"Although the honey locust tree is good as a tree wall, it can only block Xiaoxiao. The real enemy has a hundred ways to remove this obstacle. For now, you can either build a wall around it, or build a few in the four corners of the village. High tower, always alert to the situation outside. "

Zhou Wuchang said: "However, the number of men in your village is not enough to fight against the enemy with more than 500 people. If you want to win, you have to arrange it well and train men who can cope with the enemy from time to time."

Yingbao was discouraged.

She thought the master had some good ideas, so she gave this opinion.

It is okay to train the villagers. After all, they experienced rogue bandits last time, but how to arrange them?

No matter how it is arranged, it is estimated that financial support is indispensable.

Yingbao planted dozens of kudzu vines and scattered many herbs and wild vegetable seeds.

Like astragalus, mugwort, snake bed, commelina, mugwort, plantain, etc., and also sprinkled some bracken seeds in the field.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of Zhou Wuchang and his senior brother, he took out a small gourd and watered the newly planted kudzu vines and various herbal seeds.

Zhou Wuchang asked curiously: "Yingbao, since you can put things in and take them out, can you go in yourself?"

Ying Bao blinked.

She hasn’t tried to see if she can go in, but she has taken her chickens and hedgehogs in. She probably can go in, otherwise, how can she eat in the cave?

Yingbao glanced at his master and shook his head: "No, we can only collect things, not living people."

Zhou Wuchang is a little regretful.

But I have made a profit by meeting such a living treasure.

Perhaps this child is the key to his success.

In the evening, Ying Bao and her master and brother returned home. Chun Niang and Mrs. Xu also made pork and leek dumplings and were preparing to cook them.

When he saw Master Zhou and his disciples coming back, he invited them to sit down.

Yingbao didn't see her younger brother and the others, so she went back to the school to call for help.

Now that Li Xu has gone to take the exam, there is no one teaching in the advanced class. The twenty students in the classroom are mainly studying on their own, or practicing the art of archery with Zhang Meng.

Some people who don't like to practice martial arts play chess according to chess and music scores or play the piano to practice chess skills and music.

Jiang Jie and Jiang Wu are still at the martial arts training ground, competing with Wei Zhan, Huzi Yuanbao, Zhang Min and others.

Also competing with them were the children in the village, including the little demon.

“Come home and eat dumplings!” Ying Bao shouted a few times, then went to find her father and Mr. Wu.

When the children heard about eating dumplings, they immediately became energetic.

Zhang Min took everyone to the pond to wash their hands and faces, and then the group returned to Jiang Sanlang's house.

Chunniang and the others made a lot of dumplings and put several plaques on them.

When cooking, two large pots are used together, and the dumplings will be out of the pot quickly.

Jiang Sanlang and Mr. Wu also rushed back, and everyone sat at two big tables to eat dumplings.

Seeing that there were not enough dumplings, Ying Bao took out a few jars of juice and wine from the house.

Mr. Wu loves this one the most, and he drinks it with Zhou Wuchang.

After dinner, Ying Bao called her father and mother into her room and said to them: "Dad, mother, don't blink and see if I am in the room."

Speaking, he instantly entered the cave.

She wandered around the cave for a long time and buried many seeds in the soil.

When he showed up later, his parents were shocked.

"Bao'er, you disappeared just now." Chun Niang grabbed her daughter and asked nervously: "Did you learn the invisibility technique from Master Zhou?"

There are rumors among the people that Taoist priests have magical powers that can make people invisible by covering their eyes with a leaf. It seems to be true.

Yingbao asked: "Then how long have I been missing?"

Jiang Sanlang: "It takes just one stick of incense."

Yingbao nodded.    It’s about the same time as I estimated.

She grabbed A Niang again and said, "Mom, let me try to see if I can take you invisible together."

Chunniang didn’t know what to say, so she could only nod in agreement.

 Ying Bao grabbed Chun Niang, went in and recited it silently, and then reappeared in the cave.

Looking at A Niang who came in with him, Ying Bao was a little excited.

You can actually bring people in! That's great!

And if she can completely enter the cave, she won't be afraid of meeting bad people in the future.

Chunniang was already stunned by the sight in front of her.

She pointed around with trembling hands and asked, "Bao'er, where is this? You, are you really a fairy boy?"

Yingbao smiled with crooked eyes: "I am not a fairy boy, but I have a magical cave."

's I don't know what's going on with this sudden appearance of the cave. Anyway, it happened in my last life, and I'm still following her in this life. I think the cave must be my own place.

Chunniang looked at the rows of mushroom jars, then at the pool not far away, rubbed her eyes, poured a handful of water from the edge of the pool, and then breathed it on her face.

Water is cool and refreshing.

“Bao’er, it turns out that Golden Ear is from here?” Chun Niang looked at the giant luminous ball in the pool again and asked, “Is that the sun?”

Yingbao shook his head: "It's not the sun, but it will shine."

Chun Niang gradually recovered from the shock, walked to the pool, touched the big gourd boat floating by the water, and exclaimed: "It turns out that Bao'er has had magical objects since he was a child. These big gourds were planted by Bao'er himself, not gods. Granted.”

"Yeah." Yingbao didn't deny it, and said, "I originally wanted to grow more food, but I can't do it alone."

Chun Niang suddenly opened her eyes wide and said, "You can bring your parents in from now on, and we will help you plant."

My daughter’s place is extraordinary at first glance. It would be a waste not to plant something.

No wonder what I grow at home is better than what others grow. It turns out there is a pool of good water. It takes three or four years for other people's fruit trees to bloom and bear fruit. My own trees bloomed in the second year and were already full of fruit in the third year.

Yingbao also has this intention.

She doesn’t know how to take care of farmland, and she hasn’t carefully planned what to plant or not to plant. Anyway, she just chooses delicious things to plant.

After the fruit trees that can be planted bloom and bear fruit, much of the fruit is wasted.

Making wine is too tedious, cooking juice is also very tiring, and I have to make pills myself. There are so many things to be busy with, and it’s really a bit overwhelming.

Chunniang originally wanted to do it now, because she saw that the golden fungus and snow fungus were all ripe. If she didn't pick them, they might wither and dry up.

But her husband was still waiting outside, and she was afraid that he would make a fuss if he got impatient. "Bao'er, let's go out first and see if you can bring your father in."

"Okay." Ying Bao nodded, took A Niang's arm, and went out silently, and then the two of them appeared in front of Jiang Sanlang.

Jiang Sanlang was indeed anxious, but he did not dare to move even half a step away, so he stood straight in place for a quarter of an hour.

When I saw my wife and daughter coming out, I couldn't help but ask, "Where have you been?"

Chunniang pursed her lips and smiled: "You'll know later."

After saying this, he motioned to his daughter to take action.

Yingbao was just about to try to see if she could bring the two of them in, so she grabbed her parents' arms and ducked into the cave.

It turns out it’s possible.

She was pleasantly surprised.

In this case, she will no longer be afraid of female protagonists and male protagonists.

When I encountered the soldiers, I took my family to hide in the cave.