Chapter 60 My brother is missing

The next day after brother Jiang Sanlang returned home, he asked someone to make a frame for the mule.

Since then, the Jiang family also has a mule cart.

However, it wasn’t long before Sun Lizheng got wind of the news and came to collect the carriage and horse tax. He also told them that they would have to pay the tax every year in the future, and it would be calculated together with the summer and autumn taxes.

At the same time, Yingbao also received thirty-four taels of silver ingots brought back by his father. He was so happy that he took the time to put most of the silver ingots into the cave.

After that, she planted another hundred fine golden fungus and a hundred snow fungus, and gave some of the remaining fine fungus to her father. Her eldest uncle, second uncle, and grandpa also received some.

The refined strains that are separated out are probably not as good as those cultivated by oneself without a mixed solution, but they should be fine as sub-quality ones.

“Sanlang, are these really fine products?”

Jiang Dalang was still a little confused, "When did you breed it?"

Jiang Sanlang touched his nose and said, "Last time, you can try planting it. Whether you can plant it or not depends on the situation."

He didn’t dare to guarantee that he would be able to grow fine products, because that’s what his little girl told him.

Old man Jiang glared at Da'er, "Just do it well if you are asked to do so. Why is there so much nonsense?"

Jiang Dalang picked up the fungi and carefully planted them on the mulberry trees.

This thing is always valuable, one is as good as the ordinary three, and the quantity is not much, so you must take care of it carefully.

Old man Jiang was also given fifty exquisite flowers, and he was happy to get them, and he did not pretend to be the hand of his grandson.

Now his eldest grandson Jiang Cheng has also planted dozens of plants, but they are not high-quality ones.

My eldest grandson is already fifteen this year, and he is planning to get married soon. It’s not possible if he doesn’t have money.

A few days later, the golden ear cultivation came to an end. Jiang Sanlang took advantage of this period to confiscate the wheat and asked the villagers to dig water pools on the south slope.

That water pool is too small and shallow to store much water. Jiang Sanlang has planted many fruit trees and cotton on the south **** and needs a lot of water for irrigation.

So we must take this time to expand and dig the water pool deeper to store more rainwater.

“I said, Sanlang, why did your family build a house on Nanpozi?” a villager asked.

This question has been asked by many people, and Jiang Sanlang always said the same thing.

"The river rises every year. If there is a flood one day and the house is washed away, all the work will be in vain."

Some villagers didn’t believe it and said with a smile: “There hasn’t been a flood in many years. You are as timid as a mouse and you are afraid of this and that.”

"Believe it or not." Jiang Sanlang didn't want to waste his time.

Li Eryong on the side was thoughtful when he heard the words, turned to his elder brother and said:

“Brother, part of our Yongye Field is also on a slope, so why not build a house here as well. We can’t build a tile-roofed house, so building a thatched hut should be no problem.”

Li Eryong has deep faith in Jiang Sanlang, because Jiang Sanlang made a lot of money last year, and now he even leads his two brothers to grow golden ears.

Saburo is so lucky, so what he says must have some truth to it.

Li Dayong shook his head, "Let's wait and see."

Building a house is no small matter. Not only does the family not have enough money to spare, but it also involves nostalgia.

Who is willing to abandon the place where he has lived for many years and build a house somewhere else?

And this place is so remote that it is simply unacceptable.

Li Eryong curled his lips, a little frustrated.

He and his eldest brother are not separated from each other. For big things like building a house, both brothers must agree.

Or, when you earn some money from growing golden ears, you can build a thatched house next to your Yongye field. If there is a flood one day, you can take your wife and children to hide there.

Li Eryong’s proposal was not approved by his eldest brother, but it attracted the attention of Wang Ke, who was also digging ponds.

He also thinks what Jiang Sanlang said is reasonable.

The Chuanhe River will suffer from floods in two or three years. Although it is not serious, it is still troublesome.

Moreover, if there is a big flood one day, wouldn’t your whole family be completely destroyed?

Because Wang Ke’s home is not far from the Chuanhe River, water floods into his home every summer when there is heavy rain.  Had it not been for the lack of money, he would have wanted to move.

Wang Ke looked at the big tile-roofed house of the Jiang brothers, gritted his teeth, ran to Jiang Sanlang and asked: "Sanlang, can I also learn to grow golden ear from you?"

Jiang Sanlang wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded: "Yes, but the golden ear fungus has been separated. If you want it, I will give you some in a month."

When Wang Ke heard this, he jumped up excitedly and said quickly: "Okay! I have you thinking about me, brother, I feel relieved. Sanlang, how about I help you with the work in the future, or you can learn how to plant and maintain it first, and wait for me I also learned how to grow bacteria.”

Jiang Sanlang smiled and said, "Okay!"

There is no need to use free labor, and his family is really too busy, so he wants to hire someone to help him farm the land.

Wang Ke laughed happily and dug even harder at the pond.

Shui Bozi dug for more than ten days and achieved quite good results.

During this period, it happened to rain heavily and the water in the pond was half filled.

The current Shuibozi can no longer be called Shuibozi, it should be called Shuitang.

Jiang Sanlang planted some lotus flowers in the pond. It is estimated that next year his family will have fresh lotus roots to eat.

Yingbao also took the opportunity to plant a large field of water chestnuts by the pond, and asked her second cousin to take good care of them. When the water chestnuts grow, she will pull them out and sell them in the town to make money.

Jiang Quan was not unhappy and took time out every day to see whether the water chestnuts were sprouting or not.

Shortly afterwards, the wheat harvest began.

It was a holiday for Ethnic Studies, and Mrs. Wen also gave Yingbao and the others a farm holiday.

Since then, Yingbao has been taking care of her younger brother at home, cooking lunch, and then sending the food to the fields for her parents who are harvesting wheat.

On this day, Yingbao cut two handfuls of leeks from the vegetable field and cut down a Chinese cabbage tree.

This morning a tofu seller passed by carrying a load, and she exchanged soybeans for a large piece of tofu.

After washing and cutting the vegetables, Yingbao washes and cooks the rice, lights the firewood in the stove and lets it burn slowly.

I moved a bench and put it next to the pot table. I stood on the bench and fried a leek and an egg. Then I made a cabbage stewed with tofu. Then I boiled a large pot of water chestnuts. I scooped the water chestnuts into a pitcher and took it back to the fields to quench my parents’ thirst. .

After the rice is cooked, put half into the earthen pot, and put the rest into the rice basket to dry. Then put the rice at the bottom of the pot until brown and crispy, shovel it up and put it on the table.

The two younger brothers were already hungry and were squealing anxiously around the table. Yingbao gave them some cooked water chestnuts and put two pieces of rice cooker into their hands for them to chew slowly.

Xiaojie and Xiaowu ate crispy rice dumplings and took a bite of water chestnuts. The two of them laughed and chased each other in the yard.

Yingbao put out the stove fire, packed the food, and prepared to take her two younger brothers to deliver food to her parents.

Yoyou has already put on the leather saddle and is standing in the yard waiting for her little master to arrive.

“Xiaojie! Dawu! Come here quickly, let’s go deliver the food!”

Yingbao stood in the yard holding two large earthen pots and shouted: "Hurry up, come here and ride the deer."

After waiting for a while, Xiaojie and Dawu haven't come yet.

Yingbao had no choice but to lock the door of her house first and lead Youyou out of the yard.

But there were still no two younger brothers outside. Yingbao immediately became alert, placed the earthen pot in her hand at the door, stepped on the stone platform in front of the door and climbed onto the back of a deer.

The deer spread out its long legs and ran at full speed.

Yingbao looked in two directions and saw no one, so he immediately asked Youyou to change direction.

Meeting Wen Hengyin on the road, Yingbao immediately asked: "Have you seen my two younger brothers?"

Wen Hengyin nodded: "I thought I saw a woman hugging them just now."

Ying Bao's heart was in her throat and she immediately urged Youyou to chase in the direction pointed by Wen Hengyin.

(End of this chapter)