“Wow! Sister, you really found the cantaloupe! I want it, I want it!”

Jiang Jie was so happy that he jumped up and down to eat the melon.

Yuanbao Wei Zhan and Hu Zi were simply stunned.

Unexpectedly, Yingbao said that if you look for a cantaloupe, you can find a cantaloupe. It is still the same melon as that day. This is amazing.

“Wow! There are eggs!” Huzi’s eyes lit up.

His house was burned down and the chickens were gone. Grandma said there would be no more eggs to eat. Unexpectedly, Yingbao went into the bamboo forest and found a basket of eggs.

“Haha! I want to eat boiled eggs!” Huzi likes to eat boiled eggs the most and also likes to drink egg tea.

But now that there is no honey, the egg tea will definitely not taste good, so it still smells like boiled eggs.

Yingbao picked a melon and handed it to Yuanbao, "Try one first."

Yuan Bao took it and pinched a few fingernail marks, cracked the melon open and distributed it to his brothers.

A few people just walked and ate together, and when they got home, they had already eaten two melons.

Yuanbao still had more to say, so he took out a courgette from another basket and asked, "What is this?"

ˆ Yingbao: “Purgled melon.”

"Can it be eaten?" Yuan Bao put the courgette under his nose and smelled it: "It has a slight fragrance, which is different from the cantaloupe."

Yingbao: "You can eat it. Youyou has already eaten one."

She not only gave it to Youyou to eat, but also chopped up Elder Kuai’s courgettes and fed them to the chickens. The chickens were very happy to eat.

More than a dozen chickens seem to have gained weight in the cave. Each chicken lays an egg every day, never stopping. I have picked up dozens of eggs these days and filled two rice baskets.

Yuan Bao took a bite of the courgette and muttered: "It's okay, not as sweet as the cantaloupe."

The children gathered around the deer and returned home. Jiang Jie immediately gave Chun Niang a cantaloupe: "Mom! Sister found the cantaloupe again!"

Chunniang was shocked to the point of numbness when she saw two baskets full of melons and vegetables on the deer's back.

What kind of bad luck is this for my daughter? It’s incredible to find cantaloupes one after another.

“There are eggs! My sister also picked up a basket of eggs from the bamboo forest!”

Jiang Jie jumped around A Niang excitedly, "boiled eggs! I want to eat boiled eggs!"

Chunniang said "oh", took the egg basket from the little girl's hand, and sent it to the kitchen.

Dani and Erni ran over with surprise on their faces: "Yingbao found the cantaloupe again? In which bamboo forest did you find it? I want to go too."

Yingbao silently handed them a cantaloupe: "I'll take you there after lunch. Eat the melon first."

Chunniang took out the courgettes from her basket one by one and asked, "What is this?"

“I bought courgette seeds from the seller and planted some in the bamboo forest. I forgot about them some time ago. I went to look for them just now and they actually produced a lot of them.”

Ying Bao's face is not red, her heart is not beating, and she has been able to make up lies without any hesitation.

Chun Niang had no doubt at all and asked: "Is there any more?"

"There are still some. I will pick some back in two days." Yingbao helped her mother take out the cabbage and put it on the kitchen floor.

When the banditry incident subsides, she will move out everything from her house one by one, and then pile it up in the bamboo forest to frame it for the banditry.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Quan pushed back the two large square tables in the bamboo forest. These were the only two pieces of furniture left in his house.

Luckily the two large tables were not left at home, otherwise they would have been burned down like other furniture.

With vegetables and eggs, the lunch meal is more substantial.

Yanru picked up a handful of garlic from the ground, mixed it with courgette slices to make a melon salad, and used cabbage leaves to cook a pot of egg and vegetable soup. The cabbage stems were also made into cold dishes, with some dogwood added to them, which was salty and spicy.

In addition, a large pot of white rice was cooked. After the white rice was put out, the rice cakes at the bottom of the pot were baked very crispy. Each child broke off a piece and made a crunching sound.

Hu Zi and Jiang Jie were a little frustrated because they didn't get the hard-boiled eggs they were longing for, and they could barely cook the rice.

Ying Bao whispered: "Eat quickly, let's go pick up eggs in the afternoon."

The family situation is not very good, and they only order so many eggs. My mother-in-law and mother-in-law must not be willing to cook one for everyone, so they made an egg vegetable soup. Then she would pick up another basket and bring it back, and then boil an egg for each of Huzi Yuanbao and her brother.

“Okay!” Huzi and his two younger brothers said in unison, quickly grabbing the rice.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside the courtyard, and it seemed that many people were coming.

Old man Jiang was shocked, immediately picked up a sickle and rushed to the gate of the courtyard.

The courtyard door creaked open, and Jiang Sanlang stepped in first.


Old Jiang grabbed his son excitedly and said, "You're back!"

Looking up and down: "How did it happen like this? Are you injured? Where are Dalang Erlang and the others?"

Ying Bao and her two younger brothers jumped up, rushed to their father and hugged his calves: "Dad! Dad, you are back!"

“Dad, are you injured?”

 Jiang Sanlang was in a mess at the moment, his clothes were stained with dark red blood, and his hair was messy. He was no different from a refugee who had been fleeing for a long time.

He bent down and patted his children's little heads, and smiled lovingly: "Dad is not injured. You can go play somewhere else. Daddy's clothes are full of blood and very dirty."

Then he said to Chun Niang: "Many people will come to eat soon. Is there any rice at home? Cook more rice for them."

Chunniang felt very distressed when she saw her husband in such a mess. She quickly pulled her children aside and said, "There is still some rice. I will cook it right away. You sit down and rest first."

After saying that, she took a bowl and put a bowl of rice for her husband, and asked him to sit down and eat first.

Jiang Sanlang had already washed his hands and face at the pond, sat down and picked up the bowl to plan rice.

Having not eaten properly for several days, he devoured his food.

Zhou and Yanru heard that Dalang Erlang was also back, and hurriedly ran out of the yard to look for him.

I saw a large group of people walking towards this side one after another, some of them carrying injured people behind them.

Jiang Dalang and Jiang Erlang were also supporting the two injured people, who seemed to be fine.

These people soon entered the courtyard of Jiang Sanlang's house. Yingbao counted more than thirty people.

They all looked tired from the journey. Not only were their clothes ragged, some even had no shoes.

Chunniang and her eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law were busy washing and cooking rice, and cooked two large pots.

As for the vegetables, Yingbao just happened to bring back some Chinese cabbage, so he blanched it in boiling water, added some salt and made it cold, and sliced ​​the courgette and also served it cold.

After the rice was cooked, it was served to more than 30 people. There were not enough pottery bowls, so Dani went to pick up some broken bowls from the ruins, washed them and used them to serve the rice. When there were not enough chopsticks, she broke a handful of branches to replace them.

Everyone didn't mind. They picked up their bowls, picked up branches, and just ate the rice in one go.

Not only was all the rice eaten, there was not even any crispy rice left.

After eating, most of the villagers went down the mountain and returned to the village. The injured people also returned to the village with the help of others after drinking the medicine prepared by Yingbao.

Only Chen Yin, Wang Ke, Li Dayong, and Li Eryong did not go back.

They learned that their wife and children were on the south **** and went directly to find them.

“Sanlang, why did it take you so long to come back?” Old Man Jiang asked his son. "What have you been eating these days?"

“We were chased by bandits for dozens of miles. Later we hid in the mountains and forests, where we set up ambushes and killed many bandits.”

Jiang Sanlang took a bite of the cantaloupe handed over by his wife and said with a proud smile: "Those bandits wanted to escape when the situation was bad, but we chased them back and killed them. As a result, they were delayed for a few days."

He pointed to several weapons in the yard: "Those were left behind by the bandits. I picked up a few of them because they were useful."

Old man Jiang's face twitched and he looked at his son, "How many bandits have you killed?"

He has never even killed a pig in all his life, but his son actually dared to kill people, and he killed a lot of people. In the past, this was something only a murderer could do.

Alas, what a crime.