Yan Yu has been in this world for more than three years.

During these more than three years, she did several important things in human life: marriage, pregnancy, divorce, and childbirth.

And she gave birth to six children in one birth!

…oh no, six seeds!

But unfortunately, only two of the six seeds germinated, and the other four were still quietly staying in the soil. For three years, there was no movement of germination at all.

Yan Eucalyptus squatted by the soil, looked at the empty soil surface, brushed the round leaves on his head, and sighed very sadly.

She has nothing to do if the child doesn't sprout, because the 30 million divorce fee given by her ex-husband has been used up.

The 30 million was only enough for her to give birth to a child, restore her body, and let her two children germinate by the way.

Just as Yan An looked at the soil and sighed, a lemon tree quickly moved over from a distance.

The lemon tree is about half a person tall, and its branches and leaves are a bit thin, not as good as those big lemon trees with lush branches.

However, its leaves are green and green, and the only lemon on it is yellow and orange, which makes people want to swallow their mouths when they look at it.

In addition to the lemon, the tree is also entwined with the vines of another plant, and a bitter melon grows abruptly on it.

The lemon tree moved quickly in the soil with the bitter gourd, and soon arrived beside Yan Eucalyptus.

Bitter Melon slowly jumped down from the lemon tree, and turned into a three-year-old milk doll as soon as it landed.

After the lemon tree saw the bitter gourd fall to the ground, it transformed into a child of about the same age.

The two milk dolls are both white and tender, which is very painful.

Lemon baby has big eyes, long eyelashes, and a lemon leaf on top of its head, which is shaking gently.

The bitter gourd baby also has big eyes, but he is born with a bitter gourd face, like 'ah, why is Guasheng so tired, it's so boring. ’ The sense of depression.

The little girl Yan Mengmeng imitated her mother and squatted beside the field where her younger brothers and sisters were planted, and looked at it with her chin propped up: "Mom, when will my younger brothers and sisters germinate?"

Kid Yan Kuku watched his brother's movements, opened his mouth slightly, walked slowly to the other side of Yan Yu with his short legs, sat down on his buttocks, then quietly stared blankly, and continued to think with a bitter face Life.

Yan Yu thought for a while, touched the elder son's leaves, and replied seriously: "When mother has money, younger brothers and sisters will be able to germinate."

Yan Mengmeng asked again: "Then when will mom be rich?"

Yan Yu fell into silence.

She turned to look at her second son.

Yan Kuku looked at her with a bitter face: ah? What?

Yan Yu poked Yan Kuku's bitter face, turned his smart almond eyes, and suddenly stood up, clenched his fists, and said with high spirits: "Mom is going out to make money! Mengmeng Kuku, you want to be with me Shall we go together?"

Yan Mengmeng immediately said: "Yes! I want to be with my mother."

Yan Kuku glanced at his brother, put his little hands on the ground, climbed up, and then patted his little hands that were stained with dirt: "Brother, go, I will go too."

So Yan An packed his luggage, with a lemon in his left pocket and a bitter gourd in his right pocket. After telling them not to transform into human form when they were outside, he left this small enchantment.

The enchantment is in the depths of an alley, and there is a small lake in the depths, and there is a weed field on the opposite side of the lake.

This is also the place where Eucalyptus traveled through three years ago.

Before transmigrating, she was originally a copper money plant deep in the spiritual mountain in the world of cultivating immortals, and then she gradually developed spiritual wisdom and began a long period of cultivation.

Two hundred years have passed, and Yan Yu has made some small achievements in cultivation, the kind that is more than enough than the first, and the life is very comfortable and leisurely.

Until one day she had a whim and wanted to have her own child, life began to become difficult.

These copper money plants reproduce asexually, as long as they want to give birth, they can easily produce a bunch of copper money plants anytime, anywhere, and they don't need a man at all.

No, the copper money grass family can even give birth to boys casually. After all, if you cut off one of your own stems and leaves and put it in the water for a few days, you can grow a child! The baby will soon be able to have a baby! Children and grandchildren are endless!

But only words can't do it!

Her friends who grew up have countless children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren...

If you can't fight alone when you go out, you can drag your family to besiege!

It can be said that Eucalyptus has always been a lonely and pitiful copper money plant.

She worked hard to learn the knowledge of reproduction, and asked the elders of the clan to look at her body. She couldn't find the reason, but she just couldn't give birth.

The stems and leaves that Yan Eucalyptus cut off to give birth to children will wither in the water, and then turn into fertilizer in the water.

According to the current society, she said that she was a sterile money plant!

Later, the pigeon friend who knew her situation said casually: "Then why don't you find a man to double cultivate, maybe it will be done?"

Yan Press's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself that this method is really good, a dead horse should be a living horse doctor.

She pulled her head, pulled out a piece of copper money grass leaf, and stuffed it into the hand of her friend: "cleaning heat and detoxifying, I'll make tea for you!"

Then he ran away happily.

Finding a man to double cultivate is not sloppy at all, there is only one condition, and that is to be good-looking!

Only when parents are good-looking can children be good-looking.

She said that as the most beautiful woman of the copper money grass clan, that is, the clan flower, how could the child she gave birth be ugly!

So the father of the child must be the most handsome person in the world.

But the most handsome person in the world is Emperor Lingyan of Lingyan Cave Mansion.

As a little money grass, Yan Yu has never seen such a big man before. But people who have seen him say he is handsome, very handsome, super invincible handsome.

But this Great Emperor Lingyan has a very bad reputation, no matter the gods, demons or ghosts in the whole world, they are not afraid of him.

After all, he is not only the best in appearance, but also the best in strength, and has a bad temper.

If you don't move, you will be out of your wits.

Such a person, Yan Yu is very self-aware, and she can't do double cultivation. So Yan Yu became the second handsome man, but the second handsome man was also a majestic figure, so she didn't dare.

Yan An took the roster and crossed out names one by one from top to bottom, just when she had confirmed the 1008th player and thought she could give it a try.

...... The world is ruined.

At that time, she was planning to go to the No. 1008 double repair contestant, but before she stepped out of her luxurious small lake, the whole world began to collapse.

She passed out.

When Yan An woke up, she became a copper money plant growing in the depths of the dilapidated alley by the lake, and came to the present modern world.

The cultivation base is there, but there is no external aura in this world. Without aura, the spells she learned would be useless.

But she is a money grass, as long as she has money, she can transform her own money into inner aura, and then she can do some things. For example, make a small enchantment for yourself to give birth to a child, and let the child germinate.

Although she didn't know why, what she gave birth to was not copper money grass, but six seeds.

And after the seeds germinate, one is a lemon tree and the other is a bitter melon.

What are the remaining four, she does not know now.

Maybe it's because the object of double cultivation with me is a human being.

It is normal for people and money grass to produce a bunch of plant seeds.

No way, at least no animals were born!

Yan Yu shook his head to make sure the leaves on top of his head didn't come out, then walked out of the alley, took the two children, and walked towards the nearest subway station according to the picture in his memory.

She had to audition for a variety show.

For the configuration of guests in this program, there is a position reserved for amateurs.

According to her friend Liang Baiyu who traveled to this world with her, if she is selected, the reward will not be small. And she can use this to become popular, and she can make money from filming in the future.

The star industry is the fastest to come in.

She now wants to use money to possess inner spiritual power, and then let the remaining four children germinate.

It only cost tens of thousands to set up a small enchantment, and she spent almost ten million for giving birth to a child and recuperating for three years.

Lemon and bitter melon sprouts are 10 million each, so add up to 30 million.

In this way, four children still need 40 million.

Yan An was sitting in the subway, with his head down, drawing small circles on the ground with his feet, and then silently settled the accounts in his heart.

At this moment, the mobile phone in her bag rang a few times, and a message came in.

Yan An raised his head and took out his mobile phone from his bag.

It's that pigeon friend Liang Baiyu, he walks upright and sits upright, and his WeChat profile picture is his selfie—a white pigeon with soft fur and shiny hair.

Cuckoo: Have you gone to the audition?

Eucalyptus wants small money: I'm on the subway, do you think I'm you?

Cuckoo: ok, as long as we are here

Eucalyptus wants a small amount of money: Liang Baiyu, don't forget to say hello to the director for me!

Cuckoo: Don’t worry, I will remember

Liang Baiyu said before that he has a good relationship with the director of the show, as long as he says something, the probability of Yan Yu being selected is 100%.

She's going to the audition now as a formality.

Although Yan Yu was not at ease about this pigeon friend, he remembered to remind himself to audition, so he should remember it if he told the director.

But she didn't know that after Liang Baiyu sent the message, he threw the phone aside, and then completely forgot about it.

She didn't know anything about it, she put the phone back in her bag, and unconsciously glanced to the side, but her eyes froze.

There were two young girls sitting next to her, and the girl closest to her was holding a mobile phone with a super-large screen, with a photo on it.

It should be a picture cut from a movie. The man's facial features are exquisite and gorgeous, and every part seems to have been carefully carved by the sky. The first time you see it, you will subconsciously hold your breath. The sound of his breathing startled him.

He was wearing a neat white shirt, gold-rimmed glasses, and holding a gun in his hand, with his lips slightly parted, and he blew on the gun with an indifferent expression, as if he was above everyone else.

And they, in his eyes, seemed to be just a speck of dust in the world, unimportant.

Yan An had seen a lot of similar expressions like this in her original world of cultivating immortals, and they usually appeared on those awesome people.

But those people can see the element of pretense.

But this man is completely natural. As if he was born to be above everyone else.

This is the ex-husband who gave Yan An 30 million in divorce fees. Now he is popular in the entertainment industry, and no one can compete with him. He is also the father of her six seeds—Qi Yan.