“Is it delicious?” Jiang Yunniang asked.

Yingbao nodded: "It's delicious."

Jiang Yunniang smiled: "I'll make a few more later, and you can give them to your parents to try."

"Okay." After eating a meat pie and drinking a large bowl of vegetable soup, Ying Bao's stomach was already very full.

“Aunt, why are you busy alone? Where are the eldest cousin and the second cousin?” she asked.

Jiang Yunniang said while making meat cakes: "They went to Washe to sell meat cakes."

“Oh.” Yingbao nodded. That's not bad.

At this time, uncle Zhang Jia came over from a distance and said to Jiang Yunniang: "Give me some money. The red peony root is a little feverish. I will take her to the medicine hall for treatment."

Jiang Yunniang glanced at Zhang Jia coldly, "Where can I have money?"

Hongshao is the daughter of my concubine. She is almost two years old. She has been sick and coughing frequently recently.

"Why not? Where's the money you earned today? I think you just deliberately don't want to give it so that Hongshao will die of illness, right?" Zhang Jia glared at his wife.

Jiang Yunniang glanced at her husband and sneered: "The three melons and two dates I earned are not enough for you to eat a five-stone meal. Can you count the money?"

Zhang Jia got addicted to Wu Shi Powder at some point. He would take a dose every few days and then spend the whole night misbehaving with his concubine.

Now Zhang Jia has started to have pustules on his neck, and the fishy smell can be smelled from a distance.

Jiang Yunniang was so disgusted that she was planning to rent two small houses elsewhere and take her children there.

Zhang Jia was furious when he saw his wife harming him. He pointed at her nose and cursed: "You vicious woman! I should have divorced you in the first place!"

“Stop me?” Jiang Yunniang sneered: “You should give it a try!”

Not to mention that she had three brothers to support her, she was really annoyed, so she sold the mother and her son.

 Zhang Jia glanced angrily at Jiang Sanlang and Jiang Cheng who were standing at the door of the store. He clenched his fists again and again, but finally did not dare to hit them and turned around to leave.

Yingbao finally understood why Aunt Jiang set up a stall in front of her shop.

Because if she goes elsewhere, she will definitely not be able to keep her money.

Not only Zhang Jia will come to demand it forcefully, but also the gangster relatives of the concubine’s family will come to cause trouble.

Auntie setting up a stall at the door of the shop can completely prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Moreover, she can put the tables and benches into the shop when she closes the stall every night, and she can also give her eldest nephew to keep the money for her, so she can save it all at once.

Jiang Sanlang narrowed his eyes and watched Zhang Jia leave, and then said to Jiang Yunniang: "I will close the stall early today, and go to Dacheng's house for a casual meal in the evening. Dacheng will get engaged tomorrow, so you can come with your children."

The nephew's engagement is a big deal. Since my aunt is right here, it seems inappropriate not to invite her to a meal to recognize her.

Jiang Yunniang nodded, "I'll take care of it right away."

The eldest nephew is engaged to be married to the daughter of a famous pastry shop in the county town.

Although my parents did not come to the county town, my sister-in-law and two younger siblings were here, so I had to prepare a decent red envelope.

The next day, Dacheng and the matchmaker brought gifts and personally drove a carriage to the pastry shop to pick up shopkeeper Qiu and his family.

Today is actually the day of marriage, which means the day when the two families agree on the wedding date.

The dishes for the four banquets were all cooked by several cooks invited by Jiang Cheng. They were beautiful and rich.

At one table sat the male elders of the two families and two matchmakers.

At one table were the female relatives of two families, and Yingbao was among them.

The other two tables were occupied by the boys of the family, and Jiang Yunniang's two sons were also sitting with them. Jiang Yunniang’s husband Zhang Jia also came and sat at the table of the elder men. But he said nothing and just drank.

At the table, the two families discussed the wedding date of their children, and finally decided on the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month.

They all say that having a daughter-in-law makes it easier to celebrate the New Year. Shopkeeper Qiu cheerfully said that he wanted his daughter to go to Jiang's house early to kowtow to her grandparents in the New Year and collect new year's money.

The wedding date was naturally based on the woman’s opinion. Uncle Jiang nodded in agreement without hesitation and said that a new house had been prepared in his hometown, and everything was new, so he would never treat his children badly.

Shopkeeper Qiu naturally has no objection.

It took a lot of hard work for him to catch Jiang Cheng, the rich son-in-law. Now that he is finally done, he can't wait to pack his daughter and send her to the Jiang family as soon as possible.

Over the past year, the business of Jiangji Specialty Shop has been booming, and it will soon surpass Rongfu Pastry Shop, which has been in business for decades.

Apart from other things, Jiang Cheng bought a two-bedroom house in the county town in a short period of time. Who can do this for an eighteen or nineteen-year-old child?

So he took a two-pronged approach and let his daughter do the job of delivering cakes. He asked her to make two more trips and deliver the goods several times, so that she could have more contact with the young man.

On the other side, he tried every possible means to invite Jiang Cheng to his home for dinner, and asked his wife to cook delicious food for him. In addition, he also asked for help, and soon won Jiang Cheng's heart. The two young men inevitably got closer and closer. The more harmonious things are.

Shopkeeper Qiu thought proudly that it was a good thing he had started early because the old guy from the previous silk shop was still looking for someone to inquire about Jiang Cheng.

I know the old guy's situation best. He has several girls waiting to be married in his family.

Because Jiang Cheng often went to the pastry shop to pick up goods for a while, and they saw him, several young ladies always came to the specialty shop intentionally or unintentionally, saying they were buying pastries.

Their own pastry shop is right next door to their house. The pastries are cheap and freshly baked, and are hot and fragrant.

Rather than buying cheap and delicious pastries, they ran two blocks away to buy them at a specialty shop.

snort! Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone on the road!

Shopkeeper Qiu picked up a glass of wine, smiled at Jiang Dalang and said, "Come on, come on, in-laws, let's have a cup."

Jiang Dalang quickly brought the wine to greet him: "Okay, in-laws, I'll do it first as a token of respect." He raised his neck and drank it all.

He drank two cups with Jiang Dalang, and shopkeeper Qiu drank two cups with Jiang Erlang and Jiang Sanlang one by one, and then toasted to Jiang Yunniang's husband Zhang Jia.

Zhang Jia sneered, mumbled something with his tongue wide open, raised his neck and took a drink, then slammed the wine cup on the ground.

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Yunniang quickly came over with her eldest son to stop him, and apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lang, he is too drunk and confused. I will take him back right now!"

After saying that, he took Zhang Jia and walked out.

Jiang Cheng paused for a moment, then got up to hitch the carriage and send them back.

The faces of the Jiang Dalang brothers are not good-looking.

In fact, calling Zhang Jia over was a last resort. After all, he was Jiang Cheng's biological uncle, and he had not reconciled with Jiang Yunniang.

I didn’t expect him to be so rude and embarrassed in front of his relatives and matchmaker.

Shopkeeper Qiu didn't mind, he laughed and smoothed things over.

He has been in business for many years, what kind of person has he not seen?

People with low moral character like Zhang Jia will not have much potential in the future, and I don’t bother to care about them at all.

"I made you laugh." Although shopkeeper Qiu didn't care, Jiang Dalang still had to apologize to him.

Shopkeeper Qiu shook his head: "There is no need to worry about the in-laws. We are all one family. There will be more relatives visiting each other in the future. We can meet people with all kinds of tempers. It's nothing strange."

“Yes, yes, a drunk man is the most shapeless. When he wakes up, he won’t remember anything.” The two matchmakers agreed with a smile.