At noon, most of these chicks were exchanged for eggs.

Granny Tang exchanged ten of them, and Wen Shu's nanny also exchanged ten of them, and then gave them fifteen to Zhou and Yanru. Other villagers also exchanged forty of them one after another, and now there are only about ten left at home. A little chicken.

These dozen chicks are led by a hen and forage for food in the yard.

The other two hens were miserable. Because they were unwilling to give up the eggs that hatched late, the chicks around them were stolen one by one by the hostess. In the end, only a few weak chicks that had just hatched were left. chicken.

Chun Niang originally wanted to take away these chickens and let the same hen take care of them, so that the other two hens could recover quickly and lay eggs earlier.

As a result, one of the reed hens was very stubborn. Once the hostess took away the chicks from her side, she chased her madly, snatched one or two more from the hen with the chicks, and took two chicks with her. The cubs seek food elsewhere.

After a few times, Chun Niang let it go.

After a few days, the hens were able to take their chicks out of the yard.

Chun Niang was afraid that her chickens would be confused with other people’s chickens, so she used hematoxylin red dots to make red marks on the chickens’ heads.

Every morning, after feeding the hen and chicks some yellow rice, the hen will coo and go out with her chicks.

The Luhua Chicken also walked out with its two chicks.

Perhaps it is because the number of chicks brought by the chicken is small. It often travels far away, and sometimes runs to the wasteland.

This wasteland is close to the pond, and there is a wild bamboo forest in the distance. The wasteland is lush with vegetation and dense shrubs. The hens and their calves can not only find bugs in it, but also avoid the falcons in the sky.

However, there are also many ground predators, such as weasels, foxes, wolves, etc., which will sneak out to hunt.

Fortunately, there are often people washing rice, washing vegetables, washing clothes and carrying water here at the pond, so the animals don’t dare to approach during the day.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the two chicks of the reed chicken disappeared. It was probably either taken away by an eagle or caught by other wild animals.

Lately, one or two eagles have been gliding over the village, frightening the chickens in the whole village into panic.

Not only were the chickens frightened, but the villagers were also uneasy. They immediately asked the young children to hide in the house and hid the lambs and piglets.

Because this kind of eagle is so big, it can easily capture a child of four or five years old or a half-grown lamb.

Whenever they see an eagle swooping down, the villagers will beat it with copper basins or gongs, wave their arms and shout loudly to scare away the eagle.

But it didn’t take long for them to come again, and several times they hovered over Jiang’s yard.

Chunniang had no choice but to drive the hens and chicks into the house and wait for the eagle to fly away before letting them out.

She didn’t pay much attention to the reed chicken, so the two cubs of the reed chicken disappeared.

However, the Luhua chicken did not give up on itself after losing its chicks. Instead, it tried to **** the chicks from other hens again and again.

But now the chick has recognized its mother and is unwilling to follow her.

Therefore, Yingbao often saw this reed chicken going to the pond alone, not knowing whether it was looking for food or looking for its lost child.

Jiang Sanlang went to the county town for three days and came back in a new carriage in a very happy mood. When he entered the house, he showed a house deed to his wife and daughter.

This is a five-room house, not far from the county school. The house price is more than 300 taels.

Including the one hundred taels for the carriage, Jiang Sanlang spent more than four hundred taels in total this time, including one hundred taels of silver given by his little girl.

Chunniang had almost all the money in her hands, leaving only about ten copper coins.

She was not reluctant at all, but was very happy. My family finally has a house in the county town, which is a five-room house with blue bricks and tiles.

"The house is nice and the yard is quite big. I can usually grow vegetables and flowers without any problem. I will go there again in a while and hire some masons to repair the house and buy some furniture. After the autumn harvest, I can give the child a gift. Jie and Yuanbao went to the city to study. "

Jiang Sanlang said to the little girl again: "When the time comes, you and your mother will go to the county town together. From now on, we will be the county town girls." In ten or eight years, the little girl will be a proper city dweller, and she will be in the county town by then. Find a good in-law.

Yingbao shook his head: "I'm not going to the county town. Auntie can just take my eldest brother there."

She lived in the county town for several years in her last life, and there was nothing interesting about it except that there were many people.

Moreover, the water supply in the county town is very problematic. If there is no well at home, you have to either fetch river water for consumption or spend money to buy it.

Buying a load of water is barely enough for a family of three to five people to eat for a day, but for washing, rice and vegetables, they can only go to a nearby pond.

The large ponds in the county are comparable to smelly ditches. The color of the water is green. It is fine in winter, but in summer, the entire pond smells faintly.

Even if you live close to a river and wash your hands in the flowing river, if you are washing rice here, there is no guarantee that someone is emptying a urinal and cleaning the toilet upstream.

That’s why she didn’t want to go to the county town.

Chun Niang asked: "Why doesn't Bao'er go?"

“I still want to study medicine with my master.” Yingbao explained.

She not only studies medicine, but also martial arts, and she can’t afford to miss out on growing golden ears to make money. Nothing can be done in the county seat.

Chun Niang smiled: "Yes, our baby still wants to study medicine. It's because our parents are so confused that they forgot about it."

In a few days, the news that Jiang Sanlang's family bought a house in the county town spread throughout the township.

There is nothing that can be done about it. One of Li Zheng's responsibilities is to register the property of the villagers, and the land and real estate must be recorded.

Over there, Jiang Sanlang had just signed the deed at the government office. Within two days, Sun Lizheng received a notice from the county government asking him to re-register the amount of Jiang Sanlang's property.

Isn’t everyone aware of this coming and going?

“Oh, did your family really buy a house in the county?” Aunt Wang saw Chun Niang and pulled her to ask.

Chunniang opened her sleeves without leaving any trace, and said with a smile: "It's not a house, it's just two rooms."

“Hi, the two rooms are also houses.” Second Aunt Wang smiled mysteriously and asked in a low voice: “Then you are planning to move to the county town? Are Erni and Yingbao going with you?”

“No way, our fields are all here, how can we move to the county town?”

Chunniang was in a hurry to get away: "Second Aunt, I still have something to do, so I won't chat with you anymore." After that, she walked away quickly.

Second Aunt Wang didn't give up and wanted to chat with her again, but her second son stopped her: "Mom, the cake is burnt. Go and have a look."

“Ouch.” Second Aunt Wang slapped her thigh and ran to uncover the pot. As a result, the pancakes in the pot were fine and not burnt at all.

“What a stinky boy! How dare you lie to me!” Aunt Wang turned the pancake over angrily.

Turning around, she saw her second son standing by the stove looking at her, and glared at him: "What are you looking at?"

Wang Erlang: "I'm hungry. I'm waiting for the pancakes to come out of the pan."

"Eat, eat! You know how to eat!" Aunt Wang gestured with a spatula in front of her son and said angrily: "Er Ni will go to the county town soon, let me see what you do!"

“What should we do?” Wang Erlang stared at the pancakes in the pot.

Second Aunt Wang gave her son a look and said, "Didn't I tell you that if you spend more time with Erni Huzi, our two families might become in-laws in the future?"

Wang Erlang finally reacted and twitched his lips, "Mom, how old is Erni? How can I get along with her?"

He is already fifteen, and Erni is only ten years old. How can he get along with a yellow-haired girl?