Mr. Liao was then satisfied and went with Sun Lizheng to the Jiang family's cotton field on the south **** to check.

At this time, the cotton has grown very tall, and some have begun to bloom.

However, there are many weeds in the fields and they need to be weeded in time.

“The Ming government asked me to come over and see how the cotton is growing and whether additional fertilization is needed.” Although Liao Qilin was a scholar, his family also farmed and he knew a little about mulberry farming.

Jiang Sanlang said: "It must be fertilized. The field like mine is a lower-grade field. We have spread pond mud and water and fertilizer from plant retting before. It is estimated that the yield per mu will reach five to six hundred kilograms. If we don't fertilize, the field will be lower-grade." The yield per mu is only two to three hundred catties.”

Liao Qilin nodded and motioned for him to continue.

“Not only do you need to fertilize, but you also need to remove some cotton leaves when the flowers are blooming. One is to allow more flowers to bloom, and the other is to give the cotton buds enough light.”

Jiang Sanlang said: "I also learned from other old farmers, but the leaves of crops that bloom and bear fruit should not be too lush, otherwise they will rob the fruits of nutrients."

“Well, that makes sense.”

As several people walked and watched the cotton fields, Mr. Liao suddenly asked: "Brother Jiang, I heard that every family in your village grows golden ear, and the profits are pretty good, but is this so?"

Jiang Sanlang said vaguely: "It's just to supplement the household income. Many families in our village couldn't even afford to eat before. We have to find ways to make some money. Otherwise, everyone will be like the people next door, who have to go out to beg for food during the lean period."

Liao Qilin smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, don't worry too much. I just asked casually, where did your golden ear seeds come from?"

“First, my daughter picked it up in the mountains and forests, and then gradually started to plant it. Now I keep the inoculum at home, and I only have enough to grow some at home,” Jiang Sanlang said.

This matter cannot be hidden. Instead of letting Mr. Liao misunderstand and misunderstand from others, it is better for him to say it himself.

Liao Qilin smiled and said: "To be honest, life in my hometown is not easy. If they could make some other income like your village, they wouldn't have to flee the fields with their families."

Jiang Sanlang found it difficult to answer the phone.

Sun Lizheng smiled and came to the rescue: "Not every family in our township grows golden fungus, and many farmers are not hungry. Sanlang and his friends have limited golden fungus seeds, and everyone is queuing up to wait for them to get them out evenly."

Jiang Sanlang glanced at Sun Lizheng and did not answer.

It is true that many people from other villages have come to buy golden ear fungus recently, but he cannot give his own fungus to others, so he has not agreed for the time being.

As for whether other people in the village sell or not, he has no control over it.

 Manager Zhou Mao once said that their acquisition of Golden Ears also depends on supply and demand. If supply exceeds demand, one will have to lower the price, and the other will suspend acquisitions.

He has told the villagers about this, so the villagers are also very protective of their food and rarely sell golden ear fungus to outsiders.

But everything cannot be absolute. Every family has relatives in other villages. How can we guarantee that they will secretly send some to their close relatives?

Liao Qilin did not say this casually. Maybe he also wanted to create some sideline income for the people in his hometown.

A group of people visited the cotton fields. Mr. Liao made a special trip to see the mushroom sheds of the three Jiang brothers, and then went to other houses to have a look. After sighing for a few times, he finally boarded the carriage.

Before leaving, he also told Sun Lizheng: "Sun Weng should severely punish those who break the law. Such blatant extortion has really ruined the atmosphere of the village."

"That's for sure. Don't worry, Mr. Liao. I will definitely teach the Leng family a lesson. I also ask you to put in a kind word to the Ming Mansion." Sun Lizheng spoke sincerely.

"I will make it clear to the Ming government. When the cotton harvest comes, the senior officials may come here to inspect it in person. Then don't bring out those bad people who will damage the reputation of your town."

“Yes, thank you, Mr. Liao, for reminding me.” Sun Li was clasping his fists at Mr. Liao and watching the carriage drive away.

Back at the village hall, Sun Li was furious. This Leng family is nothing but rat shit. If I don’t teach them a lesson today, I really think I’m made of dough.

“Go and call Leng’s husband Zuo Cheng! Then go to Lengjia Village and call their village chief!”

He did not believe that a woman who was unruly could not be cured.

Not long after, Zuo Cheng came over, followed by his daughter, Miss Zuo.

Sun Lizheng asked: "What's going on with your mother-in-law? Why do you harass the Jiang family again and again?"

Before Zuo Cheng could say anything, Miss Zuo said, "That woman is no longer from our family. My father wrote a divorce letter yesterday and asked her to go back to her parents' home."

Sun Lizheng frowned: "Why do you divorce your wife if you are so good?"

Miss Zuo: "Not only is that woman unruly, but she also feeds unfamiliar silver wolves. Our family cannot afford to raise them! She gives birth to children but does not raise them. She also steals the family's money and returns to her parents' home again and again. Uncle Li Zheng, this kind of Who dares to keep women?”

Sun Lizheng turned to Zuo Cheng and asked, "What do you mean?"

Zuo Cheng sighed: "Li Zheng, I really can't afford it anymore. She stole thirty taels of silver from me in half a year. She didn't care about the two children at home who were so hungry that she ran back to her parents' house whenever she had time. She spent all her money. Then he was willing to come back.

Before I even said a few words to her, she came to the door with her brother. Look at my head, the bump as big as an egg has not even gone off. If my son-in-law hadn't come, I would have been beaten to death by her family. . "

“Is this so?” Sun Lizheng looked at the Leng family again, his eyes even more unkind.

This is not a family, they are just a bunch of scoundrels.

It happened that Muramasa of Lengjiacun also came over. "Li Zheng, what's the matter with calling me?"

Sun Lizheng said to Leng, mother and son, "These three people from your village went to Chen Village to extort money. How do you think they should solve this problem?"

When the village leader of Lengjia Village saw that it was Mrs. Cao’s family who committed the crime again, he felt unhappy and clasped his fists at Sun Lizheng:

"Li Zheng, I can't control this family. Just do whatever you think. The families who are jointly guaranteeing the family have said that if Mrs. Cao and her family commit crimes again, they will jointly request to be expelled from the village."

“Well, since you can’t do anything about it, just charge him with extortion.”

Sun Lizheng was really fed up with these trouble-making villagers, each and every one of them was trying to find trouble for him, especially today, they had trouble with him.

Mr. Leng and Mrs. Cao were frightened and quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "We are not extorting money, Li Zheng, you can't send us to the official."

Leng Da was also confused now, and he also begged for mercy, not daring to be arrogant again.

Sun Lizheng ignored them and only asked his son to record the whole story, and then asked them to stamp their fingerprints.

None of the Leng family members were willing to press the confession, but the villagers held their arms and forced them to press their big palm prints on the confession.

Mr. Leng and Mrs. Cao cried loudly and repeatedly expressed that they would not dare to do it next time and begged not to send them to the official.

Because once they are sent to official positions, their lives will be over.

A prison cell is not a place for a woman to stay. Once in, not only will one’s reputation be compromised, but one’s decision will be whether she can come out alive.

Sun Lizheng saw that the heat was almost over, so he showed kindness and power and asked them to pay a fine, and then Lengjiacun Murazheng helped them go home.

The village chief of Lengjia Village was also very cooperative. He followed Sun Lizheng's show indifferently and threatened Granny Cao and his son from time to time.

This trick worked very well. As expected, Mrs. Leng and Mrs. Cao were much more stable, and there were no more troubles after returning home.