Yu Le had finally reappeared in the dream.

He called it a dream, but in reality, he didn’t know where this place was. Maybe it truly was dreamland, but maybe, and perhaps more likely, it was a place more similar to the space of consciousness. In short, the room around him perfectly mirrored the rental house in reality. Except for the season, and the eerie atmosphere, the layout was exactly the same.

Why was this room the centre of the dream each time?

Did something noteworthy happen here?

He couldn’t help but think so.

Not only the room, but the young man sitting in front of the desk also mirrored the reality, looking just like the original Yu Le. However, with just one look at his eyes, the difference was made clear. The surging emotions of anger, jealousy and pain distorted his face. At first glance, he didn’t look very similar to Yu Le, instead, he felt strange and alien.

This man was sitting at the desk and staring at him bitterly. His eyes were green and black from lack of rest, and his body seemed weak.

Yu Le took two steps closer and tried to communicate, “Hi, we finally get to meet.”

“You despicable outsider, you stole my body! Get out of here…” His low pitched words and the hatred in his voice gave it substance, letting it linger in Yu Le’s ears. But after saying this, the young man just stared at him with unwillingness, as if he wanted to cut his flesh and blood and feed it to wild dogs, but he remained motionless in place.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Yu Le was just happy to be able to hold a conversation with him.

He clapped his hands, relaxing his tense body, and gave up his plan of fighting directly. Pulling up a chair, he sat in front of the other, “Maybe we can talk.”

The young man at the desk didn’t respond, but looked at him with his protruding eyes filled with all kinds of emotions. His pupils roamed the room, landing on anything but Yu Le.

He assumed that the other party agreed.

The man stared at him viciously and he stared back without any sign of weakness. Observing his twisted face, Yu Le wanted to see some clues from it, but besides the all too obvious emotions on the surface, he could find nothing else. After staring quietly for a minute, he gave up and broke the silence, “Then the first question, who are you? The second personality, the main personality…or some new hybrid personality?”

The only thing he could be sure of was that the person opposite him was not the third personality.

“You despicable outsider,” just as Yu Le thought he would just repeat this meaningless curse, the other party gave an unexpected response, “…you can call me vice-captain.”

“Vice-captain,” he blinked, “what happened to the main Yu Le and the little sister?”

The vice-captain sneered, his eyes dark, vicious and a little proud. They gave off a chilling feeling, as if he was a snake, slowly luring his prey into his grasp. “It’s just as you thought, those two idiots disappeared long ago.”

Yu Le’s eyes lowered, “What happened?”

This was a very general question, including an overview of almost everything. The other party’s unfamiliar face looked at him lifelessly, almost weighing the pros and cons of answering him. Then he said hoarsely, “I can tell you whatever you want to know, and I will never attack you in here again—but I have a condition.”

“You want a truce with me?”

A truce. The vice-captain’s eyelids trembled unconsciously. The memory of being hit so one-sidedly a week ago made his anger filled eyes show a faint trace of fear, but he quickly washed it away. He agreed, “We can live in peace and share the body.”

“Sorry, but I can’t help but feel that you are far too cunning to just agree casually,” Yu Le did seriously consider this proposal. “I need to know what happened between you three before I can make a decision. How did the first and third personalities disappear? And how did you…stay?”

“How could I disappear?” A sneer appeared on the vice-captain’s face, “Isn’t it all because that so-called main personality thought that I was too dangerous? One day he suddenly claimed to have had a prophetic dream and ran to the doctor to buy some medicine—those little white pills that you have been taking so often.” At this point, the vice-captain’s expression became obviously gloomy, “This medicine not only weakened me, but them as well. At that time, that idiot Yu Beiman stood on the side of Yu Le, saying stupid things like, ‘Although I can’t bear to leave Yu Bao, but since A Yu has decided so, I am also willing to do so,’…It’s her own business if she wants to disappear, why should I be forced to comply?!” His face showed a sarcastic expression, “Of course, I struggled to death, and those two idiots weren’t able to resist as long as me, melting away because of their own plot…Ha, they really deserved it!”

As he explained all of this, uncontrollable resentment showed on his face, and his eyes shone with a mad gleam, as if he would turn into a beast the next second.

Having heard him out, Yu Le clarified, “But the main personality wanting to die with you, wasn’t it because you were eager to snatch the body and hurt Zhu Luo?”

The vice-captain’s expression twisted even more at this, “Then do you know how I was formed? That Yu Le was a coward. He liked Zhu Luo so much, for so long, but even after ten years, he didn’t dare to confess. He tried every possible means to stay close with him, but never took a step over the line. He was jealous of everyone close to Zhu Luo, resented all of Zhu Luo’s friends and family, and almost went crazy thinking that someone else would stay with Zhu Luo in the future. Unable to bear the pain, all those negative emotions, he bottled them away deep inside his mind. And I, the second personality, am the one who has to carry his burden for him. I bear all the painful emotions, and he gets to act like a good boy and follow Zhu Luo around while occupying the body…Why can’t I be angry?! Why can’t I hate them?!”

Yu Le was surprised, he hadn’t imagined that the vice-captain would have this type of backstory, but after thinking about it, it really did make sense.

Seeing that Yu Le was shaken, the vice-captain took advantage of his opening and pursued victory, “And this is supposed to be my body now. After the other two disappeared, the body should have finally belonged to me. But you just had to appear!” He gritted his teeth, his resentment piling up, “Why do you, an outsider, get to occupy my body while I am constantly discriminated against? You are just a thief!” He was really too excited. After yelling, he realised the situation he was in and forced himself to calm down. Giving himself a short break, he quickly returned to his previous gloomy manner and said in a confrontational manner, “But the main reason that I showed up this time was indeed to talk with you. I can take a step back, I won’t cause any trouble in secret, and can even pretend to be you if you want. We can share the body and live in peace.”

Yu Le listened, frowning as he thought over his words. After a while he responded, “This is a fair proposal, but there are still two things that are unclear.”

The young man looked at him impatiently, as if he would lose his temper and pounce on him in the next second. There was murderous intent in his eyes, but he didn’t act on it. Instead, he lowered his face to cover up such thoughts, “Ask.”

“Before, I suddenly had a fever. Did you sneak out during that time? Yu Youzhi said that he had seen me using my mobile phone in bed, but I have no impression of doing that at all…You used Jiali to contact Zhu Luo then, right?”

Frowning, the vice-captain was confused, “Didn’t you already hear about this from Zhu Luo? Why do you want me to talk about it again?”

Yu Le looked at him, “I just want to hear what you have to say.”

The young man’s expression became more impatient, but he still endured and responded calmly, “Yes, I told Zhu Luo that you were me and had used some means to kill the main personality and Yu Beiman. I wanted to pretend to be the main personality that luckily survived and asked Zhu Luo to help me drug you so that I could regain control of the body.”

Unexpectedly, the result ended with Yu Le beating him up in the dream until he couldn’t even resist and now, he had to come out and humble himself to seek coexistence with this outsider.

When he thought of this, he became even more depressed.

Yu Le touched his chin, “You harassed me in the dream and at the same time contacted Zhu Luo to deal with me in reality. Why did you make such a decision? You’d been hiding well before, what triggered this?”


The second personality wanted to say something, but Yu Le didn’t give him a chance and continued to speak, “When I just crossed over, I completely cleared out all of the personal belongings, trying to make this life mine. At that time, there were traces of the original Yu Le’s life and even traces of the third personality Yu Beiman, but there were no traces of you at all. It’s like you didn’t exist. You must have gone out to clean up the traces of your existence while I or Yu Le weren’t paying attention, right?” Yu Le tried his best to analyse the motivations of the young man opposite of him, “You obviously didn’t want me to discover your existence. But in the past few days, you’ve been blatantly competing with me for control of the body. Something must have happened that forced you to make such a decision, but you were still so vulnerable in the dream…” At this point, an idea flashed in his mind as he figured it out, “When Yu Le wanted to die with you before, were you injured?”