Yingbao and Wei Zhan talked and gestured, then took out a handful of candy and handed it to the dirty, bare-chested children.

The child took it and immediately put it in his mouth.

In an instant, they screamed with joy and circled around Yingbao, wanting to beg for another piece of her.

Yingbao took a branch and drew a few pictures on the ground, meaning that if he wanted to eat sweets, he had to exchange crops at home.

It doesn’t matter, even vegetable seedlings are fine.

Most children didn't understand, but the adult savages did. They immediately went home to find some seeds and gave them to the black-haired witch.

Yingbao took the seeds and looked at them one by one, and found that there was a very strange crop, about the same size as soybeans, long and flat.

She gestured with her hands to communicate with them: "Can this be eaten?"

Huang Curly nodded.

In the end, Yingbao exchanged wheat with them for a lot of these beans.

When she left, those people kept asking her if she would come again in the future, as if she was very reluctant to leave.

Ying Bao thought for a while, and with a wave of his hand, he built two neat rows of thatched houses for them.

The yellow curly haired savages were shocked and knelt down one by one to thank them.

Yingbao and Wei Zhan left and went to several places to collect a lot of crop seeds.

“It turns out that there are so many races under the same sky as us.” When Wei Zhan saw a group of dark savages, he couldn’t help but sigh.

These savages are really considered savages. They can only make strange clicking noises. They are all naked, men, women and children. They live in short shacks made of tree branches. They eat raw meat and drink raw blood. They are thinned to a handful of bones but have considerable strength. Seeing Wei Zhan Yu Yingbao, howling and throwing stones and spears, was more barbaric than the yellow-haired savages.

Ying Bao saw that these savages didn't even know how to plant. They obviously owned a large area of ​​fertile land, but they were like monkeys in the forest. When they were hungry, they would hunt and pick wild fruits. When they were full, they would lie on the ground motionless, or they would mate.

Seeing this, Wei Zhan quickly pulled his wife away.

After several twists and turns, they finally found a city.

Even though it is a city, there are not many people in it. Most of the houses are very rough, and the streets are smelly and muddy, filled with the excrement of sheep, horses and humans.

Wei Zhan saw more than once that people living in stone houses poured their feces and urine directly into the street. Maggots and flies were everywhere.

Suffering from nausea, Wei Zhan dragged his wife and ran away again.

Yingbao held him back and whispered, "Let's buy some things before we leave."

Finally found a city-like place, and she wanted to see what specialties there were.

“Okay.” Wei Zhan covered his mouth and nose with his collar, followed Ying Bao and looked around.

There are very few shops in the city. If you ignore the tall stone castles, it looks like a market town.

Ying Bao quickly found a jewelry store, took out two porcelain vases and asked, "Do you want this?"

The jewelry store clerk's eyes widened. Although he didn't understand what the black-haired stranger said, he still understood what she meant.

The boy ran into the inner room and said to a middle-aged man: "Sir, a stranger comes to the store to sell oriental porcelain."

The middle-aged man stood up and hurried to the store, and sure enough he saw two exquisite porcelain pieces on the counter.

I saw beautiful and graceful oriental beauties painted on the porcelain, as well as exotic flowers and plants, and a few lines of incomprehensible square characters.

That’s right, this is the Oriental porcelain that is hard to find.


The middle-aged man looked at the oriental men and women in front of him and saw that they were all dressed in gorgeous oriental silks. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

In all the years I have been in business, this is the first time I have seen someone wearing such exquisite silk clothes. The hem of the skirt has been dragged to the ground. It is really a waste of natural resources.

He rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you want to sell porcelain vases?" Ying Bao and Wei Zhan looked at him.

The middle-aged man held out a finger: "A gold coin, a pair of porcelain bottles." He actually wanted to say a silver coin, but he didn't dare to say it, not because he was afraid of them, but because he was in awe of the silk they were wearing.

In order to make the two of them understand, the middle-aged bearded uncle took out a gold coin from his pocket, shook it, and pointed at two porcelain vases: "One gold coin, two porcelain vases."

Yingbao roughly understood. He raised his hand and turned it over again: "Ten gold coins."

She saw that the coins in the man's hands were indeed made of gold, weighing about four cents each.

Four coins of gold can probably be exchanged for four taels of silver. The porcelain vase I took out only cost one tael of silver.

The middle-aged man frowned and stared at Ying Bao displeasedly: "Ten gold coins for a pair of porcelain? Are you crazy!"

Seeing his unkind tone, Ying Bao also darkened her face and took the porcelain vase away.

The middle-aged bearded man was shocked when he saw that this woman knew how to do witchcraft. He quickly shouted: "Stop!"

However, Yingbao and Wei Zhanli ignored him and left directly.

The middle-aged bearded man chased them out, but there was no trace of the two of them, and he couldn't help but beat his chest.

His silk just ran away.

Yingbao took Wei Zhan to several places, and finally reached an agreement with a duke in the city to sell him a batch of silk and some porcelain.

The Duke was very generous. He accepted the dozens of pieces of silk and more than a dozen pieces of dishes and porcelain vases that Ying Bao brought out, and gave them gold coins on the spot.

Ying Bao happily went home with Wei Zhan with a big bag of gold coins he had earned.

Wei Zhan stayed in Shenfu and began to plant the crops they bought.

A few days later, the crops matured one after another. There was a rhizome-shaped crop with a very high grain yield. One tree could produce a large bunch. Wei Zhan called this crop Didan.

People in a certain place use this as their staple food. They wash it, boil it in water, peel it off and eat it like this.

“Yingbao, we will give the eggs to the villagers to grow.” Wei Zhan happily gave the cooked eggs to his wife to taste.

In the future, people will definitely not go hungry if they have this kind of crops.

Yingbao picked up a hard-boiled ground egg and took a bite. It was indeed delicious. "I didn't expect that there were such high-yielding crops in that place. Wei Zhan, let's go for a walk after a while. Maybe we can still get some more." Find more high-yielding crops.”

Now it seems that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, but in fact many people in the countryside still have insufficient food and clothing.

Originally, the fields produced about one or two shi of grain per acre, and they could barely survive excluding taxes. If there was another natural disaster, the whole family would have to drink from the northwest wind. The egg yield per acre of this kind of land is extremely high. One acre of land can produce about a thousand catties.

The yield per mu is more than 1,000 catties. After paying taxes, the remaining amount is enough to feed a large family.

“Okay!” Wei Zhan happily cast spells in the field to stimulate the growth of crops.

This time he and his wife got a lot of strange crops from outside. He wanted to plant them one by one and check them, and select the most efficient ones for the villagers to plant.

Nuannuan ran over, followed by Jiang Jie’s youngest son Jiang Qi. "Dad! Mom! What are you doing?"

Yingbao: "Your father is growing vegetables. You happen to be practicing Changchun Jue, so you should go and help."

“Okay!” Nuan Nuan ran over, her fingers flew, and she pinched out magic spells one after another.

The seedlings grow slowly, like dancing girls.

Ying Bao sat in the rocking chair and watched this scene quietly, her thoughts flying far away.

If the population of Dazhou is large enough, she wants to send them to various parts of the world to thrive there.

From now on, the whole world will be in a state of chaos.