Chapter 13 Seek medical advice

In the west room, Ying Bao was leaning on the bed, contemplating.

The birthdays of my two younger brothers in my previous life were September 26th. My mother-in-law said they were born at night.

Because the incident happened suddenly and it rained heavily, my father could not go to the town in time to ask for a doctor, so he had to ask Aunt Wu from Xichen Village.

Although Fourth Aunt Wu is also an experienced midwife, this is the first time she encounters a situation like Chun Niang's, and she is inevitably a little confused.

In the end, the twins were finally born safely, but one brother lost his mind due to being suffocated.

Chunniang also suffered a lot. She lay in bed for more than two months and was unable to have children again.

“Tomorrow is September 26th. I have to ask my father to go to town early and ask the doctor to come and stay at home.”

Yingbao murmured to himself: "No matter what, nothing can happen to my brother and my mother-in-law again."

How can I make my father believe that my mother will give birth tomorrow?

After all, it is not easy to ask a doctor to visit you, and the consultation fee is quite considerable.

And my mother has no signs of giving birth. If the doctor is called and there is no movement here, wouldn't it be nothing?

Well, let’s just spend it in vain. We can’t ignore the lives of my mother-in-law and my brother just to save a little money.

Ying Bao got into bed, closed her eyes and entered the cave.

The open space next to the pond is now covered with thick soil.

These fertile soils were shoveled in little by little by Yingbao some time ago, and have now been planted with wheat, rice, soybeans, dozens of water chestnuts, and a large area of ​​green vegetables and shepherd's purse.

Wheat, rice, and soybeans have just sprouted, and vegetables and shepherd's purse are growing rapidly.

The water chestnuts that were planted earlier have sprouted and grown up, producing a bunch of water chestnuts as big as eggs, which are crisp and sweet.

But no one here has seen such big water chestnuts, and since it is autumn, Yingbao dare not take them out, so she can only replant them one by one.

In addition, there are many fruit trees planted on the black soil side, including jujube, sorbet, peach, chestnut, and apricot trees.

The fruit seedlings have grown to half a foot tall and can be transplanted just waiting for next spring.

The two apple trees transplanted before are growing well, and these seedlings should be good too.

However, you need to think carefully about where to plant.

Of course, twenty or thirty fruit saplings cannot be planted in the yard, not even in front of or behind the house, as that would be too eye-catching.

Let's plant it in Beishan, let alone.

That piece of land is a subdivision field, and Father Jiang will have to return half of it to the government when he gets old. If he dies, all the land will be returned to him.

She doesn’t want to make wedding clothes for others in the future.

Then, we can only plant it in Xiaonan Mountain, where there is dad’s Yongye Field and more than ten acres of mountain land.

Moreover, Xiaonanshan has another advantage. It has a high terrain and few rocks. Even if there is a flood in the future, it will not be flooded.

Hmm, in the future, we can mobilize our parents to build houses in Xiaonanshan to avoid major floods in a few years.

Yingbao walked closer to the rock wall and carefully observed the growth of these crystal white and transparent objects.

The piece that was picked out never grew back, which made her a little upset.

This means that once these Wudingzhi are used up, they will never be available again.

Yingbao scratched his head, a little confused.

The hens at home are willing to lay eggs and the deer grow strong, which are all contributed by Wudingzhi.

The last time my finger was cut by a sickle, I used its juice to treat it. The effect was very obvious. No trace was visible after only two hours, which shows that it is a good thing.

Since it is a non-renewable good thing, you have to use it sparingly in the future.

On the second day, Yingbao got up before dawn, put on her clothes, folded the quilt, and ran to her parents' house.

That’s right, Yingbao now has her own house.

Because her younger brother is about to be born, and she is a sensible girl, how can she always share the same bed with her parents?

So at her strong request, the father made a kang for his daughter in the west room and let her live alone.

Yingbao poked his head out from under the curtain and shouted into the room: "Dad!"

Jiang Sanlang was putting on his shoes when he saw his daughter calling him so early, so he thought something had happened.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Sanlang came over quickly.

Yingbao took his father and dragged him outside, "Come on, I have something to tell you." Jiang Sanlang followed the little girl to the west room and asked, "What does Yingbao want to tell dad?"

Yingbao crossed her fingers and thought for a while, then whispered: "Dad, I had a dream last night."

Jiang Sanlang smiled and rubbed his daughter's head, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Yingbao shook her head, raised her neck and said seriously: "I dreamed that my mother was going to give birth to a younger brother tonight, and she bled a lot. Dad, please hurry up and ask the doctor to come home."

Jiang Sanlang was stunned for a moment, subconsciously feeling that his daughter's dream was ridiculous.

Suddenly I remembered that my wife’s due delivery was coming soon, and my daughter was so sure last time, saying that her mother had a brother in her belly, which shows that her daughter is somewhat spiritual.

He was a little panicked, but still made a decision.

"Okay, I'll go to the town right now." Jiang Sanlang hurriedly went to the east room to check on his wife. He was relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with her.

"Chun Niang, I'm going to town. You should rest at home and don't wander around." Jiang Sanlang warned.

Chunniang sat up and asked doubtfully: "What are you doing in the town so early? It's not even bright yet."

“It will light up soon.” Jiang Sanlang turned around and left the room.

When I got outside, I saw that it was raining, and the rain was not light, so I went back to get the bamboo hat and raincoat hanging on the wall, and then I went to my eldest brother's house.

He has to ask his sister-in-law to come and take care of him.

The wife is about to give birth, and the daughter is still so young, so I’m afraid it won’t be possible without a responsible adult in the family.

Yingbao saw her father walking in a hurry and told him quickly: "Dad, the road is slippery on rainy days, so be careful on the road. The doctor is old and can't walk in the mud. You can go to Grandpa Muramasa's house and borrow a donkey cart."

Jiang Sanlang slapped his head.

Hey, how could I forget this?

He waved his hand to his daughter and said, "I know, dad is going right away. You follow your mother at home and don't run around." After saying that, he rushed into the rain.

Yingbao sighed, ran to the kitchen to feed the deer, and let the chicken out of the chicken cover.

Seeing that the water in the water tank was almost gone, he released water from the cave until the large water tank was full.

Thinking about it, he took some dry firewood from behind the kitchen stove, took two little-used pottery bowls and an old pottery pot from the cupboard, and put them all into the cave for emergencies.

The Jiang family’s eldest sister-in-law, Mrs. Zhou, quickly came over with a paper umbrella and a can of freshly cooked white rice porridge in her hand.

“Uncle mother.” Yingbao greeted warmly.

Zhou asked with a smile: "Why did Yingbao get up so early? Where is your mother?"

“Mom is in the house and will be out soon.” Ying Bao said crisply.

“Let me go and take a look.” Ms. Zhou walked towards the east room.

Yingbao felt relieved when she saw her eldest uncle coming to accompany her.

Put on the little bamboo hat that her father asked someone to make for her, put on her wooden clogs, and take the little deer to defecate outside the yard.

The deer followed obediently into the rain.

After letting the deer go, and drying it with a rag, Yingbao started shoveling the chicken manure in the chicken coop again.

Dad usually cleans this thing up, but today he has something to do and he can’t let his pregnant mother do it, so he has to do it himself.

Clean up the chicken manure and sweep it again before anyone can enter the kitchen.

At this time, Mrs. Zhou walked in and said, "You are such a diligent little girl. I was planning to let you, Sister Dani, do it, but I didn't expect that everything was cleaned up."

Ying Bao smiled and said, "My parents usually do it. Today, my father went out and it was inconvenient for my mother, so I just took care of it."

Zhou took out two pottery bowls and two pairs of chopsticks from the cupboard: "Yingbao, my eldest uncle has brought porridge. It's still hot. Come and eat some with your mother."

“Well, thank you, uncle.” Yingbao jumped up and followed Zhou to the main room to eat porridge.

Chun Niang also felt helpless at this time and said to Mrs. Zhou: "I won't go out if you are not allowed to go out. Why bother my sister-in-law to bring porridge and rice?"

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said: "Sanlang went over to tell you early this morning that you were probably going to give birth, so he asked me to take a look. I happened to cook porridge in the morning. I thought you were inconvenient. It was raining outside. What if you slipped? I had to do it, so I brought some over.”

“Giving birth is about to happen somewhere.” Chun Niang felt a little embarrassed.

He touched his belly and said hesitantly: "But my belly has been tightening and loosening in the past two days. I don't know if it was kicked by the baby."

(End of this chapter)