Chapter 108: The in-laws are troublesome

This day is Jiang Cheng’s wedding day.

Uncle Jiang invited people from all over the East Village to have a wedding banquet, and also invited Fourth Aunt Wu’s family from the West Village.

 Fourth Aunt Wu didn't want to come at first, but her husband wanted to repair the relationship with the Jiang family, so he forced her to come to the banquet.

During the dinner, someone asked her: "Fourth Aunt Wu, did you really see the red birthmark on the wrist of the daughter born to Mr. Han?"

Fourth Aunt Wu nodded: "Of course, whoever tells lies will die badly."

Someone laughed and said, "Then why do you think our little fairy boy also has a birthmark on his wrist?"

Fourth Aunt Wu coughed and said awkwardly: "That's not what I thought. It wasn't the Han sisters who tricked me into being a witness for her. Who would have thought that those two misfortunes were not caused by good intentions."

Everyone laughed: "Then next time you can't say that our little fairy boy belongs to the Chen family, otherwise the oath will be fulfilled and even the ghosts will catch you."

“Haha, yes, yes, of course I know.” Fourth Aunt Wu smiled awkwardly and buried her head in her food.

In the evening, the bride's sedan chair came in. Also coming to see her off were the bride's uncle and eldest brother Chu He, as well as two uncles.

The sedan chair was carried into the courtyard and settled down. The two female matchmakers helped the bride out, stepped over the brazier, worshiped heaven and earth, worshiped her parents, and entered the bridal chamber.

After completing the process, Uncle Jiang quickly welcomed his wife's maternal uncle and her eldest brother into the house to sit down for a meal. He also invited his second and third brothers and several peers from the village to accompany him.

After three rounds of drinking, Uncle Chu began to scold Uncle Jiang very rudely, "My dear brother, we clearly agreed on the betrothal gift of one hundred taels before, but today we went to pick up the bride, but your family only brought eighty taels. If it hadn't been for the matchmaker's request, It’s so exciting that I don’t plan for my niece to get into the sedan chair.”

Uncle Jiang smiled awkwardly and didn't answer.

Actually, I only gave Dacheng sixty taels. Unexpectedly, the **** boy put in twenty taels himself, making it eighty taels.

The Chu family is still not satisfied with this, alas.

Uncle Chu then said: "When we go back tomorrow, your family can use the golden ear mushrooms as compensation. We are all reasonable people, so we don't need more. Four hundred cans will be enough."

The matchmaker of the Chu family also smiled and said: "It's four hundred jars of inoculum, not four hundred flowers. What do you think, in-laws? It's no problem."

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Four hundred jars of inoculum? If the plant is divided, more than a thousand golden ears can be separated. The Chu family really dares to mention it.

Jiang Sanlang put down the wine cup and said calmly: "Our Jiang family is just a banker. It's outrageous for the in-laws to ask for a hundred taels. I might as well go and find out how many families in our ten miles and eight villages can afford a hundred taels to marry a wife." Yes, even the big guys in town can’t do it.”

He has nothing to say. Let alone a hundred taels of silver, even those who can find a wife with twenty or thirty taels are very few.

There are four hundred cans of bacteria, and he may not be able to take out so much at one time.

Uncle Chu's uncle slapped the table: "What do you mean? Do you want to default on your debt when your wife comes in?"

The matchmaker of the Jiang family quickly comforted him: "Uncle, please don't say that. We adults are discussing things, so how can the child be involved?"

Uncle Chu family: "I don't want to get involved with my niece, but in this matter, it was your Jiang family who was unkind in the first place, and we are unjust."

Eighteen-year-old Chu He even smashed the wine cup on the ground and shouted: "Do you, the Jiang family, want to bully my Chu family?"

Jiang Sanlang lowered his face and glanced at his elder brother.

Marrying a daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law of the eldest son, who will inherit the family business in the future, did not even ask about the situation of the Chu family in advance.

With this group of weird relatives causing trouble, it is estimated that Dacheng’s marriage will not be happy in the future.

The matchmaker of the Jiang family quickly made peace with Xi Ni, "Let's calm down first, we are discussing."

Jiang Sanlang stood up and said coldly: "There is nothing to discuss. I, Jiang Sanlang, have always provided the golden ear bacteria. My eldest brother's family does not have such a variety of bacteria."

Even if there is, it will not be given to this family.

After saying that, he turned around and went outside.

Jiang Erlang also stood up and looked around at his relatives. "If you feel dissatisfied, just take the newlyweds back. There is no bridal chamber anyway. Our Jiang family does not have to climb the high branches of your Chu family."

Speaking, he also left the table.

Seeing that the two immediate family members of the groom's family were gone, several guests also left the table. As soon as they left the house, Jiang Erlang pulled him to sit down at another table, and they continued drinking.

This time it was the Chu family's turn to be dumbfounded.

The two matchmakers also looked at each other.

This is the first time they have encountered this situation, but they can't escape yet, so they have to continue to accompany the Chu family and fight Jiang Dalang.

Seeing that the matter was at an impasse, another uncle of the Chu family scolded his nephew: "When we adults are talking, why is it your junior's turn to interrupt! I still haven't apologized to your Uncle Jiang!"

They were also shocked by the Jiang family's tough attitude, and they were really scared.

What if the Jiang family doesn't follow the rules, do you really want to take your niece home again?

Ouch, this kind of embarrassing thing cannot happen to the Chu family.

Chu He was used to being overbearing at home. The first time he met someone who dared to confront him was a newly wealthy Jiang family member. He couldn't help but feel angry. He raised his hand and overturned the wine table.

Hurrah! The table full of wine and food fell to the floor, almost hitting the matchmaker's feet.

"Let's not get married! I want to take my sister home!" After saying this, he hurried to the new house.

Jiang Dalang stood motionless and allowed the two matchmakers to step forward and pull Chu He.

The Chu family's uncle and uncle couldn't help but feel annoyed when they saw that the Jiang family was still indifferent.

In order not to make things worse, Uncle Chu's uncle immediately stepped forward and slapped his nephew: "What do you look like? You act crazy when you drink too much. Let's see if we don't tell your parents to treat you when we get back."

After beating his nephew, he clasped his fists at Jiang Dalang again and said, "My dear, I'm so sorry. This kid has a light drinking capacity. He doesn't know what's going on, what's going on, what's going, what's going, what's going, what's going, what's going."

“That’s right, Mr. Chu is young and has a low drinking capacity. What he said just now is all drunken talk. Please don’t take it to heart.” The matchmaker of the Chu family came over to smooth things over.

Jiang Dalang smiled lightly and said: "Since he is drunk, let him rest."

He maintains his own integrity and does not have the courage to walk away like his third and second brothers.

Moreover, this was my son’s wedding, and I couldn’t ignore the people attending the wedding.

Several relatives from the Chu family were taken to Jiang Erlang's new house for resettlement.

Jiang Erlang rolled up the newly made bedding and carried it back to his house. He dug out a few sets of old quilts and spread them on the bamboo bed in the main room to let those people rest.

As for his bedroom, I'm sorry, he won't let the Chu family in.

In order to prevent guests from breaking into the bamboo sheds and looking around, Jiang Erlang sealed all the bamboo sheds so that even a mouse would not be able to get in without much effort.

When the banquet was over, Chun Niang and several women in the village packed up the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans, and distributed the leftovers to the helpers before going home.

In the new house, the matchmaker and another Wufu grandma fed the newlyweds raw dumplings. They also filled two gourd gourds with wine and fed it to the newlyweds.

The newlyweds drank Hexin wine, and Grandma Wufu said a lot of happy words before letting the newlyweds rest.

Double Happiness candles illuminated the new house brightly. Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed and asked his wife if she was hungry.

Of course Chuman is hungry.

She hadn’t eaten anything since early in the morning, and she was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back.

After putting on the bridal clothes, her mother did not even allow her to drink water because it was inconvenient for her to go out.

Even if Grandma Wufu had just fed her two raw dumplings, it was of no use.

At this moment, she was not only hungry, but also thirsty, and wanted to go to the toilet.

In the Jiang family courtyard, a pair of big red Double Happiness lanterns hang high under the eaves, illuminating the courtyard with a festive and bright light.

In the dead of night, a woman's scream and the sound of things falling to the ground suddenly came from the new room in the east house.

I have yang, and although the fever has gone down, my nose is blocked now like a bad cold. I would like to ask you babies, are you the same as me when you are yang?