Yingbao nodded: "Yes."

Mrs. Lu smiled and said: "I have heard about it before, but I have never seen it. I didn't expect such a smart child."

“Madam, you are so complimentary.” Ying Bao said politely.

Mrs. Yao, who was sitting next to her, snorted coldly and turned her head to talk to the other lady.

Mrs. Lu asked: "How old are you this year?"


“Have you got engaged yet?”


"Oh, why hasn't such a good child been engaged yet?" Mrs. Lu's smile deepened and she said softly: "To be honest, I have a little girl who is also sixteen years old and refuses to get married. Oh, it's true. I’m so worried.”

Ying Bao: "Eighteen is the right time to get married. Your little daughter is reluctant to leave home."

"No." Mrs. Lu sighed: "I also want to keep her for a few more years, but other men are already engaged. If she stays, it will be a delay."

ˆ Yingbao:.

Why do all mothers have the same idea? Her mother seemed to have said the same thing.

Mrs. Lu took a sip from the tea bowl in front of her and asked in a low voice: "County Master, is your brother engaged?"

Yingbao blinked: "It's almost time. I'll make a decision after the New Year."

The family has already sent their younger brother's Gengtie to the Luo family, and the Luo family has also given Luo Zhao's Gengtie to the matchmaker, waiting for Si Tianjian to put it on duty, and then take it to make a deal.

Mrs. Lu looked regretful, and then said: "My little girl has the same temperament as the county master. I will ask her to leave a post for you later, so that you two can get to know each other and become best friends."

“Thank you, madam, for your love.”

The two chatted for a while, and Concubine Chen Hui's mother also came over and greeted Ying Bao with a smile: "My daughters are about the same age as the Lord of Qinchuan County, so you must be able to chat."

Yingbao smiled.

As he was talking, he suddenly heard the chamberlain singing:

“Empress Hui is here!”

“The Concubine Xian is here!”

“The Concubine Shu is here!”

“The Imperial Concubine is here!”

When everyone heard this, they quickly stood up and knelt down at the table.

 Ying Bao knelt behind Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Lu, and quietly raised her head to take a look.

I saw four concubines filing in, wearing splendid clothes and jingling rings. Their steps on the golden crowns swayed gently, and long ribbons trailed behind them, like flowers in bloom.

They were followed by several concubines and a group of maids and chamberlains.

The fourth concubine sat down behind the four tables at the main table, and several concubines sat on either side of the table.

The palace maids stood behind the four concubines, each holding a long-handled barrier fan. The rest of the palace ladies held ritual utensils in their hands and stood at the back.

The person in charge, Concubine Chen Hui, said: "Everyone is safe."

The ladies then got up.

Chen Huifei: "Sit down, don't be restrained."

Everyone should sit down in their seats.

Following that, Concubine Chen Hui said some hard words, and then the palace servants served food and fruit drinks.

Ying Bao found that the dishes on his side were richer than those on Aniang’s side, with a few more dishes.

Even the vessels used to hold food are different.

Even so, the ladies of the house are extremely cautious when eating, and put down their chopsticks after only taking a bite.

During the banquet, there were performances by geishas from the Jiaofang Division and acrobats performing acrobatics.

A little girl bent her body in half and used her mouth to pick up the silk flowers under the colorful stool.

Ying Bao was not in any good mood and finally waited until the palace banquet was over.

The fourth concubine left with a group of people, and many concubines followed to see their concubines and daughters, so only low-ranking concubines were left in the hall.

After leaving the main hall, Ying Bao waited for A Niang and others to come over, and then left the palace with them.

After walking out of the Huitong Gate and getting on the carriage, Ying Bao remembered what the emperor's master had told her, to go to the Zichen Hall to see the young talents.

forget it.

You can tell something by just looking at the appearance.

"County Lord, stay!" An urgent voice came from behind the car.

Meixiang turned around and saw that it was the **** from the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Yingbao stopped the carriage and saw a teenage **** running in front of the carriage and panting: "County Master, Your Majesty asked you to go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

“What are you doing in the Hall of Supreme Harmony?” Ying Bao asked.

"I don't know." The little **** secretly wiped his forehead with his sleeve. "The Holy Spirit said that if you don't go, I will marry you directly."


Her master is becoming increasingly unreliable.

He turned to Chun Niang and said, "Mom, you go home first, Mei Xiang and I will go take a look."

“Okay.” The emperor wanted to arrange Luo Yingbao’s marriage, and Chun Niang was actually very happy.

Now that my daughter's status is high, she and her husband are unable to find a suitable husband for her, so it is better to hand over the initiative to her daughter's master.

It is said that once a teacher is always a father, Zhou Wuchang can be regarded as Yingbao's elder in the family, and he will definitely find a good home for her.

Ying Bao got off the carriage and walked towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony with Mei Xiang and Lan Xiang.

When we walked to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, we saw many old ministers heading outside the palace.

Yingbao hesitated for a moment and followed the young **** to Liuyuan next to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In Liuyuan, some young officials were talking together in twos and threes and seemed not to notice the woman coming.

“Yingbao?” A male voice sounded next to him.

Yingbao turned around and saw Wei Zhan and Wen Hengyin standing together, with Zhang Min, Zhou Hao, and Jiang Jie and Jiang Wuhuzi standing next to them.

“Huh? When did you enter Beijing?” Yingbao asked.

Wei Zhan chuckled: "Early this morning."

He, Wen Hengyin and Zhang Min rode quickly and slowly, just in time for the palace banquet on New Year's Day.

"No wonder." She said, how could this kid not go to find Hu Zi and Jiang Wu when he came to Beijing? He didn't have time.

 Wei Zhan scratched his head, glanced at Ying Bao, and whispered: "Ying Bao, come here, I have something to tell you."

“What are you talking about?” Ying Bao glanced at the others and followed Wei Zhan to the side.

"That's it...I heard from Huzi that aunt wants to choose a family for you."

Wei Zhan was a little surprised: "I...I want to tell you..."

“What did you say?” Yingbao was curious.

 Could it be that this boy wants to propose himself as a pillow mat... no, propose himself as a bride?

Wei Zhan gritted his teeth and puffed up his chest: "Well, what do you think of me?"

Ying Bao’s lips twitched and she looked him over: “It’s not bad, just a little dark.”

"You..." Wei Zhan said helplessly, "If I cover it for a few days, it will be white."


“It’s true! I’m dark because I sunbathe outside.” Wei Zhan patted his chest and said, “Besides, my mother is fair and my father is fair too, so I’m dark for no reason.”

Ying Bao resisted the urge to laugh: "Okay, I believe it."

Wei Zhan bared his white teeth and smiled: "Then I will report it to the Holy One."

Yingbao nodded.

Since she must choose, Wei Zhan is the best choice.

At least he has a clear mind and can see to the end at a glance.

Wei Zhan was so happy that he opened his mouth and ran towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

After receiving Huzi's letter, he didn't dare to delay for a moment. He rushed day and night and finally caught up.

Yingbao watched Wei Zhan run away happily, feeling a warm feeling in his heart.

Turning around, he suddenly saw his younger brothers Jiang Jie and Jiang Wu approaching.

“Sister, did you choose Wei Zhan?” Jiang Jie asked.

Yingbao nodded.

“Why not choose Wen Hengyin?” Jiang Wu asked.

Yingbao was confused: "Why choose Wen Hengyin?"

Jiang Wu: "I wrote to Wen Hengyin, saying that you wanted to choose a son-in-law and asked him if he would come over. But when he came, you chose Wei Zhan."