”

Raising his eyebrows, Yu Youzhi clarified, “Zhu Luo is your violinist friend? Did he pick this suit?”

“Yeah, why?”

Hearing this, Yu Youzhi immediately changed his face, “No, I take it back—this suit doesn’t suit you at all!”


Yu Youzhi was still unhappy and quickly changed the topic, “Look, Yu Le, you never reply when I send you messages.” This tall, handsome man looked aggrieved as he complained, “I feel so lonely when you ignore me…to make it up, have a meal with me tomorrow!”

“Sorry, I have something to do, I can’t.” Yu Le shot him down without a second thought.

“The day after tomorrow?”

Yu Le refused without relenting, “I’ll have something to do the day after tomorrow, and I’ll have something to do every day from now on.”

“Manman, are you just so unwilling to have dinner with me? I’m so sad!” Yu Youzhi looked like a big dog with droopy ears, but in the blink of an eye, he said words that didn’t match his expression at all, “Manman, your friend probably doesn’t know about you yet, right?”


“You like to chase me in women’s clothing.”

Yu Le was silent.

“If you don’t agree to eat with me, I can only go tell your friend about what you’ve been doing.”

Yu Youzhi…he was threatening him?

Yu Le frowned, “Let’s be clear first, I’m not chasing you in women’s clothing, I’m just chasing stars in women’s clothing.”

Yu Youzhi looked at him with a magical look.

Blushing, Yu Le continued, “Since you planned to threaten me with this from the beginning, why did you ask in the first place?”

“This is basic courtesy,” Yu Youzhi smiled sweetly, “You can’t expect me to just forget my manners because I hold some black history over you, can you?” He paused, “So, Manman, are you free to have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

“Don’t call me Manman,” Yu Le gritted his teeth but nodded unwillingly.

Yu Youzhi’s trick was successful; he showed a smile and continued his efforts, “Yu Le, I’ll send you some more messages later with the details, please don’t ignore me, okay?”


“Yu Le, I’ll be joining a filming team in a month, will you come to visit me?”


“Yu Le, there is also—”

Yu Le couldn’t hold back and cut him off, “That’s enough! I can’t ask for that many days of leave at the convenience store!”

“What convenience store?” The man looked at him as if he had discovered a whole new world, “So, Manman, you work in a convenience store?”

Ah…he exposed himself again.

Why was he always so easily irritated in front of this man? He was really the bane of his existence.

“Yu Le, don’t show such an unhappy expression, okay?” Yu Youzhi’s voice softened, and he straightened up from where he was leaning against the wall and walked towards him slowly, covering him with his height of almost two metres. His face was displeased, “You look so sad. Is it really such a bad thing to meet me? I’ve been looking forward to seeing you every day.” He smiled slowly, a smile that Yu Le had never seen him show on TV, “Although it might be a bit late to say this, but even if you are wearing a suit chosen by someone else, today you still look adorable.”