The next morning, Ying Bao went to the martial arts training ground to spar with Jiang Jie.

Before noon, Erni ran over and told her little cousin that today the patriarch’s family invited a drama troupe to celebrate the patriarch’s sixtieth birthday and they would perform in the afternoon.

“Let’s go and have a look.” Erni grabbed Yingbao and didn’t forget to greet Chu Chu, “You come too!”

"You go ahead, I'll go later." Chu Chu was cooking for Master Zhang Meng and several children, and couldn't get away at the moment.

Erni followed her and pulled Yingbao to the threshing floor.

The threshing floor on the south **** is newly rolled, and the big stone roller is still placed beside it. Several children are climbing up and down here to play.

A small tent was set up on the other side of the threshing floor, and a strange man and woman with four children were packing their things.

Erni whispered: "Did you see that tall guy? He plays the role of a martial arts student."

Yingbao looked over and saw a tall and slender boy waving a red-tasseled gun.

"Isn't he good-looking?" Erni whispered to her little cousin, "He's more handsome than Chu Yan."

Yingbao didn't think this slim boy was very good-looking, but she didn't object.

These actors wear heavy makeup when acting in plays, and men can also dress up as women.

If a boy dresses up like a girl, he should look good.

The two sisters looked at each other from a distance for a while, and then went back together.

At noon, before the drama troupe started to perform, the threshing floor was already crowded with villagers, and even people from nearby villages came to join in the fun.

The villagers carried stools and took up positions. The innermost circle was the family of Patriarch Chen.

In order to watch the drama, Chun Niang prepared meals early, and after the family had finished cleaning up, she hurriedly took the children and went with her elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law.

Ying Bao didn’t want to go, so he stayed at home alone.

She had seen every kind of play in her previous life, and this kind of straw troupe with simple props and costumes was really not worth watching.

However, instead of watching the theater, she can watch the excitement. The fence of her house is cool and there are few mosquitoes, which is perfect for enjoying the cool air and enjoying the scenery.

Yingbao climbed up the stairs to the wall.

There is a bamboo bed and several mats placed on the wall, which the family members brought up to keep cool.

Sitting on the bamboo bed, letting the night gradually cover her, she could clearly see several lanterns hanging in the middle of the threshing floor, a few performers playing flutes and flutes, and the other two performing something.

There is a cool breeze blowing on the wall, and fireflies come from time to time, flashing one after another.

Yingbao's consciousness sank into the cave, and after looking around inside, she came out with an apple in her hand and gnawed on it.

The moon reached the branches and gradually climbed up to the top of the head. The drama finally ended, and the villagers reluctantly left.

Some people just stayed at the threshing floor, spreading a shabby mat on the ground, and a few children wrapped themselves in an old sheet and lay on the mat to enjoy the cool air.

Ying Bao sat on the wall and paid attention to the scattered crowds. Suddenly, he noticed a few figures sneaking towards his orchard.

Looking at the figures, they didn’t look like adults, but rather like a group of children, and they were children from a foreign village.

Because the children in this village are in awe of their father Jiang Sanlang and their little fairy boy, they dare not go to the orchard to steal.

So these thieves must be brats from other villages.

Ying Bao sighed, stood up, and shouted in the direction of the orchard: "Catch the thief! Someone went to the orchard to steal fruit!"

The voice was sharp and condescending and could be heard far away.

She didn’t even need to shout a second time, but she saw many people running towards the orchard, as if they were really going to catch the thief.

Yingbao smiled evilly, shook the cattail leaf fan and got off the wall, then went back to the house to sleep.

The wind is blowing in the daytime, the scenery is rushing to the west, and it's August in a blink of an eye.

Yingbao has already identified the medicinal materials in Li Lang's Chinese medicine shop.

At the same time, he also checked the pulse of many patients to confirm their diagnosis, and also participated in writing prescriptions.

Langzhong Li was very satisfied with his young apprentice's understanding ability, and often used her as an example to inspire his grandchildren.

Now Li Xihua did not dare to slack off, and diligently endorsed and recited the prescriptions every day.

On this day, Langzhong Li suddenly led the two girls into the medicine hall and said to his grandson and Yingbao: "She will also be an apprentice here in the future. You two should take care of her." Yingbao was stunned.

 Chen Tiantian and Chen Zhao are so crazy that they also come to be apprentices?

It’s not that she doesn’t want people to come, it’s just that the situation is too strange.

Why can’t I get rid of the Chen family?

I never studied medicine in my last life, and neither did these two people, but now they are getting together.

 Chen Tiantian smiled at her and said, "Sister Yingbao, please take care of me."

He then turned to Li Xihua and said, "Please take care of me, sister Xihua. I'm new here and I don't understand many things. I'll ask you for advice in the future."

Chen Zhao also smiled at a few people kindly and didn't say much.

Li Xihua was very curious and asked Mr. Li: "Grandpa, why do they come to be apprentices too?"

My family has not had any female apprentices for many years, but this year we actually took in three at once.

Li Langzhong said: "I have a junior brother over there in Fucheng. He wrote a letter to ask me to teach her two medical principles."

Li Xihua: “That’s it.”

She asked Chen Tiantian with a smile: "What's your sister's name?"

“My name is Chen Tiantian.” Chen Tiantian pointed at Chen Zhao: “Her name is Chen Zhao, we are cousins.”

Chen Zhao secretly glanced at her, turned his head and looked at the drug store.

Chen Tiantian didn't take it seriously and pulled Li Xihua to ask this and that.

Yingbao continued to read the pharmacopoeia.

Chen Zhao walked up to her and said softly: "Jiang Yingbao, what are you looking at?"

Ying Bao folded the book in his hand and pointed to the title, "Read it for yourself."

She doesn’t want to talk to the Chen family at all.

Even without the plot in the storybook, she didn’t have a good impression of them.

Chen Zhao glanced at it, smiled slightly, and asked deliberately: "Can you understand?"

Yingbao looked at Chen Zhao in front of him and said, "I just know better than you."

“Hmph.” Chen Zhao snorted, turned and walked to Li Xihua and said, “Sister Xihua, that Jiang Yingbao said she knows a lot more than you.”

Li Xihua was stunned.

Ying Bao had been paying attention to Chen Zhao's movements. When he heard what she said, he immediately walked up to Chen Zhao and said sullenly: "Say it again!"

Chen Zhao said with a smile: "Sister Xihua, look at her getting angry from shame..."

Before she finished speaking, her hair was already pulled by Ying Bao, and she was violently thrown to the ground with a grapple.

Chen Tiantian screamed and quickly pulled the stunned Li Xihua aside.

Li Xihua’s two brothers were also shocked and forgot to come over to start a fight.

Ying Bao put her knee on Chen Zhao's neck, and touched her face with a brush in her hand: "Say it again! If you dare to make up a random word, I will leave a stain on your face that you will never be able to wash off. "

In his last life, Chen Zhao was so instigating, which is the most disgusting thing. The best way to deal with it is to take care of her.

 Chen Zhao still wanted to resist, but seeing that he couldn't, he burst into tears and shouted for help.

But after shouting for a long time, no one came to save her. Instead, she was stabbed in the face several times, which hurt a lot.

This time Chen Zhao was really scared and stammered: "I, I was just joking, you actually hit me, ooohhhh..."

Ying Bao then stood up and kicked her. "Change your provocation, or you'll get beaten!"

As he spoke, he looked at Chen Tiantian.

Chen Tiantian shrank her neck and quietly hid behind Li Xihua.