Chapter 501: How Dare You Steal Ms. Si’s Things? (2)

Chapter 501: How Dare You Steal Ms. Si’s Things? (2)

Translator: _Min

Tang Qiao had known Sang Yan for many years and understood her character well.

Sang Yan was fiercely protective and had a direct approach to handling matters.

Anyone who dared to cross her artists would not meet a pleasant end.

Tang Qiao didn’t know Lin Wansu and felt no need to sympathize with her.

She instructed the photography and makeup teams to prepare for a preliminary photoshoot.

Elsewhere, at the film base, Lin Wansu had just finished filming a scene and was taking a break.

“Wansu, why bother clashing with a pop idol?” her agent lamented. “You’re only lowering your own status. Your real competition should be Bie Yunxi, with other actors of your generation. Do you realize how many people are comparing you two?”

“If this drama doesn’t outperform Bie Yunxi in viewership, you’ll never catch up to her.”

Graduates from the same year at the Great Xia Film Academy were often compared, and despite similar beginnings, their career trajectories could diverge significantly.

This cased considerable frustration to her agent.

“She showed me disdain, so why shouldn’t I retaliate?” Lin Wansu recalled how Director Xu had made her watch Si Fuqing’s scenes, her temper flaring. “Newcomers these days are getting too arrogant. She should count herself lucky it was me she offended. If it had been any award-winning actress, she wouldn’t last in this industry.”

“She really lacked emotional intelligence in what she did,” the manager agent, displeased. “If she didn’t want to act, not even Director Xu could’ve forced her.”

“So, she’s the one trying to provoke me,” Lin Wansu said coldly. “By the way, tell Director Xu that the footage of Si Fuqing must not be released. We’ll add another twenty million to the investment.”

Then, the sound of a wheelchair approached, clear and distinct.

Mrs. Yu, who had just sat down, stood up abruptly, her expression changing.

“I’m feeling a bit unwell. I’ll go upstairs. Please send my dinner up.”

The butler, understanding Mrs. Yu’s reluctance to see Yu Xiheng, respectfully agreed, “Yes, madam.”

Mr. Yu didn’t persuade her otherwise, allowing Mrs. Yu to return to her bedroom.

Right after Mrs. Yu left, Yu Xiheng arrived.

Even in summer, he was dressed in a full suit, meticulous and impeccable.

The light outlined his broad shoulders and slim waist, casting his features in sharp relief.

Mr. Yu looked at Yu Xiheng’s legs with a complex expression, regretting countless times why they were unable to support the Yu family’s future.

If Yu Xiheng hadn’t been disabled, Mr. Yu wouldn’t have had to rely on Yu Jiavinz to take over the familv business.

Regardless, Mr. Yu had to admit the innate dignity and composure his son possessed were irreplaceable.

Mr. Yu diverted his gaze. “You’re back.”

Yu Xiheng responded lightly, “Yes, just checking in before heading to the doctor.”

“I know you wish to stand again,” Mr. Yu said with a furrowed brow. “But we must accept our fate. We only have three game accounts in the family, and even though one was given to you, you haven’t encountered the Heavenly Doctor Ghosthand like Yu Yao did..”