Rong: I’m here, what about you?

Rong Yi, has a boyfriend who is shy and innocent. He is the kind of guy who says that when summer arrives, he will order her a fruit online.

If he sees a strange bug on the road, he will send a WeChat and chat about it. He cares whether she is tired after work every day.

A lovely and dependable boyfriend, also a solid work advisor.

Although he is in a foreign country with a 12-hour time difference, as long as it not near noon, he replies within seconds.

Everything is perfect.

Except, he denies meeting in person.


X: [Little Rabbit covers his face.jpg] I, that, look ugly, and my workplace is also not very good, I’m afraid I will die in light…

Rong Yi has passed the age of a little girl who likes to fantasize. How can she expect her boyfriend with such a cute personality to be a tall, handsome and rich man?

This kind of thing can’t be thought of for herself!

Anyway, her annual salary is one million, and she doesn’t mind letting her little cutie work ten years less in his life.

Rong Yi put away her mobile phone and stood in front of the snack bar counter, sprinkling chilli and cumin seeds on the fragrant roasted gluten.

She seemed to be as stable as an old dog, but in fact, her hand shook and she poured too much chilli on the meal.

Yesterday, her little boyfriend finally agreed to meet, and so Rong Yi prepared her best to make a good first impression.

Who hasn’t met an online date for the first time? But she believes that she is the leader of the relationship, and must not reveal her panic at this time.

At half past three, Rong Yi took out a pack of 520 mint.3 It goes well without saying that a good smoke can calm you down.

As the lighter went out, it suddenly became dark outside the door, and then abruptly, the sky brightened!

The originally dark and dull place was turned into a magnificent hall, and the snack bar and its four customers were just brought out of thin air in this baroque-style hall.4

A man’s happy broadcast sounded in the lobby: “Welcome to the collection of thrilling games – Lucky Carnival! Lucky people, this round of games is about to start, please check the mission rules!”

Rong Yiyan was struck to her position with slightly parted lips: …..What?

Looking at the bizarre scene in front of her, she sent a message to her little boyfriend: Suddenly got involved in a strange game. I may have to miss the appointment, see you next time.

The little boyfriend replied within seconds: I arrived Rongrong, Where are you?

X: Ah ah ah ah! ! Is it Lucky Carnival? ! Don’t be afraid, Rongrong, I’m here!

Rong Yi looked at the signal on the phone that was suddenly cleared and sneered: You piece of sh**.

It’s a good thing that you’re not here, sweetie. Otherwise, I won’t be able to protect you.

She exhaled a light puff of smoke. When encountering unexpected emergencies, the first thing to do is to calm down, observe and speak less.

Besides her, there were three other people in the snack bar, a muscular man, a young man in a camouflage uniform, and a seventeen- or eight-year-old girl with double ponytails.

The man in the camouflage uniform seemed to be an old player. The brawny man and the one in ponytails appeared to be newcomers just like Rong Yi, this means that the camouflage uniform was to be followed as the head of the general’s horse.5

The camouflage uniform took the lead: “This so-called game collection is also known as unlimited streaming. When the game goes crazy, it affects your reality. But at the same time, the rewards given to the winners are also very generous.” The newcomers nodded along his words.

Rong Yi understood, there is no limit to the flow, one round after another, good rounds may get you rich, but bad rounds…..

“Hey! That girl!” She turned around and saw the strong man frivolously hooking his fingers at her to beckon her over.

Rong Yi had bright eyes with lush eyebrows, and a complexion as white as jade. Her short black hair was neatly cut to her ears and the diamond earrings in her ears shined dazzlingly. The tailored shirt and trousers depicted her thin waist and long legs underneath.

Her eyes swept away, and a thin line of smoke left her red lips, some butts of the cigarette fell into ashes, rendering the strong man into silence.

She sat back at the dinner table, puffed her cigarette out and started to eat the gluten.

The young man in camouflage smiled and said, “Okay, let’s check out the mission information.”

The three of them waved their hands to call out their respective transparent floating screens.

Rong Yi followed suit, and a transparent screen appeared in front of her.

“The title of this round: Mr. Ogre’s Dinner.” She heard the sharp voice of the double ponytailed girl.

“Cooks, you will serve Mr. Ogre’s dinner together.”

“Please don’t try to deceive Mr. Ogre, he is a real gourmet who can taste the taste of every human cell.”

“Please feel free to use the kitchen utensils, you are welcome.”

After reading this, the inconspicuous white curtain on the left side of the hall was pulled open, revealing three rows of cooking tables which were almost as wide as the hall.

The cooking table was full of Chinese and Western kitchen utensils, dishes and seasonings, but the last wave of people who used the kitchen did not clean it well. There were large, dark red blood stains left in the sink and on the table, with pots and pans scattered all around the place. It looked as if there had been some kind of kitchen battle.

The girl with two ponytails swallowed her saliva in fear, and continued to read: “Conditions for clearance: Cook a dish that satisfies Mr. Ogre, and guarantee your survival.”

“Punishment for failure to clear the customs: Leave a part of the body as Mr. Ogre’s… reserve food.”

The strong man clenched his arms involuntarily.

However, as Rong Yi watched the [Passage Failure Punishment] on her screen, it flickered for a while with unstable signals and garbled characters, and finally stabilized into two words:


Rong Yi: …Why? ! Am I not worthy for life?

She stood up abruptly, and the floating screen responsively followed, the word “death” swayed in front of her eyes.

She is mature, independent and has her own money, but she still hasn’t met her online dating boyfriend yet! There is still soo much to do —it would be a great loss if she were to die like this!

The hall broadcast sounded again: “Find tonight’s menu! The last dish time is 6:30 in the evening, chefs, Come on!”

“So, are we going to look for clues for the menu now?” the strong man asked the one in camouflage.

The ponytail girl was a little scared: “Yes, Will it be very scary? Is it going to be difficult ?…”

The camouflage uniform answered patiently: “Yes, we are going to look for clues. Don’t worry, this is an E-level dungeon, it won’t be difficult. And for the question “Is it scary—” He gave his double ponytail an intriguing smile: ” At least there is a high probability that No one will die.”

The twin tails shivered slightly.

He then turned to Rong Yi: “Beauty, it’s better for newcomers to stay safe. Let’s go together?”

Rong Yi could not see the live broadcast room on the transparent floating screen in front of them, nor could they see the barrages:

“T God has begun to tease the newcomer again”

“I just like watching T-God abuse a chicken!”

“Those two who only dared to follow behind T-God’s **** must have been fooled around before they even entered the game, xswl”

“The young lady with short hair looks good, can T God kill you later?”

“I heard that this dungeon has a very low clearance rate right now. Let’s sit back and see how T God plays with new flowers (eat melon).

The man in the camouflage uniform, aka, T God smiled slightly, he looked away from the barrage and was satisfied to see Rong Yi walking towards them.

Everyone fumbled around in the hall for a while, at a loss on what to do. The white curtain hung on the right side of the hall was also pulled away, revealing the same cooking area as on the left side.

The strong man was puzzled: “Does a four-person copy needs so many kitchen utensils?”

“It’s not true.” Rong Yi observed from several angles, then stepped forward and touched to confirm, “It’s a painting.”

A painting as wide as the hall, depicting the opposite cooking area, a 1:1 oil painting.

T praised: “Great job! This could be the clue we’re looking for.”

Rong Yi compared the oil painting with the real scenario on the left side, and suddenly saw a small piece of paper attached to the lower right corner of the painting.

“The name of this painting is “No Difference”.” Rong Yi stroked the handwritten exhibit information: “Is it enough to fill in the unfinished part taking the actual setting on the other side as a reference?”

The strong man pulled out a set of painting tools from under the curtain: “Absolutely! Look, even the tools are prepared!”

The double ponytails was also a little excited: “I just learned to draw! Leave it to me! This E-level copy is not really difficult!”

However, T-God smiled and said: “Really? Take a look again, what exactly is the unfinished painting? The name of the painting is “No Difference”. If the painting goes wrong, we have no idea how the game is going to punish us.”

Rong Yi’s patience level was getting lower with all his tricks, she pointed at the blank spaces across the screen: “Everything that’s not painted is the blood stains.”

Compared with the real object, there is almost no red on the screen, all the blood stains are only marked, and there was no colouring.

The strong man slammed: “It’s blood stains, so now what? Just fill it in.”

T sighed: “You can give it a try.”

Double ponytails had learnt painting, and it’s easy for her to bring out a specific colour.

However, the strange thing is that although the paints given to them are complete with all the brushes handy to use, she can’t adjust the colour with that of the blood stains in the cooking area. They are either too dark or too light.

Sweat started oozing from her forehead.

T smiled smugly: “Look? Games never provided such an obvious answer.”

The strong man suddenly had a flash of inspiration: “Then the purpose of the game could be to let us use blood—”


Rong Yi was taken aback by T’s loud shout, and saw him applauding and praising: “You really are a smart newcomer!”

“Lucky Carnival is a horror game! How can a horror game be played with ordinary paints?” He nodded his head: “This is the gaming consciousness.”

Being praised by the old players, the strong man couldn’t help but show a hint of pride on his face.

“Now, who is in favour of using real blood?” T looked around the three newcomers and asked loudly.

Rong Yi saw the strong man and T raising their hands.

Bloodletting? She frowned.

Fortunately, this little boyfriend of hers was one step late. When he sees cockroaches, he complains to her about it on WeChat, Bloodletting and all, What would she have done if he cried in fear?

“Very good, 2:2, it’s worth a try.” T picked up the water bucket in the painting kit: “Then let’s choose a person to come forward!”

His eyes wandered back and forth between Rong Yi and the other two newcomers, giving an impression of picking pigs.

The strong man raised his hand again, and said with some flinch: “As a team, we must preserve our strength for the subsequent levels.” His eyes flickered: “That is, I mean…”

“Oh, I understand, your proposal is very good.” T glanced over Rong Yi, who had an icy expression and was almost as tall as him, then he looked at the pale, obviously much weaker double ponytails: “You, you are the weakest among us. Besides, it’s just like donating your blood and we guarantee that you will survive until you pass the customs, how about that?”

The strong man nodded again and again.

The girl helplessly cried: “But—but—the rules don’t say that human blood is needed—”

“Your senior is teaching something you now, as long as it’s not prohibited by the rules, you are allowed to do it, understand?” With a gentle smile he gave at the start, he tightly grasped the arms of the girl, and asked for something from the system.

He touched a jumping knife in the backpack, and a shiny blade popped out: “Don’t be afraid, Soon, it won’t hurt.”

The twin ponytails trembled and shed tears, looking at Rong Yi beside him, she struggled helplessly under T’s strong grip.

“Then don’t match the colours.” Rong Yi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up, rubbing her red lips with a dry lipstick: “Just paint the blood stains on the cooking table with the available colours.”

“What?” T was taken aback.

Originally kept rewarding, the barrage which was full of hahaha suddenly became silent, and then the conversation changed:

“Miss’s thinking is clear”

“When I passed this level, the ************ method was really good! (System warning: Do not display the copy’s information in the bullet screen, serious violations will be banned)

T gritted his teeth: “You want to change the real thing? In case of any punishment, you will drag everyone down.”

The strong man couldn’t help nodding: “Let’s listen to the experienced players, don’t try to kill yourself.”

“As long as it’s not prohibited by the rules, anything can be done, understand?” Rong Yi stepped forward and grabbed T’s hand: “Am I right, Senior?”

Rong Yi is originally tall with long legs, moreover, she was wearing high heels that further extended her height to 1.8 meters. At this time, when she stands close to T-God, he realized that this woman is looking down at him.

The black nail polish dug in his flesh, and he can’t help but release her. With tears in his eyes, the girl with double ponytails held her red arm and hid behind Rong Yi.

“Now, who is in favour of changing colours?” Rong Yi asked loudly, imitating T’s tone from before.

The strong man looked at T at a loss.

The girl and Rong Yi raised their hands.

“Very good, 2:2, it’s worth a try.” Rong Yi said again.

T’s face was ashen, and he secretly gritted his teeth.

Twin ponytails was responsible for painting the blood stains in the cooking area, and Rong Yi was responsible for painting the other part of the picture with the same colour. The two had a clear division of labour and quickly acted.

She must not panic, she must not be afraid.

She had to get out alive, her little boyfriend is still waiting for her.

Suddenly, she heard the three-tone scale of “Di Di Di” sounds from her transparent screen.Its the kind of “Didi Di” that comes from WeChat messages.

In the upper right corner of the screen, there was a small person symbol that read “Friends”. Rong Yi remembered that it was originally followed by 0.

It’s now showing 1 with a flashing little red dot.

She clicked it open, and a dialogue box jumped out impatiently.

X: Rong Rong, Don’t be afraid! I’m here!

Something like 

A brand of Cigarettes

Complete Idiom, Take the head of the general’s horse as instructions for advance or retreat–Follow someone for guidance