In September, the one from the capital finally came.

This time he came not only to treat back gangrene, but also to bring an oral instruction from the Holy Spirit to investigate Pei Shixian. If the situation was true, he would be brought to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit.

Because Pei Shixian had already become famous in Qinchuan County, he was called Pei Tianshi.

According to rumors, Pei Tianshi knew astronomy from above and geography from below, and could predict the future and discern the fortune of the stars.

Moreover, he also has a daughter who is very lucky. It is said that even Qin Tianjian made calculations for her, and she even saved the life of King Dai.

"Brother Wuchang, you have such a leisurely life." Qin Zhaolin looked at the village in front of him with his hands behind his back: "This place has beautiful scenery and outstanding people. No wonder there are so many strange people here."

Zhou Wuchang glanced at him sideways: "What does the stranger you mentioned have to do with this small village?"

Qin Zhaolin touched his nose and said with a smile: "Isn't the young apprentice mentioned in your letter considered a stranger?"

Zhou Wuchang said impatiently: "My disciple is not a stranger, she is just a little smarter than others."

As he said this, he motioned to his eldest disciple: "Take the senior official of Zhongcheng to take a bath. Be sure to wash them thoroughly to avoid inhaling the fumes."

Qin Zhaolin snorted, ignored Zhou Wuchang, and went straight to follow Zhou Hao.

He really didn't like bathing. He drank too much in the winter. He even took off his cotton-padded clothes and caught lice while sitting in the sun with some old friends. They competed to see who could catch more lice and who could pinch them louder. Even a gangrene on his back didn't bother him. care.

When the abscess became deeper and deeper, Qin Zhaolin became concerned. However, despite repeated treatments, nothing was cured.

In the past two years, his health has become worse and worse. He can't even drink alcohol. Whenever he drinks, abscesses break out on his back, which makes him miserable.

Not long ago, Zhou Wuchang, who he grew up with, suddenly received a letter asking him to come to the small village for treatment. Qin Zhao and Lin Zhengchou couldn't find a reason to leave the capital. Fortunately, the emperor actually asked him to inspect Luzhou and look for talented people.

After taking a bath, Qin Zhaolin stood on the wall of Jiang's courtyard with wet hair and looked around, sighing in his heart.

The whole village is surrounded by a circle of tall honey locust trees. The houses in the village are neat, the vegetable patches are green, the elderly and children are well dressed and look happy.

There is also a market outside the village, which is already quite large.

There are not only oil shops, bamboo shops, and tofu shops in the market, but also butcher shops, cloth shops, and carriage shops.

"Stop looking, go down quickly, my apprentice is ready." Zhou Wuchang urged beside him: "You have to hold back when you turn around for surgery. My little apprentice usually doesn't drink Ma Feisan to others, so you have to hold on. , don’t embarrass me.”

Qin Zhaolin glared at him: "If others can hold on, I can, too. You don't need to remind me."

The two of them came to the patient room and saw a little girl of eight or nine years old arranging knives.

Wearing a mask, she said to Qin Zhaolin: "Take off your shirt."

 Qin Zhaolin glanced at Fa Xiao and couldn't help but tremble when he saw Fa Xiao looking at him expressionlessly.

Zhou Wujian saw him grinding and chirping, and ordered his disciples: "Take off the high official's coat, tie his limbs to the bamboo bed, and tie them tightly."

Zhou Hao and his second disciple followed the instructions and stepped forward to take off Qin Zhaolin's shirt. They dragged him to the bamboo bed and laid him down. Regardless of his struggle, they tied his limbs firmly to the bamboo bed.

"What are you doing?" Qin Zhaolin was anxious: "Why are you tying me up?"

“This saves trouble.” Zhou Wuchang sat on a chair nearby, picked up a medical classic and read it.

Qin Zhaolin said angrily: "I am a high-ranking official of the imperial court, and you treat me like this? How dignified is it?"

“Stop talking, it will affect my apprentice’s operation, and you will be the one who suffers.” Zhou Wuchang opened the book in his hand.

 Qin Zhaolin: “·······”

Outside the hospital room, several guards who were not allowed to enter were enjoying watching a few children riding a deer in a competition. Suddenly, they heard their master howling fiercely in the room, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

"What's going on? Do you want to go in and take a look?" a guard asked.

“No need, the little miracle doctor is operating on Lang Jun, what should we do if it affects him when we go in?” Another person believed in Master Zhou’s character, and he would definitely not harm his master. Then there were several more screams like slaughtering pigs. The guards couldn't stand any longer and hurriedly walked away, not listening to them but not bothering them.

Half an hour later, the door to the patient room was opened. Yingbao came out with the medicine box. First, she boiled and sterilized the knives in a separate jar. Then she took off her special coat and put it together with the mask in another large jar. Boil.

Charcoal was used under the jar. Chun Niang looked at the fire and asked her daughter to rest.

Yingbao now has great experience in treating back gangrene, and uses common herbs, such as dandelion, thistle, honeysuckle, etc., which can be picked in the wild.

Moreover, when she encounters patients who are not seriously ill, she only needs to give them herbs boiled with Pupil Spring. There is no need to use Wudingzhi, and the patient recovers well.

This saves oneself a lot of Wudingzhi, and also allows the patient to spend less money.

Three days later, Qin Zhaolin was finally able to go out for a walk, and even went to the village school with Zhou Wuchang.

Li Xu saw the extraordinary popularity, and immediately clasped his fists and saluted: "Li Xu, a late student, has met Mr."

“No need to be polite.” Qin Zhaolin waved his hand and started chatting with him.

When I learned that Li Xu was only in his twenties and was going to take the exam next year, I couldn't help but nodded with approval and asked him a few questions on the spot.

The content of the rural examination includes not only the Four Books and Five Classics and the Analects of Confucius, but also the opinions on current affairs and government affairs. If the candidates have little insight into these, they will probably fail the exam.

Li Xu answered seriously and to the point. He was very young and had his own opinions.

Qin Zhaolin suddenly became interested in talents and immediately gave him guidance.

Zhou Wucheng was like this and went to the martial arts training ground next to the school to watch the children practice martial arts.

His two young apprentices were also practicing fighting here, each holding a wooden knife in their hands and attacking each other.

Zhou Wuchang looked at it expressionlessly, feeling that this sword technique was very familiar.

Once upon a time, there was a man who was very good at swordsmanship, but he was shot to death by the enemy's arrows.

That amazingly talented young man from the Zhong family will never come back.

However, it is said that he had a son, but he did not know where he was.

Zhou Wuchang looked at Zhang Meng carefully again.

He didn't know this man, and he didn't know if he was a subordinate of General Zhong.

I can’t ask myself.

Because after General Zhong’s father and son died in the battle, another son of the Zhong family rebelled. Later, he was suppressed by the court and the nine members of the Zhong family were killed.

So many members of the Zhong family army fled the army and disappeared.

Yingbao and his second senior brother danced the sword technique several times and practiced unarmed combat several times before putting away the wooden sword and going home.

Zhang Minze still sparred with Jiang Wu.

He doesn’t believe in evil, and he can’t beat a seven-year-old baby.

A few days later, Qin Zhaolin's back was completely healed and he set off for Qinchuan County. Before leaving, he took several bottles of sesame oil and Jiangjiasao's miso.

Zhou Wuchang returned with his eldest apprentice, but did not bring his second apprentice and his younger apprentice Ying Bao.

Ying Bao was so happy that he couldn't leave, but Zhang Min was very depressed. He always felt that the master didn't want him anymore.

Hurry up the progress and let Yingbao grow up immediately.