Chunniang packed up some silver and carried the household registration guide on her body, and then she took the two girls off the boat.

Not long after they got off the boat, Xiao Chengjun also got off the boat with two guards.

There are ready-made ox carts and mule carts on the wharf, all of which are here to attract business.

Chunniang and the other three got on a mule cart and headed for the county town.

Yingbao sat in the car and asked the old man driving the car: "Excuse me, father-in-law, what is the most famous thing here?"

The old man waved his whip lightly and said with a smile: "The most famous ones are definitely the satsuma mandarins here. Every autumn, many merchant ships come to buy the satsuma mandarins and transport them to the capital. But it's unlucky that you are here because the mandarin oranges are not on the market yet. "

“Then do you have anything delicious here?” Chen Zhao asked.

The old man cracked his whip and said: "There are a lot of delicious food. There are all snack vendors on the cross street. You can go there and have a look, little lady."

Yingbao: "Then please ask my father-in-law to take us to Cross Street."


The mule cart ran very fast and soon entered the county town.

The county seat is called Anping County. Like Qinchuan County, it is a small town.

The mule cart went straight to the cross street, and the old man thoughtfully dropped them at the door of an inn before driving off.

Ying Bao first took A Niang and Chen Zhao to the inn to book a room, and then went shopping.

It was noon at this time. There were not many hawkers setting up stalls along the street, but there were quite a few shops open.

Chunniang took her two children to a restaurant for a long lunch, and then went to a grocery store to buy a backpack.

Because my daughter said she wanted to buy a lot of things, she prepared them in advance.

Then a few people went to shop.

Chunniang lent her clothes to Mrs. Wen San's family. She didn't have any to change herself, so Yingbao bought some clothes for her at a clothing store, and also bought two pairs of cloth shoes for walking.

 Chen Zhao's clothes seemed to be very thin, and he didn't have anything to wear when it was cold in the morning and evening, so he bought her two jackets, which made Chen Zhao's eyes reddened.

Yingbao bought herself two more thick jackets and two blankets.

When sleeping at night, it will be warmer with this blanket.

Although she has these things in her cave, it is not convenient to take them out and use them.

Then the three of them went to the drug store and bought several large packages of herbal medicine to treat wind and cold.

What happened to Mrs. Wen San's family reminded Yingbao that she and her group didn't know how long it would take to get home, so they had to prepare for a rainy day.

Back at the inn, Chun Niang sorted out the things she bought, Chen Zhao lay on the bed and slept, and Ying Bao practiced Yubu for a while in the room.

Suddenly I heard a noise, which seemed to come from next door.

“I said Mr. Li, when will someone come to pick you up from your house? I am also running a small business and I really can’t afford to pay.”

This is the voice of the innkeeper, and it seems to be crying.

Ying Bao was curious, so she opened the door and stuck her head out to check.

I saw the innkeeper standing at the door of the next room, with tears in his nose and said: "Mr. Li, I am not urging you. You have been staying in my inn for several months. If you continue to live in my inn, I will My son’s coffin was all paid for.”

There were several coughs in the room, and a hoarse voice said: "Sorry to trouble you, I, I have sent a letter home, they will pick me up soon, please give me a few more days...cough cough cough cough... "

The innkeeper sighed, turned around and left the room.

Yingbao quietly turned to the door of the next room and looked in. She saw a thin man lying on a wooden bed. There was a bamboo shelf at the head of the bed, which was a bookshelf carried by a scholar.

There is also a bamboo examination basket placed under the bookshelf. Through the hollow examination basket, you can see various examination supplies inside.

Apparently, this man is a scholar who is rushing to take the exam and is stuck in the inn due to illness.

Due to the laws of this dynasty, scholars rushing to take exams cannot return home due to illness. Not only can the inn not kick people out, but they must also ask a doctor to see a doctor for them. Afterwards, the inn can report the expenses to the county government. The examinee's room and board expenses and medical expenses will be reviewed by the county government and then returned to the inn.

But the premise is that the inn must pay the fee first.

The scholar must have been in bad health, and his family has not come to take him back. The innkeeper was afraid that the scholar would die in the inn, so he came to ask questions.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that her daughter was still not entering the house, Chun Niang asked.

Ying Bao returned to the guest room and quietly said to her mother: "There is a scholar next door who is rushing to take the exam. He seems to be seriously ill."

“A scholar rushing to take the exam?”

Chun Niang sighed: "Then there is no one with him?"

As long as those who are rushing to take the exam are more or less accompanied by family members, no matter how bad the situation is, there will be a book boy accompanying them, and they are rarely alone.

Yingbao shook his head: "Probably not."

Suddenly I thought of my younger brother Jiang Jie. If he went to take the exam one day, he and his parents would definitely not let him go alone.

After a while, there was another sound outside the door. It turned out that the innkeeper was leaving and returning.

Yingbao ran out to check again.

I saw a doctor following behind the shopkeeper. The doctor looked very impatient.

The two of them entered the room. The doctor did not check the scholar's pulse. He just looked at him and said to the shopkeeper: "There is nothing I can do about his situation. It's not that I can't cure it, but that his body is too exhausted and there is no cure."

When the shopkeeper heard this, his face dropped, and he grabbed the doctor and said, "Is it true that there is no cure for the medicine? How can this be a good thing?"

It would be very unlucky if the scholar died in his own inn.

The doctor opened his sleeves and said, "Now that I have said that, I will prescribe another medicine for him. You can boil it and give it to him to drink. Don't look for me again in the future."

said and walked out of the guest room.

The shopkeeper sighed, glanced at the scholar lying on the bed, shook his head, and left the room.

Ying Bao saw the scholar's face turned ashen, lying motionless on the bed.

She thought for a while, then ran to call the shopkeeper: "Uncle shopkeeper, wait a moment."

The shopkeeper turned around and saw the child who had just stayed in the store today, and asked, "What do you want, little lady?"

Yingbao said seriously: "I am a witch doctor. I can cure that scholar."

The shopkeeper was startled, looked up and down at the little doll in front of him, and smiled: "Young lady, you'd better stop joking, I'm busy."

Ying Bao: "I am really a witch doctor. Maybe I can help you cure that scholar. Why don't you believe it?"

The shopkeeper sighed, "Okay, if you want to cure him, little lady, go and cure him. If you cure him, I will give you a penny."

Yingbao smiled: "Okay, but I need to buy some yellow talisman paper and a cinnabar pen first, and ask the shopkeeper to buy them for me."

The shopkeeper licked his face and was about to leave when he saw the little boy take out a small ingot of silver and hand it over: "It must be good yellow talisman paper and cinnabar. Please buy more."

“Okay!” Since the guest paid the money first, I had no reason not to accept the business. At least I could get some commission.

The shopkeeper took the five taels of silver and went to the Chenghuang Temple to buy a large stack of yellow talisman papers. He also went to the drug store to buy cinnabar.

As soon as he returned to the inn, the young man handed him the prescription prescribed by the doctor.

The shopkeeper waved his hand: "Put it aside for now and talk about it later."

He wanted to see if this little baby could cure the disease.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to treat it, since I have already earned her 800 yuan.

At that time, I can use the money to buy medicine for the scholar. With the remaining money, I might be able to pay for his funeral.