These days, in order to increase revenue, reduce expenditure, and increase income, Yingbao had several large mushroom sheds and two baking ovens built in the house, and called on all the servants and guards to come and watch her grow mushrooms.

This time she mainly grows snow fungus, because it tastes better than gold fungus and is cheaper, making it more acceptable to ordinary people.

There are also a lot of golden fungus planted, but not as much as snow fungus.

These bacterial strains were brought from Dongchen Village, Qinchuan County, and then soaked in Pupil Spring. The bacteria emergence rate is very high.

When this batch of fungi matures, Yingbao wants to distribute some of the fungi to poor families in various villages, so that they can do side jobs in their free time, increase their income, improve their lives, and grow some of them themselves. After all, there are still more than 40 people living outside. A person who does things for himself.

Of course, the bacteria cannot be given away for free. The villagers must sign a contract. After the finished product is sold for money, the money for the bacteria will be returned.

Everyone in the house studied seriously, including the guards, and secretly asked Mu Dan if he could sell some of the bacteria to them. They wanted to send it back to their hometown.

Mu Dan said with a straight face: "There are not enough bacteria at the moment. When there are extra, you can ask the princess yourself."

A month and a half later, it happened to be May.

Five thousand snow ears and two thousand golden ears are ripe.

Everyone in the Princess's Mansion worked together and harvested all the mushrooms in half a day. Some of them were dried and some were baked.

To this end, Yingbao specially hired two pharmacists from an outside pharmacy who were good at baking medicinal materials and asked them to help bake the mushrooms.

A few days later, the mushrooms were dried one after another, and more than 500 kilograms of mushrooms were obtained.

Yingbao sent Chu Shun to transport all the dried mushrooms to Qinchuan County and handed them to his elder brother Jiang Cheng for sale.

Because his specialty shop is very famous in the local area and sells the most gold fungus and snow fungus in the shop. If you leave it to him, you can earn a lot more money.

A few days later, Chu came back with more than 6,000 taels of silver, which just solved Ying Bao's urgent need.

You must know that Yingbaotou has spent a lot of money on solving the livelihood issues of the villagers, but it has not yet achieved results.

The five hundred looms that were loaned out have not yet been repaid, and the more than forty temporary servants have to be paid monthly.

In addition to supporting the servants, guards and horses of the whole house, everything costs money.

But within a few days of being happy, as the summer harvest began, the temporary servants came back to report, and the officials and gentry in various villages and towns began to make frequent moves to collect taxes.

They exchanged the rotten food with the villagers' food, and also used big fights and small fights to harm the people.

Wei Zhan immediately brought a group of guards to check, and sure enough, it was so.

“Bring them all back to the Yamen! Hand them over to the county magistrate!”

Wei Zhan turned to look at Li Zheng: "Do you know?"

Li Zheng was frightened and shook his head repeatedly: "How could I have known that they would do this? If I had known earlier."

Before he could finish speaking, Wei Zhan waved his hand: "Since you don't know, I will tell you now. If anyone dares to oppress the people in the future, he will not be lenient!"

His voice was high-pitched, deliberately being heard by everyone present.

The common people whispered, and some directly knelt down in front of Wei Zhan and shouted, "Master Qingtian."

Seeing that the heat was almost there, Wei Zhan called in four temporary officers and asked them to take over the work of the previous officers.

"When you collect grain, you are not allowed to be short of jin or liang, and you are not allowed to engage in malpractice for personal gain. You must not collect the damp and moldy food into the warehouse, and you must not collect the food mixed with sand and gravel. Do you understand?" Wei Zhan glanced at the crowd.

Four temporary officers quickly assured: "Young master, I understand. General, don't worry, we will definitely check it!"

"Okay, you can continue to collect grain!" Wei Zhan left two guards here to maintain order, while he took the rest back to the county town.

Having walked halfway, countless arrows were suddenly shot out from the woods on both sides.

 Wei Zhan was stunned and knew that he could not rush forward at this moment. After all, he had been fighting in the army for many years, and he knew that there must be snagging ropes or other traps on the road ahead, and even the rear might also be ambushed.

Now the only thing is to go to the left or right and attack them one by one.

"Follow me and rush this way!" Wei Zhan drew out his sword and rushed towards the slightly flat woods on one side.

More than thirty guards followed closely behind, not even leaving behind the injured ones, and rushed into the woods together.

Fortunately, this area of ​​​​the forest is not dense, and there are only some dwarf pines. Wei Zhan sat on the back of his horse and soon saw about 20 people dressed as villagers fleeing into the distance.

"Catch them!" Wei Zhan clamped his horse's belly and rushed towards those people. He caught up with one person, slashed him with a knife, and then chased the next one.

More than 30 guards also gave chase and quickly cut down a dozen of the arrow-wielding men, while the remaining few quickly fled away.

"Don't be too eager to fight!" Wei Zhan called back the guards who were still chasing, pointed at the few people who were still alive and said, "Bring them here!"

Several guards dismounted, slipped over a few who were less seriously injured, and threw them in front of Wei Zhan's horse.

Wei Zhan looked at the people coldly and asked, "Who sent you here?"

Several people were trembling with fear, but did not dare to speak.

“If you don’t say anything, just kill him!” Wei Zhan winked to the left and right.

The guard understood, went over with a **** knife, and chopped off a man's head with one blow.

The others screamed in fear and knelt down one after another and kowtowed: "I say, I say! It was Yuan Wai Zhang who ordered us to ambush the official. We are all good citizens. Please spare our lives, official! Please spare our lives!"

Zhang Yuanwai? The tycoon who was killed to scare the monkeys last year seems to have the surname Zhang too, right?

“Take a few of them away, take the corpses and arrows with you, and let’s go back to the county seat quickly!” If we don’t leave, that Zhang Yuanwai will definitely have someone behind him.

The guards immediately carried the body on horseback, and the injured people were also taken away.

Wei Zhan urged his horse to gallop along the field ridge until he ran out of the area. Then he re-entered the official road and headed straight for the county seat.

They did not seek help at the inn, but ran into the city without stopping, arrived at the gate of the county government office, and dumped the body directly on the ground.

Several injured guards returned to the princess's mansion and reported the situation to the princess.

When Yingbao heard that Wei Zhan was ambushed halfway, he suddenly became nervous and asked, "Is Yibin injured?"

“Princess, don’t worry, the general is not injured. Several of our brothers are injured, but they are not serious problems. We are asking the government doctor to deal with it.” said the captain of the guard.

Ying Bao breathed a sigh of relief and took out a pack of pills and handed them to the captain of the guard, "There are powders for wound medicine and medicine for internal use. Take it and distribute it to everyone."

The captain of the guard was not polite, took the medicine bag, and said with a fist, "Thank you, Princess."

"You guys can rest at home and wait until your injuries recover before you go on duty," Ying Bao said.

“Yes!” The guard captain withdrew.

Yingbao immediately put on his formal attire, put on his royal crown, and led a team of ceremonial guards out of the mansion to go to the county government office.

At this time, many people gathered around the county government office, and they were talking about it.

I saw two guards saying loudly: "These are assassins who assassinated our general in broad daylight! You all come here to identify yourself. Do you know anyone familiar? Whose family did they work for before? If what they said is true, we The general has a reward!"

The guard shouted several times, and sure enough, someone came to check.

But most of them don’t know them.

A man in ragged clothes said: "Official, I know these people!" (End of this chapter)