Before going to the county seat, you must first register with Li Zheng.

Fortunately, Jiang Saburo is the Muramasa now, so he can just fill in the household registration guide for his family, and then Yuri confirms and stamps it.

Since the farming work has come to an end and the ditch in the village is about to be completed, Jiang Sanlang simply took his wife and children to visit the county town and take a look at his new home.

So Chun Niang asked her elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law to help take care of the chickens, dogs and ducklings at home, and then she got on the carriage.

Yingbao also picked two baskets of apricots and peaches, preparing to give them to Wu Daozi, while chatting with him about the specialties of Qinchuan County.

The carriage ran faster than the mule carriage. It set off before dawn, rested twice on the way, fed some fodder and water, and drove into the county gate in the afternoon.

Jiang Sanlang drove all the way to the door of his new home, jumped out of the car and hugged his three children, and then helped his wife out of the car.

Yingbao raised his head and looked at the house in front of him.

There are several bluestone slabs paved in front of the small courtyard gate, and there are horse posts on both sides of the door. The mottled and worn gate can still be seen to have been painted black.

Jiang Sanlang **** his horse, took out the key and unlocked the door, then opened the door to let his wife and children in. "This is our new home."

Chunniang stepped forward to the threshold with her skirt in hand.

There is no hidden wall inside the door, and there is a large courtyard in front of it. There is a lotus tank in the middle of the courtyard.

There is no water or lotus flowers in the lotus tank now, only dry mud and weeds are left.

Jiang Jie and Jiang Wu ran into the yard with Sister A Niang and looked around happily.

There are three main rooms. There are wooden columns and eaves in front of the main room. There are two side rooms on the east side and a flower garden on the west side.

There is little furniture in several rooms, only some shabby tables and chairs.

There was not even a pot on the stove in the east kitchen. A cupboard against the wall was full of holes gnawed by rats, and the cupboard was full of rat droppings.

Several pots and pans in the corner were all broken and covered with dust. Only a large water tank in the entire kitchen was still usable.

It seems that before moving in, you need to tidy up and buy a lot of home furnishings.

Yingbao looked around and found no well, so he couldn't help but sigh.

I don’t know if there are public wells around, or even close to a river.

There will be one or two wells in the main streets and alleys of the county to facilitate residents to drink water.

But there are no remote places, and people have to go far away to carry water from rivers, or fetch water from very shallow earthen wells.

The water in earthen wells is definitely not as clean as the water in deep wells, and will dry up in the event of drought.

“Dad, is there a river near our house?” Yingbao asked.

Jiang Sanlang: "There is a river. I went to see it. The water is quite clear."

The river water here is naturally not as clear as the river water, but it is no problem for doing laundry and vegetables.

The only drawback is that it is very troublesome to get water, and you have to go to the shared well to get water.

“Let’s dig a well for our family. It will be convenient to drink water in the future.” Yingbao suggested.

Jiang Sanlang nodded, "Let's talk about it later."

Digging a deep well costs nearly a hundred taels of silver. He has no money at the moment, so he can only wait for the golden ears to be sold before asking someone to take a look.

After seeing the new home, Jiang Sanlang took Yingbao to the county government office to meet the county magistrate Wu Shi, while Chun Niang took Jiang Jie and Jiang Wu to clean the house.

The front of the county government office is still the same, it has not changed at all. Even the gatekeepers are the same two people.

“Hey, bring Xingzi to see our senior official again!” The Yamen servant still recognized the little baby in front of him and teased him with a smile.

Ying Bao raised her head and smiled and said, "Yes, please tell me, uncle." Then he picked up two baskets from the carriage, filled with ripe apricots and peaches: "This is home grown, specially made for you." Let’s give it to my two uncles to try.”

The two yamen servants smiled and narrowed their eyes, and quickly took it: "Oh, how embarrassing is this? Thank you so much, Xiaoyingbao. Uncle, I will go and send you a message right now." ’

Le Diandian, a yamen servant, ran to the inner courtyard of the yamen. Another yamen servant smiled and chatted with Yingbao: "Your peaches are born very early. It's only been a few months and they are already ripe."

Ying Bao nodded: "Yes, the fruit trees at our house ripen early. In a few days, the pears and grapes will also grow. If I come to the county again, I will bring some for my uncle to try."

The yamen servant laughed from ear to ear, "Thank you so much, Xiao Yingbao. If you can be of use to uncle in the future, just speak up and say nothing else. There is no one in this county who doesn't know me, Jin Wu."

Yingbao gave Jin Wu a serious gift, "With Uncle Jin's words, I won't be afraid of being bullied by bad people."

Jin Wu chuckled and said, "That's right. If you encounter those who are not discerning in the county town, just come and tell me. Uncle Jin, you don't have the skills to deal with a few street gangsters."

This is what Yingbao was waiting for, and he quickly thanked her.

He then asked his father to introduce him: "Dad, this is Uncle Jin Wu. Uncle Jin, this is my father Jiang Sanlang. He is the village chief of our village."

Jiang Sanlang and Jin Wu clasped their fists and saluted each other, and then started talking.

At this time, the yamen servant Cheng San came out of the inner courtyard with Wu Rui.

Ying Bao saw it and ran over immediately, "Uncle Wu! I'm here to see Uncle Wu. Isn't it convenient?"

Wu Rui smiled and said, "I'm just here to take you in."

Jiang Sanlang hurriedly came over to see the gift.

So Wu Rui and Jiang Sanlang each carried a basket of peaches and apricots to the inner courtyard.

Yingbao jumped behind the two of them and walked inside.

Wu Rui led the two of them to the backyard and saw two people wearing blue robes sitting under the wisteria trellis in the courtyard.

An old man with white hair and long beard, about sixty years old, and the other is the county magistrate Wu Shi.

"Uncle Wu!" Yingbao ran over happily and saluted Wu Shi seriously: "Uncle Wu, are you okay?"

Wu Shi laughed and said, "Uncle Wu is very kind to you. Thank you very much for remembering me, Xiaoyingbao."

He turned around and introduced the old man next to him: "This is my father. Today he also wants to meet the young doctor who treats me."

Ying Bao quickly saluted the white-haired old man again: "Hello, Grandpa Wu."

Mr. Wu touched his white beard and said with a smile, "Okay, this kid is indeed smart."

He turned to Jiang Sanlang who was standing outside and said, "This is Jiang Murumasa, come and sit down."

Jiang Sanlang then walked under the wisteria trellis, hugged Mingfu and Mingfu's father, and sat down cautiously on the side.

Wu Rui took the tea cup, poured a cup of tea for Jiang Sanlang and Ying Bao each and then left.

Wu Daozi asked: "Jiang Cunzheng, have you planted all the cotton in your village?"

Jiang Sanlang quickly stood up and replied: "Go back to Ming Mansion and plant all the seeds."

“Sit down and talk.” Wu Shi picked up the tea cup and took a sip. “Did your place suffer any damage during the last bandit attack?”

Jiang Sanlang sat down as he was told, straightened his back and replied: "Of course we suffered a little. Most of the houses in our village were destroyed, and several people were injured. Fortunately, no one died."

Wu Daozi nodded: "I also heard from people below that you even moved the village to live on the hillside for this reason." ’

"Yes." Jiang Sanlang said: "There are not many good houses in the village anymore. It is not cost-effective for us to rebuild them on the original site. And the fields on the south **** do not produce food, so..."

Wu Shi: “I understand.”

Thought for a while and asked: "So, are you having any difficulty with the summer gift this year?"

"There will definitely be difficulties when we return to the Ming Dynasty, but what can we do." Jiang Sanlang said with a sad look on his face: "No matter how poor or difficult it is, we have to survive."

Wu Shi’s hand holding the tea paused.

The villagers complained in front of him, but he was speechless.