The morning of the second day, the sky was still clear at first, but suddenly a strong wind blew.

Then dark clouds came over, lightning flashed and thunder followed, followed by heavy rain.

The strong wind blew away all the mushroom sheds in the yard, and many tiles from the house also flew off.

Yingbao and Erni Hongxiao were both at home, looking outside through the window.

“Second brother, won’t the rain happen?” Hong Xiao was a little worried.

Erni: "Second brother usually leaves before noon, so he should still be at home now."

Ying Bao was also worried that her second brother would be on his way back to the county town. It would be terrible if he encountered such a heavy rain.

Apart from anything else, this kind of thunder and lightning is very dangerous. If you rush in the rain, you are likely to be struck by lightning.

Pei Shi has done a good deed first and should be able to save a lot of people's lives.

When I accidentally heard about this in my last life, I was just an eight-year-old child. I had no idea of ​​the dangers involved. I just listened to it as a story and didn't have much emotion.

Now that I think about it, I have overlooked a lot.

The downpour, coupled with lightning and thunder, lasted intermittently for two hours and finally stopped in the afternoon.

When the rain stopped, my aunt, nephew and niece hurried out to clean up the mess.

Fortunately, only the mushroom shed at home was broken, and there was no other damage. All the mushrooms and fungi had been brought into the house.

Zhang Yuying and Hong Xiao didn't go to school either. They asked for leave from the school master yesterday and stayed at home.

“Xiao Lang, don’t go out, it’s still raining outside.” Zhang Yuying saw her younger brother running around to help pack away the groceries, so she asked him to go home.

Zhang Xiaolang pursed his lips and smiled: "I'm not afraid of rain."

The family was cleaning up the accumulated water in the yard. Jiang Cheng also took a shovel to clear the cat hole under the yard wall so that the accumulated rainwater in the yard could flow out as soon as possible.

I was busy working when suddenly there was a knock on the courtyard door, and a person shouted outside: "Mom! Mom! Open the door! Dad is buried in the house, wuwuwuwu..."

Jiang Yunniang heard the voice of her eldest son and hurried to open the courtyard door. She saw that his eldest son was soaked all over and his body and head were covered with mud. She couldn't help but ask: "What did you just say?"

Zhang Yukun knelt down on the ground and cried loudly: "Mom, our house collapsed. Dad was buried in the bed while he was sleeping..."

Jiang Yunniang staggered, pushed her eldest son and said, "If the house collapses, please find someone to help. What are you doing here?"

Zhang Yukun whimpered and then got up from the ground.

Jiang Yunniang found a chisel from the house and ran out, obviously going to save someone.

When Jiang Cheng and Zhang Yuying saw them, they quickly picked up their tools and followed them. They turned back to Erni and Yingbao and said, "You stay at home and cook, and don't go anywhere."

Erni and Yingbao nodded.

Ying Bao hesitated for a moment, then took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to the cousin: "If you are seriously injured, drink this and see."

Jiang Cheng took the medicine bottle, nodded, turned around and ran after his aunt.

Hongxiao also cried at this moment, and then ran towards Zhang's house.

Zhang Xiaolang hesitated and followed.

After a while, several people arrived at Zhang's house and saw that the roofs of three shabby houses and two thatched huts in Zhang's house were all blown off by the wind, and one of the thatched huts completely collapsed.

Zhang Jia originally lived with his concubine in the west room of the main house. Later, he took Wu Shi Powder and his body collapsed. His body broke out with sores and pus, and he smelled bad all day long. The concubine disliked him and asked the Zhang family to move there on the pretext that he wanted to take his daughter with him. Living in a hut.

As a result, a heavy rainstorm destroyed the house and Zhang Jia was buried in the ruins.

As soon as Jiang Yunniang arrived, she started digging at the ruins, crying while digging.

The eldest son, the second son, and Hongxiao also helped dig, and even five-year-old Zhang Xiaolang picked up and dragged items that could be moved. He looked at the concubine and his niece again, standing secretly at the window of the main room and watching coldly.

Jiang Yunniang was so angry that she started to eat faster.

This side house is a thatched hut. As long as the people underneath are not hit by the beams, there is still a high chance of survival.

After a while, the debris near the bed was cleared away, and Zhang Jia was revealed, covered in mud and water.

But one of his legs was hit and the situation was very bad.

Jiang Cheng gave the medicine bottle given by his little cousin to his aunt and said, "This is what my little cousin gave me. She said that if the injury is serious, let him drink it."

Jiang Yunniang didn't hesitate, she immediately took the medicine bottle over, wiped Zhang Jia's face with the hem of her clothes, and drank it for him.

Zhang Jia was still sober, and when he saw that it was his ex-wife who came to save him, he couldn't help crying. He said intermittently: "Yun Niang, I...I can't help you..."

Jiang Yunniang shed more tears and quickly turned around and left.

Jiang Cheng helped carry Zhang Jia out of the ruins and left. Brother Hongxiao and Zhang Xiaolang stayed behind to wash and change their father's clothes.

Although one of Zhang Jia's legs was hit, fortunately it was covered with a quilt, so the leg bone was not broken. The place where he was hit was just bruised, red and swollen. In addition, he was sick, so he looked very bad.

Zhang Yukun and his wife really thought that their father would die soon, so they did not plan to let their biological father sleep on the bed. Instead, they laid a door panel on the floor of the main room, lifted Zhang Jia on the door panel, covered him with an old quilt, and then they Start preparing to make up old clothes.

After finishing his busy work, Zhang Yukun stopped caring about his father and went to the house to sleep for a while.

On the floor of the hall, Zhang Jia was lying on the door panel, having put on his shroud, waiting quietly for death.

As a result, he did not die even on the second day.

 Throughout the whole day, except for a small bottle of medicine given to him by Jiang Cheng and a bowl of porridge given to him by Hong Xiao, there was no water at all.

Let alone anyone seeking medical treatment for him.

Zhang Jia felt clear and clear as never before. He lay down for a day and suddenly wanted to understand many things.

When a person reaches this stage, his son is useless, and the confidante he thinks has no true feelings at all.

Throughout the whole day, his confidante passed by him countless times, but never once bent down to look at him, not even to feed him a drink of water.

But his ex-wife, whom he despised the most, came to rescue him and pulled him out of the ruins.

At that moment, Zhang Jia instantly regretted everything he had done.

So after his ex-wife saved him and left without looking back, Zhang Jia suddenly didn’t want to live anymore.

He thought that if he died, she would come to see him again, and maybe shed tears for him.

In this way, you will be self-sufficient.

In the evening, Hong Xiao, her second brother Zhang Yuying, and her younger brother Zhang Xiaolang came from the Jiang family, carrying a bowl of porridge and a salted duck egg in their hands, ready to feed their father.

The concubine came out of the house and said coldly: "Stop pretending and let your father go on his way. Why does it bother him to live like this and suffer every day?"

Hongxiao suddenly became angry: "My father is still fine, and his face is much better now. If you don't let us give him food, are you hoping that he will die early so that you can remarry?"

The concubine was angry. She stepped forward and slapped Hongxiao across the mouth: "Fuck your mother!"

Then he pointed at Zhang Jia, who was lying upright on the door panel, and cursed: "How can he survive like that? You little **** is just as good-hearted as your mother! You still slander me? You just feed him eight meals a day." He won’t survive even a few days!”

Hongxiao was stunned by her slap, and it took her a while to react.

Zhang Yuying had already rushed out angrily, raised her fist and hit the concubine, "Dare you hit my sister? I will fight you!"